Plane Universe

Chapter 1420: Cliff

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Training resources?

Looking at the space ring handed over, Cheng Buyun raised his eyebrows and smiled. He didn't treat Romeo politely.

Everyone behind you needs a lot of training resources.

The cultivation of genius is a very long time.

If you don't cultivate it, you can't.

Fighting alone is never a wise thing.

High combat power can only guarantee its loyalty when it is cultivated from an early age.

"Thank you so much." Cheng Buyun felt it put away.

"It's not worth mentioning, okay, go back quickly so you don't have to get into trouble." Romeo waved his hand.

Cheng Buyun turned his head to look and nodded. Sophia tapped her head, bowed to Romeo, and then flew up into the sky to become the Phoenix metal life, suspended in the sky quietly.

After saying goodbye, Cheng Buyun carried the little Qiulan girl into Sophia's changing metal life, and then the open door under the golden phoenix's belly slowly closed, and the tail flew away.

"Sincerely send the emissaries of Buyun." Baya bent over, and there was no attitude that she would pass without Bucheng's absence.


Romeo snorted, causing Baya's heart to almost stop.

"Fortunately this time Cheng Buyun, the main angel messenger, gave me a face, or where would you tell me to put my face?" Romeo's face was very serious, and he was reprimanded at Baya.

This time the incident was ashamed of home. Fortunately, his friendship with Cheng Buyun was justified. The other party also gave him a face, otherwise he directly punished. Then he definitely made a big laugh. The strong man couldn't lift his head in front of him.

It's really abominable!

This was also his previous act of anger to kill.

In other words, everyone in the messenger of the main **** of the Bauhinia usually get along well, there is no struggle, otherwise the messengers of the other gods are replaced, and the fight is intrigued. If you want to take the lead in front of the god, it is dangerous!

"I'm neglecting management, lord, I'm sorry!" Baya kept sweating again and again.

"It also depends on your diligent and diligent service to follow me for hundreds of billions of years. Otherwise, with this serious fact, you will definitely not be able to spare you." Romeo's face was cold and he warned heavily: "This kind of thing will happen again next time." , You will solve it by yourself, lest you look angry! "


Did n’t let him commit suicide?

This is serious!

"I will not let the adults down again." Baya shuddered in fear, and quickly promised, "This time I will choose the family that will take care of Amethyst Wuhai. I will select them carefully and choose those with good character. Family. At the same time, I will also set up a monitoring agency on the side of Amethyst Wuhai, cross over people to monitor, and I will also go to inspect in person from time to time. "

"Well, then I will believe you again, do it well, don't let me down again, don't let me lose face again." Romeo opened his brows, and Baya's work was still guaranteed. The previous negligence and guilt also Without him, after thinking about it, he added another sentence, "Move an ordinary-level Bauhinia army in the past, so that no one will complain of nowhere, and it will also put pressure on later families."

"Yes, lord, it will be done perfectly!" Baya replied quickly and respectfully.


The golden phoenix is ​​swaying at high altitude, flying extremely fast, blinking at a speed of 100,000 miles per second, like a gorgeous meteor flying a large distance in the blink of an eye, if you do n’t pay attention, you can see what is flying in the sky , People or things?

The gravity of Hell is very strong. The God of Power, the next strongest god, has a glance of consciousness of tens of meters, so small that it ca n’t be too small, and sometimes it does n’t even have eyes.

Even if it is a superpower, the scan of the consciousness is no more than a thousand kilometers.

Therefore, the metal life of high-altitude flight is still very safe, and generally speaking, it is not dangerous.

However, the problem of high altitude has been mentioned earlier. The higher the altitude, the greater the gravity and the slower the flight.

The highest limit of metal life in the sanctuary is only 10,000 meters.

"Master, where are we going this time!" Little Qiulan looked at the flickering dark clouds outside and said curiously: "This direction is like going to the cliff, the master is thinking about where to ride the teleportation array, Go to other continents or planes? "


Cheng Buyun looked at the little girl and smiled in surprise: "I can't see it, my brain is getting smarter."

"Hee hee, it's obvious. Before, the owner and the Grand Master of the Reese Crystal Bandit had said that they were going to the Xuefeng Continent." Qiu Lan little girl nodded, "This direction is only a cliff, and the master has a black light from the master. Tokens, do n’t send money anyway. "

The golden phoenix in flight slowly adjusted its direction at this time, and ran straight towards the cliff of 1.6 billion miles away.

At Sophia's speed, 1.6 billion miles away, it takes less than ten hours to arrive.

The median **** metal life flight speed is still very fast, even if you go to the location of the next house, it is probably between half a month and January.

Unlike Lin Lei, it took eight years to fly to Hongyang Mansion next door. It took tens of hundreds of years to travel through the sea of ​​stars and fog.

The difference is difficult to calculate.

"Wow wow, it's here, the cliff is over." Little Qiu Lan pointed to a tall cliff in the sky suspended in the sky, and she smiled excitedly.

This cliff, which ignores gravity and floats thousands of meters in mid-air, looks just like any other mountain, just as ordinary.

But it is floating in the air, which is very extraordinary.

There is no support under the cliff, so it floats in mid-air, and everyone who sees it will feel the surprise.

What kind of great shore power can it achieve at this level?

Lord God?

Or is it the work of the supreme god?

No one knows this!

Above the cliff, it is very quiet, there is no people coming and going from Dachengchi, it can be said that Liao is uninhabited, and even the source beasts flying do not dare to approach this direction.

The bad environment is quiet because the cliff is the teleportation site, connecting various material planes and other **** planes, and each teleportation requires one trillion inkstones, who can afford such a price.

So naturally no one came.

But with the arrival of Sophia's changing golden phoenix, it seemed to break this calm. Some figures appeared slowly on the cliff. These figures stood on the edge of the cliff and looked towards it, looking a little surprised.

After all, they could be left with a metal life of the median **** level, and they knew that business was coming.

The golden phoenix came to the edge of the cliff in a blink of an eye, suspended and stood still in front of these Bauhinia troops, and then came out a young man of the neutral **** and a sanctuary-level metal life. Obviously this was not the master. Those Bauhinia troops did not care. Looking at the golden phoenix in the sky.

But at the next moment, a flash of golden phoenix changed into a woman and fell, standing behind the young man, already clearly showed the identity of this metal life, the young man is his master.

Bauhinia's eyes were wrong, and there was a cramp in the corner of his eyes.

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