Plane Universe

Chapter 1504: Strength and qualifications to enter the cemetery of the gods

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But I have to say that this kind of action is the most outrageous.

For the enemies, killing them for a while with a knife, then the heart was empty, and I always felt like something was wrong.

How good it is now that the enemy lives in fear all day long, like the bed bug in the dark, who is frightened every day to fear that life is better than death.

A hundred drops of the power of the Lord God, even in the city, is worthy of some powerful players.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Buyun has become so black now that people have become a little strange.

How good the character was before.

"By grandpa, when it comes to the graveyard of the gods, when the boss came back, he told me where he wanted to go with me." Bei Bella said, holding Beirut's arm, with a smile of expectation, " When will you help open it, so that we, the big brother Yun, can all get into the knowledge. "

This is what lei and babe said about land before **** came back to the magnolia continent

Returning this time, exploring the cemetery of the gods is also a matter in lei's plan. He always remembers that when he first broke into the cemetery of the gods, there was a strong call to himself deep inside.

So again, I naturally want to figure out what is going on.

But after experiencing Odin, the two brothers who were very close to him, the uncle Dixie, was wronged and died, and he didn't feel that way.

"Graveyard of the gods?"

Everyone's expressions were excited when they heard this incident. In the last millennium rebirth, I don't know why. Beirut didn't open the graveyards of the gods at all, and let them be the strongest in the sanctuary.

Although I had asked why the cemeteries of the gods were not opened this time, Beirut was unclear, and they dared not ask in detail.

"Explore the cemeteries of the gods?" Beirut raised his eyebrows and looked at Beibei and shook his head. "Bebe, you don't make much sense to go to the cemetery of the gods. You don't have to go! As for lei ..."

When Beirut said his name, lei couldn't help but just want to listen, although he wasn't in the mood, he might as well listen to it.

"Lin Lei, you really should enter this god's cemetery." Looking at lei who was looking forward, Beirut finally nodded, but he smiled lightly when lei expressed his joy, "but you are not strong enough now." "

"not enough?"

Lin Lei stunned, what is this saying?

Pinnacle is not as strong as ordinary Shura?

What strength is enough?

Although it has not erupted for hundreds of years in the Four God Beast family quiet practice, lei is very clear about his own strength positioning.

The seven-star demons at the peak level are not his opponents. At this time, his strength should be regarded as a half-step Shura level.

But there is no such rank in hell, which is considered the limit of the seven-star demon, and will soon enter the rank of Shura.

"As far as I know, your strength can reach the current level, it should be related to the Bauhinia!" Beirut chuckled: "Your true strength is still much worse."

Lord Bauhinia?

This ranking directly shocked the people in the hall.

They couldn't think of it at all. Lei, who had gone to **** for more than a thousand years, had a relationship with a great Lord God.

"That grandpa, when will the boss' strength be enough?" Babe was anxious and even asked.

Beirut first glanced at lei, then chuckled under his nervous expression, then looked at Cheng Buyun and said, "At least it's about the same level as Bu Yun."


Lei and babe are speechless.

What a joke.

Cheng Buyun's strength at this time is a bit too strong. Don't look at his strength as the seven-star demon limit. It is comparable to the Shura strongman. He can fight against the two gods and beasts family.

Even he seriously asked once, Cheng Buyun's strength is in that step, can he easily win him.

Then Cheng Buyun let him see what it means to be powerful, and flipped his hands to suppress him easily.

Not at all back, it can be said to be instantly sealed in place!

"Now you know, how much worse you are." Beirut chuckled again.

"Grandpa, this condition is too great, and Brother Yun is not a human being, and he doesn't know how he cultivated in the end. For thousands of years, we all started to practice together. How far is it? Babe shouted, his face ashamed.

"It's good to know. I'll be lazy after seeing you." Beirut grinned at his beard, and also stimulated Beibei and lei.

Especially the latter, so that he has the motivation to catch up.

"But speaking of this, since Brother Yun is strong enough, grandpa, did you let him go to the graves of the gods?" Beibei suggested again.

"He is like you, there is no need for that." Beirut shook his head quickly, in fact, he was a pity in his heart.

Cheng Buyun is definitely a genius, but unfortunately he has gone the other way, and he cannot help if he wants to help.

What a perfect candidate, what a pity!

"Why?" Babe asked, looking puzzled, as if he couldn't figure it out.

In fact, Cheng Buyun himself is very clear about what it is. He is a deity, and he has practiced several laws. There is no possibility of refining the main personality.

Respecting being a **** alone, if you only cultivate a rule, you can still refine the personality. Unfortunately, in this place, the first rule of Cheng Buyun is the light department. Beirut does not have such a master personality.

Therefore, he was not considered as a target.

Never reminded.

"It's not clear, you, sometimes it's really stupid." Beirut explained with a helpless grin. "I have told you before that the graveyard of the gods. This is a test set up by the great Lord God. What is the purpose, you all Have n’t been to Hell for more than a thousand years, is n’t it clear? "

"Ah! Is it?"

Beibe exclaimed, after Beiruo turned his head, he was speechless.

It turned out that the cemetery of the gods was set up to screen the messenger of the main god, is it the main **** of the blood peak on the blood peak continent?

Grandpa served as the lord in the largest and best mansion in the blood blue palace of the blood peak mainland, and it should still have a deep relationship with the **** of blood peak. The blood **** set up a cemetery of gods in Yulan mainland as a test.

But no matter who is the main god!

Big Brother Yun is already the messenger of the Bauhinia Lord, and naturally has no such qualification.

Beirut, Beirut!

How old will you old guy pretend to be!

Of course, if all the master deities have masters, this may not be without.

Geniuses who can break into the depths of the graves of the gods naturally need not say much. Naturally, they can be considered as messengers around them, and a master artifact can still be given.

The conversation between the two was unclear, and many people were very ashamed when they fell into the clouds.

You have made it clear that it is enough to go into the graveyards of the gods and walk into the clouds, but why can't you go, can you explain it?

Lest we ascendants feel itchy, like cat's claws scratching.

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