Plane Universe

Chapter 1505: resurrection?

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No one who knew the situation explained.

Everyone is unclear and can't think of what it is.

Beibei and Beirut have one sentence, nothing, no head and no end, they are transparent, and they are basically supreme gods.

"Mother, Uncle Babe said, do you know the reason?" On the other side, Taylor was curious and asked Delia softly.

Hearing Taylor to Delia, who had returned from **** and was lei's wife, all of them suddenly raised their ears and focused their attention here.

"Lord God Messenger."

Delia glanced at Taylor and nodded gently to explain: "Since it is the place where the great Lord God is established, it is naturally for screening the messenger of the Lord God."

"Master messenger?"

Taylor's expression moved, and a pair of eyes erupted.

From this term, it can be imagined that this is a terrific occupation, and the status of the identity is very high.

"Well, the messenger of the Lord God, the closest person next to the Lord God, is also an important strongman around the Lord God. In many cases, when the Lord God is inconvenient to come forward, it will be solved by the messenger under his command, which is equivalent to one billion people Above the 'God', the status is very noble, and only the super strong can assume it, "Delia explained softly.

These things are not secret, it ’s okay to talk openly!

"Wow, the master messenger is so powerful."

The Magnolia continent is too small, and a few things can cause them to scream.

"But in this case, Lord Beirut said that Uncle Yun was not necessary to go to the Graveyard of the Gods, then ... Uncle Yun ..." Salsa swallowed, swiped her throat, and looked at Cheng Buyun with a little excitement. Can't take it anymore.

Bebe followed the words that Sasha didn't finish, and said with a smile: "The angel of the Lord God, the messenger under the Lord Bauhinia, the Lord God served by Brother Yun is the Lord God Bauhinia that Grandpa just said."



Although I do n’t know who the Bauhinia is, it does n’t prevent them from knowing that this is a great person.

Looking at Cheng Buyun, who was indifferent, they all turned red and their bodies shivered.

This is the messenger of the Lord God, the closest and most important person next to the great Lord God.

It's an honor.

I can also be regarded as a person under Cheng Buyun, the messenger of the Lord God. The benefits of the Lord God cannot be enjoyed, but it is still possible to get a touch of light.

No wonder Cheng Buyun easily took out hundreds of drops of the main god's power before waving his hand.

The power of the Lord God, as one of the most important and core group of characters in the Holy Light Empire, is very aware of its power.

Odin is strong!

A seven-star demon strongman, the leaf was still only a high-level **** at that time. Xuan Ao also only merged two kinds, but he contended with the power of a drop of the main **** of the wind system.

Do not!

It should be said ... After the leaf used the power of the main god, it was strong enough to press Odin, the seven-star demon, at the beginning.

Yes, death rules matter attack is not strong, but where is the order?

And with the power of the main god, the leaves can ignore the strong soul attack of the other party, a very powerful treasure.

As for what is the power of the Lord God, what kind of stuff is not clear to everyone.

Although it has been considered to be the divine power of the main god, just as they are the divine power of the powerful gods.


Suddenly, when everyone trembles, the sound of holy war is heard outside.

The leaf glanced at Cheng Buyun, and nodded, and her soft voice immediately reached the outside of the hall, "Golden fire, come in!"

Sanctuary Jinhuo came in with his head down, his face respectful, and then slightly raised his head and immediately bowed down and bowed to salute: "Master Holy Light God, His Royal Highness."


Leaf gave a glance at this holy warrior and said plainly.

It seems that she has realized something for more than a thousand years.

"Return to Lord Light God and Her Majesty." The soldiers of the Sanctuary did not dare to neglect and quickly reported. "In front of the gate of the Lady's Palace, Lord Renault begs to see."

"It was Marquis Renault!"

The leaf nodded, with a smile on his face, and said, "Chuan!"

Although they are acquaintances, since they are empire, there must still be rules.

"The fourth man is here."

Lei was first happy, then his face was stunned.

Did you forget something?

Outside the hall, Reynolds was given permission to pass, and immediately hurriedly entered the hall quickly, first shouting into Cheng Buyun and leaves shouting: "Master Holy Light God, His Royal Highness!"

"Your kid hasn't changed in such a long time, but it's more polite than before. It's rare!" Cheng Buyun looked at the bowed Nore, experienced a big change, he became calmer, completely free of the unruly youth, nodding and smiling Said: "Okay, all are acquaintances, put aside these unnecessary things such as etiquette."


Lei smiled and went up.

"The third boy."

Renault first nodded, glanced inside the hall, saw Beirut was there, but had something in his heart, and he could no longer take care of it, and then quickly said, "What about Odin? Didn't people say he got it back? Where did he go? Didn't you see it? "


Lin Lei remembered at this time that when the revenge was before, the eldest was not present, and he did not export evil spirits. He immediately explained: "It was only Odin's wind **** avatar that was captured, and his strongest death **** avatar had escaped to the underworld. And I forgot you before and let you come out to let go of the wickedness. Odin's wind **** avatar has just been shot dead by me. "


Reynolds heard that Odin ’s **** was dead, and his expression was a bit ugly, but he did n’t say anything, but just said with a pity: "Unfortunately, I could n’t even do something with him personally. By the way, you said Odin just now. It was the wind **** avatar that was captured back, and the strongest death **** avatar fled to the underworld, what shall we do, how will we avenge? "

"Relax, he thought he had escaped from the underworld and was safe, but it wasn't." Lei took what Beibei told Beirut before, and now he took it himself and explained to Renault.

"Why are these words so familiar?" Babe looked at the boss, his face suspicious. Isn't that what he said to Grandpa just now?

"It turns out that way, then I'm relieved." Renault nodded.

"I'm sorry, my third son. I forgot for a while, and killed Odin angrily." Lei looked at Renault apologetically.

"Just kill it, you and my brother don't talk about it." Renault sighed, and said a little sadly: "The boss and the second son died injustice, and Dixie, too, bad luck!"

"Yeah, it was indeed wronged." Lei was helpless.

The elders Yale, George, and Dixie, the three of them at the same time in the Magnolia Empire, Odin destroyed the Magnolia Empire, the Magnolia City destroyed most of them.

Only three people in the Sanctuary are naturally not spared.

This time Yale's ending was a bit better, and Odin did not play with it.

So lei only has hatred for Odin, but not too strong resentment, he will kill so happy.

Speaking of brother's death, delia also burst into water.

Seeing that Aunt Delia was about to cry again, Uncle Lin Lei was uncomfortable, and Ye Ye felt very sad. She suddenly said, "Isn't it possible to resurrect?"


Everyone could not help turning their heads together, and looked at the leaves in surprise.

"Leaf, what did you just say?" Lei looked nervous, looking at her with expectant eyes.

"Leaf, my brother can he be resurrected?" Delia also asked.

Even Beirut couldn't help but come over with surprise, and he was very surprised, can people be resurrected after death?

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