Plane Universe

Chapter 1506: The request is a bit excessive

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I don't know what the resurrection said by the leaf is exactly what kind of resurrection.

Is the whole person resurrected, or in the way of soul recovery!

"Can a person die and be resurrected?" Babe was surprised. He looked at Yelian and said, "Don't lie to me, or you will be beaten by your ass."

"What the **** is going on, tell me quickly, it's really anxious." Delia pulled the leaves nervously and asked repeatedly.

Seeing everyone's face without knowing it, the leaves were also ignorant, and immediately said: "Don't you know the resurrection? Uncle hasn't told you?"

Listening to her saying, everyone could not help looking at Cheng Buyun.

In this regard, Cheng Buyun did not mention it to lei, and only revealed to Ye Ye that he knew that it was still in front of the cemetery of the gods.

Cheng Buyun saw and nodded, and said with a smile: "The resurrection that Ye said is actually the recovery of soul memory."

"How do you say that, Yale, George, Dixie, they still have a chance?" Lei tensed his expression, not dare to breathe a little harder.

The hall was quiet, and no one dared to bother.

Beirut was relieved here, blaming himself for caring too much. If he was resurrected by mystery, would he not know?

"People are dead, but they are not really dead. It's just that the body is dead, the soul is sucked into the underworld, and the undead is formed, and the memory in the soul is sealed." Cheng Buyun explained: "So the leaves will say that they can The resurrection is actually not correct. But generally speaking, ordinary people do not reach the sanctuary and the **** realm, and the soul is very weak, basically they are all skeleton soldiers, and there is only one chance. If they die again, they will really die. Now. "

"And the sanctuary dies, the soul is stronger, the formed body is all black warrior level, it is easier to survive in the underworld, even if the formed body dies again, it can support several recovery." Cheng Buyun laughed: "However, the **** realm died, and the soul was involved in the level formed by the underworld, but I didn't find the information. I also asked a few friends before, as if the death of the **** realm could not recover in the underworld."

Speaking of the God Realm strong, his face was also red, he had said to the leaves before, that the God Realm dead can also recover in the Underworld.

Think about it too. God-level death is all in the way of soul annihilation, how can it be recovered in the underworld.

Souls are all annihilated, return to the origin of the universe, and recover a wool!

The Lord God is not the Lord of the universe. He does not have the ability to reverse time and space. It is only that he controls the Soul Mirror, which is unique to the supreme **** plane of the Underworld.

The Soul Mirror is a supporting facility for the Soul Pool, which was already there when the plane was formed.

Cheng Buyun's last paragraph explained that lei, delia and renault didn't pay much attention.

They will be excited.

There is still hope for rebirth, and it must be tried no matter what.

"But if you want to be resurrected, it is very difficult." Cheng Buyun was a little helpless. He wanted to find the person he was looking for in the Underworld.

If he himself is the master of the universe, it is easy. Under a means of time and space reversal, even if the soul is really annihilated, he can pull the soul back from the origin of the universe.

But this is just a talk. Can he come to the Panlong universe as the master of the universe?

It is estimated that as soon as he came in, the Supreme God drove him away.

"Like Bu Yun said, it's really very difficult." Beirui said, said with a sigh: "You think about it, so many planes, countless creatures, are infinite, the number of people who die every day, basically in billions. It's really not easy to calculate, to find in the underworld. "


No matter how difficult it is, you have to find it.

Lin Lei was determined.

If you ca n’t find it in one day, it will be one year. If you ca n’t do it in one year, it will be ten years.

Not afraid of long time, as long as you have perseverance, nothing is impossible.

Besides, he does n’t necessarily have to find it by himself. He can invite people. He has black stones and the power of the main god.


Beirut sighed. This time he did not pretend to be forced. Naturally, he was trying to find a topic. He immediately said: "Unfortunately, I am not the messenger of the Underworld, otherwise I can ask the Lord of Underworld to let him find the soul of your dead brother and let the Lord take action Unblock the soul memory. "

Is this possible?

Lei was excited again, and his expression turned red.

Just feel the head roar!

A little dizzy.

Cheng Buyun is very helpless, this old stuffy, will you die without pretending?

In your identity, open the sentence, does the Lord of the Underworld not give you this face?

Pretend, pretend to me!

I will quietly watch you pretend, I will not say anything, I will take a look!

If Beirut knew his thoughts and watched his jokes, would he suddenly burst into violence and then kill him?

This is indeed possible.

After being watched by others as a monkey play for so long and so many years, anyone will be angry.

Unfortunately, Beirut did not know.

After they were questioned repeatedly by lei, Beirut continued to laugh with pride in his heart: "I said so casually, the main **** is the main **** after all, do you let him do whatever he wants?"

At the moment, a group of people were dumb.

Yes, the Lord God is the Lord God after all, standing high above him. Even if his envoy asks for something, he has to look at the occasion and the mood of the Lord God.

It's not that you will do it when you say it.

Lin Lei's expression was quick. When he saw the treasure, he couldn't find a shortcut to get in. He felt anxious.

"Try it, maybe it's possible." Delia's face was full of hope, and people couldn't bear it for a while.

"To do this, there are two major problems." Beirut shook his head helplessly, "One is to go to the Underworld to find the Lord God, the other party is willing to see you. The second is the Lord God is willing to see you, and promised to help you. But these two The big problem is almost impossible for most people. I know you want to resurrect your loved ones, but do you know where the Lord of the Underworld is? "

A group of people stopped shortly.

Indeed, where is the Lord God?

This is a very secret matter.

Only a few people know.

"It's difficult to find the Lord God, even if you find a place, the Lord God is just there, but what can you do if the Lord God doesn't want to see you?" Beirut said: "And, even if you see the Lord God, will the Lord God be easy Promise a request from a higher god? "

It's very difficult.

Just as lei knew before that the **** Bauhinia lives in the amethyst mountains, but the **** does not want to see you, and you have no way.

"Brother Yun, I beg you to help me. May I ask the Bauhinia Lord and let her come forward." Delia looked at Cheng Buyun with a pleading look.

"This ..." Cheng Buyun looked embarrassed, and Delia's request was a bit excessive.

If the Bauhinia Lord is the Underworld Lord, it is easy to say that to value him, it is a very easy thing to make a second shot, but it is difficult to lie here. The Bauhinia Lord God is not the Underworld Lord.

If she is asked to come forward, she will ask where the Lord of the Underworld is, which is a matter of human affection.

Again, the Bauhinia Lord will not easily agree.

And it will also make the Bauhinia Lord look below him, a little more than worth it!

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