Plane Universe

Chapter 1546: I am free?

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To be honest, Mo Si is really envious of Cheng Buyun's huge opportunity.

The main **** is blood and wow, and he is still a beast. He wants this kind of luck.

Unfortunately, there is no way.

Beast-level main god, the essence blood, even the younger generation, the main **** is not willing to consume.

Don't underestimate just a drop of blood, but that is the essence of the whole body. If you lose any drop, your strength will drop by a few percent.

Take him for example, he is the blood veined titan, and can be regarded as a member of the blood veined titan with the highest bloodline in the family.

But to let him pay his own blood, and then to enhance the blood strength of the descendants in the family, he is definitely not willing.

Once the wind leaked, the opponent knew that he came to the door. Although he had the main defense artifact, the other party could not take him, but it was inevitable that he would be ashamed.

How does this make him mix up in the future?

Cheng Buyun didn't talk much about the Bauhinia's gift of his own blood.

Now the strength of the Bauhinia Lord is relatively weak, of course, it cannot be said nonsense.

After all, as the main god, there is of course good relations and bad relations.

Other plane gods know the subject of the Bauhinia. If you want to learn from the provocation, can the Bauhinia still be able to get rid of it?

So at that time, the Bauhinia Lord gave Cheng Buyun three drops of his own blood, which could no longer be expressed with value.

The same is true of my son!

Of course, cultivating Cheng Buyun is also very beneficial to the Bauhinia.

Because she saw the great potential of Cheng Buyun, she cultivated so hard.

There are too many benefits for a loyalty who is likely to be stronger than the great perfect man.

In the past, it was not contested, because the Bauhinia Lord had no ability to fight, and could only hold the thigh.

But now that she has a chance, can she not fight?

What you say is indisputable, is a joke, but you just say that when you are incapable, don't take it seriously!

"Your luck is too good, no wonder that the great God like the Bauhinia also value you so much, just give effect to give you the status of ambassador." Mo Si said sourly.

At that time, he actually wanted to be under the control of the Lord God and serve the great Lord God, but unfortunately his strength was so weak that the Lord God could not look down upon him.

When his strength was enough, his mentality also changed.

What's so bad about freedom, why find yourself an uncle!

"Envy what." Cheng Buyun glanced at him and said with a chuckle: "If you want to, with your current strength, just put into effect a main god, also have my status!"

"Go, go on the side and mess up with any broken ideas." Mo Si smiled and said with disdain: "Now I am free and comfortable, I do whatever I want, and no one cares. Although there are many people who work for a master Benefits, there are backers and resources, but I do n’t want to die! "

The status of the main **** messenger is noble, but once there is a major event, that cruel ending ...

Even Mo Si and other figures are terrified.

He may be able to mix like fish and water in the battlefield on the plane, but once he touches the treasure to fight (the mission of the Highest God Kam), he can only be regarded as cannon fodder.

Specially used to block the procrastination of the enemy's main force, if it is not successful, if it encounters a great-tempered strong man with a bad temper, he will be killed in a few strokes.

In that case, no one will worry about the backing behind you.

For the treasure battle that Mo Si said, Cheng Buyun is naturally clear. Isn't it the Supreme God's Quest? For the Supreme God's mission released from time to time, the highest prize can be awarded a Supreme Artifact.

Treasure higher than the main artifact.

With such a treasure, the lower main **** dare to clamor for the upper main god.


When Cheng Buyun and Mo Si talked in harmony, one of the rooms in the cultivation area of ​​the "Han Di Sai" castle under the sea.

A white-haired young man sat cross-legged on the ground, practicing with closed eyes and closed eyes.

Look at the iconic white hair and the beautiful face with the rhomboid angle, which turned out to be the Olivia Cheng Buyun was looking for!

Suddenly, Olivia opened her eyes in amazement with her eyes closed.

The next moment, his expression became extremely surprised, and said in a low voice: "I ... I ... I actually ... actually ... ran ... free!"

"I am free!"

The voice became hoarse and depressed.

For hundreds of years, the soul has been controlled, and the days of no freedom make him sobbing.

Although he knew very clearly that this should not be the case during the controlled days, he had no ability to resist and could only obey the command of the ‘master’.

Although the soul-controlling skills are overbearing, there are also many weaknesses.

Because the soul of the controlled person is still sober, he will not do his best to do things. Once there is a chance, when the owner is in danger, he may hesitate, and the rescue will not be too fast.

The most direct consequence is to go to death together with the owner.

"How could Moth suddenly set me free?" Olivia couldn't understand.

Or something changed?

Did someone come to negotiate with Mo Si?

But you are in **** and don't have strong friends?

Is it because adults know that they are trapped here and deliberately save themselves?

The thought appeared in his mind, and he immediately shook his head, even he didn't believe it.

Cheng Buyun is no longer a genius, and it is impossible to cultivate to the point of Mo Si in just over a thousand years. That is basically impossible!

Mo Si is too strong, and there are many strong men under his command. Tears Luo Island can be said to be the strong man into the cloud. The existence of the seven-star demon came to Tears Island, and basically can't turn over any storms.

Olivia secretly said, "But no matter what, Moth finally sent me to Union Manor, I still have to go. After all, just let me go, it is impossible to kill me immediately, after all, when I control me , You can kill immediately if you want to kill, and you do n’t need to spend so much time. ”

Thinking of this, Olivia immediately stood up, sorted out his clothes, and rubbed a few more faces to calm himself before leaving the room at a stride.

Although he was free, he never thought of fleeing this devil cave with his own power.

He wanted to go out to see the situation and make plans.

Leaving the room and passing through the cultivation area, a large number of warriors wearing black armor were patrolling in the corridor starting from here.

These fighters are all elites of the upper gods, and they are superior to Olivia in terms of strength and state, almost all of them are five-star demons.

But these warriors in black armor saw Olivia, but all looked respectfully and said, "Master Olivia."

It can be seen that Olivia's position is high in the castle of Handisay.

Indeed, a dual-line soul mutant has great potential. You simply don't know if this is his limit.

What if you become a three-soul mutant in the future?

Originally, the double-soul mutation was already abnormal enough, almost all of the same level was crushed, and the leapfrogging battle was not a big deal.

This kind of genius is naturally very high in the Han Di Sai castle, and it is also highly valued by the castle owner ‘Moth’.

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