Plane Universe

Chapter 1547: Like a dream

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Through several areas within the castle, Olivia came to a hall where several people were having a pleasant conversation.

Of these few people, Olivia knows all of them, including Gan Mengyan who caught him and gave it to Moth.

For this shameless guy, he naturally does not have any good looks.

"Hey, Olivia, why don't you practice today, and have time to go out and play?" Gan Mengyan still knows Olivia well. Knowing that this person usually works hard to practice, he has to command the adults to value it. , So you always smile when you talk.


Olivia snorted back, and said indifferently to Chao Ganmengyan: ‘Where am I going and how is it related to you? ’

Then, he ignored several people and walked outside through the hall.

Gan Mengyan looked completely black, looked at Olivia's disappearing figure at the gate, and then cursed and shouted: "What a pride, what a drop, really bad luck."

"Oh, it's embarrassing, who asked you to say hello to him." One smiled with joy.

"Indeed, Olivia was captured by you and dedicated to the adult leader. If you are not the same as him, I am afraid he will strike you."

"He dare!"

Gan Mengyan's expression was disdainful. His **** avatar was weak, but the main battle **** avatar had six-star demon strength, and a small double-line soul mutant. It was only a few years since I practiced.

"Hey, Gan Mengyan, don't you really say, if he is free now, he dare to beat you."

"Olivia's cultivation is very hard. After hundreds of years of cultivation, the strength is estimated to be very strong. I am afraid that it is not less than you. Do you say he dare?"

"Soul Mutant, Gente is perverted. I saw that he and Mr. Yu Lai were able to withstand for several minutes several decades ago. Although the latter may not take the water seriously, you have to say that Olivier Ya is really genius. "

Gan Mengyan's face was black.

Do n’t I know Olivia ’s genius, otherwise I ’ll take him and give it to the adult leader?

Try to watch Lao Tzu jokes, a few jerks.

Ignoring several people in Gammonyan, Olivia soon came to the castle hall.

At this time, he met an old man wearing red armor and a red cape on his shoulder.

When the other party saw him coming here, the expression was a little surprised, and quickly asked: "Olivia, why are you here? Are you going to go outside to ventilate?"

Generally speaking, for Olivia, he also knows well, and it is almost impossible to leave the underwater castle and go to the ground.

The place where I usually stay the most is almost on the other side of the cultivation area.

Waiting for a few hundred years.

"Yes, Mr. Yulai, I want to go out and breathe." Olivia nodded and didn't tell the truth, so as not to cause trouble.

"You really have to walk around a little bit more outside, and you have to combine work and rest in practice. After all, there is a lot of time." The white-haired old man nodded and smiled, looking like he admired Olivia himself.

Olivia nodded, and turned away indifferently under Yurai's concern.

In the hall of the United Manor of Tear Island, beside Cheng Chengyun and Mo Si, laughing and talking, there is also a handsome-looking man. The rest of the people, such as Pacowe and other patriarchs, are basically standing.

"Those who can be valued by the great Lord God are indeed not people without ingenuity." A handsome-looking, elegant-looking man smiled and complimented, "Today we have the honorable presence of Mr. Messenger, the distinguished guest."

"Mr. Lipak said there, it would be better if I didn't scold me for bothering." Cheng Buyun responded with a smile.

This handsome man is the Shura strongman of the five largest families of Tear Island, and also the brother of Mo Si, one of the people who established Tear Island together.

As for the remaining three, they have passed away in a long time.

Tear Island has not many Shura strongmen, only two, but the established forces rank in the top ten in Hell, which shows the strength of these two.

Can already be regarded as the peak power.

After all, families like the Four God Beasts, whether in **** or other planes, are rare.

Normally it is difficult to achieve.

In fact, it is also clear to think about it. The family of the Four Divine Beasts is also the combination of the four ethnic groups.

"The two ancestors, Mr. Messenger, please excuse me, please forgive me." Bo Kewei looked respectfully and quickly walked to the three to bow and salute. Before waiting for him to say anything, Moth nodded and smiled, "But Olivia coming?"

"Return to the ancestor, exactly." Bao Kewei reverently replied.

"Then let him in. Mr. Messenger is probably already in a hurry." Mo Si smiled slightly into Cheng Buyun, apologizing.

"The leader of Mo Si does not need to be like this." Cheng Buyun waved his hand, and did not blame Mo Si for controlling Olivia.

After all, other people do not know that this person is yours, and you are not famous.

As a result, a genius with great potential, who would be willing to let go!

"Mr. Envoy generously." Liebuck shouted with a glass of wine, "Please!"


The three men drank a glass of wine, and Bowkway had brought in a young man with white hair.

Olivia entered the manor hall indifferently. When he glanced over the three people sitting and talking, the face of one of them suddenly shocked him completely dull.

There is a feeling of being in a dream.

All along, in the depths of his soul, he looked forward to Cheng Buyun's coming to rescue him from this abyss one day, but when this expectation became true, it made him a little unconvinced.

"Olivia, why, seeing me here, stupid?" Cheng Buyun laughed and ridiculed.

"Sir, why are you here?" Olivia, who was enlightened, said this immediately after being shocked.

Was it considered too shocked and became nonsense!

If Cheng Buyun doesn't come here, who can negotiate with Mo Si and save him from the sea of ​​suffering!

In fact, Olivia's underlying meaning is to ask, how did Cheng Buyun know that he was here.

It's just too shocking, the words don't make sense!

"I just went back to the Magnolia Continent and knew that after you came to Hell, you did n’t reach the Blood Peak Continent for four centuries and the lei meeting. I guess you are in trouble. And I ’m a little bit strong in the Bauhinia Continent, so It ’s easy to know where you were sent. ”Cheng Buyun said:“ So I will meet you here. ”

In fact, he left the Amethyst Mountains more than a hundred years ago, and through the order issued by Romeo, Cheng Buyun knew the news of Olivia.

It's just that I haven't found it.

He thought at the time that Olivia had reached the Blood Peak continent and met with lei.

I can't think of the possibility that he might get stuck in Tearlo Island.

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