Plane Universe

Chapter 1573: Encounter between the top two in the Galaxy Channel

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After Qing Huo smiled and nodded, Cheng Buyun immediately opened his full strength, and a force rolled up Bebe and Leising, and then went straight to the ground.

Just leave Lei Hong-Lieyan blinking silly!

Why didn't you take me there?

I also want to watch the excitement!


In the mid-air, Cheng Buyun rolled up Bebe and Leisi Crystal, all their power spread out, and they rushed straight toward the Xinghe Channel. When they met all the people with this strong and powerful breath along the way, they were all scared.

What's wrong.

This is a plane battlefield. Isn't it provocative?

It's a pity that Cheng Buyun, who is so powerful at this point, hasn't even paid any attention to the ideas of the leaders.

In the two-day channel in the galaxy.

Thousands of kilometers of long channels on both sides.

The soldiers and horses of the two sides are facing each other, and the number of people on each side of each channel exceeds more than 10 million.

However, most people are ordinary high-level spirits, and a few of them are more than demons. Six stars and seven stars are less powerful. They are almost all captains of the 100-person Qianren team.

And the most striking among them is undoubtedly the dozens of very powerful Shura strongmen.

Most of these strong Shura are the messengers of the main god.

This is the key here, starting from the plane battlefield, most of them are sitting here, there is no time to find hunting command.

"The turtle sons on the opposite side of the light god, I ..." On the side of the dark god, a tough woman stepped out of the team, and then quickly went to the center of the galaxy channel, screaming at the opposite side with a machete Tao: "Sharanya, the Six-Star Reaper (demon), is a man, come out and fight me!"


Called by a woman, as long as it is a man, who can stand it?

Suddenly there was a riot over there, and several shouts rang out.

"Crazy what crazy, a woman still wants to turn the sky? After a while, I flew to make you unable to get out of bed." A man with a strong figure and a breath similar to Sharanya rushed the fastest, You will be in the Xinghe Pass in one go.

"Haha, if you say it well, you should get her like that. A woman is not good at bringing children at home, what a madness to come here!"


The woman was secretly angry, twitched, and rushed up with a big knife.

Suddenly the two fought together,

For a time, the sword and sword sword flew over, and the violent breath erupted in the thousands of kilometers of the galaxy channel.

Now, this situation gives people a sense of immediate sight of the battle between the generals of the Three Kingdoms game!

The strength of the two people is similar, but the difference is very big. It can be said that they are equally matched, and no one can take advantage of anyone.

After all, people who don't have the strength to dare to come out and play casually?

This is not fun. People of the same level are fighting, and almost no one on both sides will move to rescue.

If you do n’t have enough strength, you die.

The two galaxy channels are very lively, you come and go, and from time to time someone is calling for a fight.


In the distance, a great sense of Hongdae came unscrupulously, and the strong players of the two sides who were fighting together in the entire Galaxy Channel immediately separated, and all slowly retreated back into the battle.

"It's a powerful breath, at least the Great Consummation Level!" On the side of Dark God Realm, a messenger of the main **** looked up dignifiedly in the distance.

There are three shadows running towards this side at a very fast speed.


Regardless of whether it is the side of the dark **** plane or the side of the light **** plane, all the main **** messengers are so ordered.


Cheng Buyun, with Babe and Lei Sijing, hovered in the middle of the galaxy channel, ignoring the people on both sides, shouting indifferently: "Magnus, don't be a tortoise, come out!"

"Ha, it's a superpower on our side!"

When the people on the Dark God Realm sensed Cheng Buyun's breath from their badges, they immediately called out loudly.

"This man should be Cheng Buyun, what the Lord God said." The messengers of the Lord God immediately exchanged voices and talked, all with bright eyes.

Such a powerful **** domain consummate strong person is coming, it is simply sending the charcoal in the snow, unexpectedly!

As for the Reis crystal beside them, they were ignored by them.

Most of the leaders present at the scene know how much Reisin has strength. Obviously this power is not from him.

What they noticed was that the stranger floating in the sky was indifferent.

"Is that friend calling me?"

In a barracks where light was shining, a faint laugh sounded, and at the same time a figure also rose to the sky and flew towards the galaxy channel.

The military camps on both sides are fan-shaped and are stationed outside the Xinghe Passage. There is not much distance, and they will arrive in a flash.


Magnus in a white robe saw Bebe and Reese Jing beside Cheng Buyun, and said in amazement: "It's you, Reis Crystal! How dare you appear in front of me? I'm not afraid of killing me about you?"

"What a big talk, today you can pass my Buyun Brothers level to be able to count on you." Lei Sijing disdained his expression, and sneered at the words of Magnus, as if nothing!

Great fate?

That's the strength.

Knowing the strength of Cheng Buyun, he knew very well that Magnus lost his face today.

"This is that Magnus?" Cheng Buyun glanced indifferently at the figure in a white robe in front of him, although he didn't care about the smile and said: "Babe, Reis, are you sure?"

With such a disregard, Magnus' face was tense and his eyes burst into rage!

"It's him! Brother Yun, it was this man who attacked the boss." Babe saw Magnus appearing, and he gritted his teeth with rage, and was angry to fill the hatred in his chest.

"What about me?"

Magnus sneered, his strength reached the level of the Great Consummation, as long as it was not the shot of the Lord God, he was not afraid of any strong man, he looked at Cheng Buyun and smiled indifferently, said: "Res Jing also told me before that there is a big The successful strongman is named Cheng Buyun, should it be you? "

Cheng Buyun had to talk to this stupid guy and ignored it directly.

"It's really interesting. Some time ago, there was a strange big consummation strongman. I didn't think there was a hidden one. It's really interesting. It's a bit hilarious." Magnus smiled a strange smile on his face.

"Magnus, you are going to be out of luck. I really look at how you are going to be out of luck. I'll take a chance on you in the near future and enjoy it later." Reis Jing chuckled and ridiculed again and again.


Magnus snorted, and his solemn eyes turned, looking straight at the relentlessly striking Reis crystal.

Cheng Buyun suddenly shifted laterally. When he was in front of Lei Sijing, Willpower immediately radiated from his body, protecting Lei Sijing behind him.


There was a soft sound in the air, and Lei Sijing immediately jumped up and shouted inconceivably: "Dare you dare to deal with me?"

"Hum, you're lucky!"

Soul attack was resisted by Cheng Buyun, even Magnus did not continue to shoot at Reis Crystal.

After all, there is a mother **** behind Lei Sijing, punishment is possible, and killing is impossible.

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