Plane Universe

Chapter 1574: I guess I'm playing tricks!

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Cheng Buyun suddenly shot, gently backhanded against Reis and Beibei, sent them away from their side, and flew towards the channel where the dark **** realm was, and then the body was shocked, the four divine powers Mutation fusion.

In the roar, the cracks in the surrounding space are looming.


The men and women standing in the passage immediately shouted in horror, and the messengers of the main **** even directed the soldiers under the command to quickly leave the passage.

Once the battles of the strong men of the Dzogchen were affected, they immediately died.

Magnus, who saw Cheng Buyun's sudden eruption, also quickly used the power of the **** of fate. Under the power of Cheng Buyun, he did not dare to neglect.

"call out!"

Cheng Buyun snorted coldly, his body flew, and kicked directly towards Magnus.

'boom! ’

The fusion of divine power with the power of will, as Cheng Buyun's thigh attack spreads out, the most direct consequence is ...

The space was blasted, and hundreds of cracks in the space burst and exploded, such as electric snakes flying around, and the nearly 1,000 kilometers of electric snakes were really frightening.

"Such a huge space crack?"

The people who watched the fight from both sides became frightened.

It is indeed a battle of the Great Consummation level, such a huge power, let alone close to the core of the engagement, even if it is only slightly affected, I am afraid it will have to die!

"Okay, come on well, that's what I was expecting." In the laughter, Magnus moved and reached the limit instantly, rushing towards the rushing Cheng Buyun.

At the same time, his right hand with a black fist immediately spread five fingers into a claw shape, and directly grabbed the thigh kicked by Cheng Buyun. The space burst into holes in the size of his head.

The power of the main god, which contains the power of will, is not strong enough, and the fragile space cannot withstand such a powerful power.


Cheng Buyun sneered in his heart. Magnus, as a strong consummate of fate, was so stupid that he was arrogant enough to go into close combat with others.

Still hold your identity?

Thought no one really killed him?


With a loud bang, Magnus's claws, the legs of Cheng Buyun, under the collision, in the roar, the space exploded and burst, and a large hole close to a thousand square meters was exposed. Came over.

Woo ~

A large group of time and space turbulence covered the two, and they could no longer see the figure.

"My mother!"

Those who saw this scene felt that the whole soul was trembling, which was terrible!

Who can survive such turbulent fighting in this space?

'call out! ’

The two figures were separated. It should be said that they were shocked. Magnus was attacked by Cheng Buyun's powerful physical strength, and the figure flew away.

Cheng Buyun stabilized his body, the power of will spread on the surface, blocking the power of cracks in the space, lest the body be swallowed in when the space was closed for a while.

On the side of the plane battlefield, once sucked into it, there is no way to find it back.

"Good brute force, this guy's physical strength is comparable to that of a mythical beast, and he is even better than any other crystal." Magnus stabilized his body and looked at Cheng Buyun with a surprised face. Where did the monster come out? "

It was just a collision, and Magnus already understood that his own power is not Cheng Buyun's opponent.

Cheng Buyun stretched his waist and made a few stretches. He smiled and said: "Are you ready immediately? I'm going to be serious, don't tell me later, I didn't tell you before I hit!"


Magnus snarled, "Don't stand where you talk big, use it to show me what you have!"

"Very good, I'm here!" Cheng Buyun's face was cold, his body swooshed as he approached the past, and he slammed his fist and ran towards the face of Magnus.

"Small meaning, look at me." With a black glove Magnus expression mockingly, his left hand clenched everything, hitting Cheng Buyun's wrist, and at the same time his right hand was clawed, and five fingers spread over Cheng Buyun's face, like It takes a claw to destroy the latter.

Although Dzogchen has the will power protection body, it is generally impossible to break through the defense, but once the attack is hit, the shock can still cause them injury.

"I really don't know who is arrogant, you have a fateful consummation, and you are more physically attacked and melee than me?" Cheng Buyun's expression was indifferent, he seemed to laugh, and his movements were even more unhurried.

The left hand was quickly raised, and the index finger and the **** were juxtaposed in the center of Magnus' right paw. At the same time, the wrist of the right hand was turned hard, avoiding the opponent's right hand, and continued to slam into his face.

It was as though Magnus' face was identified.

Must hit his face.

Magnus was furious, and his left hand had to bend, blocking the fist.

This time, Cheng Buyun didn't use too much power at all, and using his power to bully others was not a skill.

Even if the other party played melee with him, then he had to be polite.

Over the galaxy channel.

The two tremble at a very fast speed, in a dazzling way, which makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

The two people in the fight seem relaxed. In fact, just look at the cracks in the surrounding space that are constantly exploding to know the danger.

In the kilometer area where the two were at war, space cracks tens of meters wide and hundreds of meters long appeared all the time, impacting everything around them.

This is only the smallest type of space crack, the largest reaching more than sixty meters, up to nearly a thousand kilometers, such a power, even the Shura strong dare not try to approach.

At the place where the great contenders are at war, the following levels of personnel, including Shura, cannot survive.

Unless you have the main artifact of material defense!

Otherwise, anyone who approaches the past will die!

"Reis Jing, wrong, this ..." Babe looked at the trembling sides. Babe's expectation from the beginning to the present worry, he said anxiously: "The big brother Yun failed to prevail , Let alone teach Magnus! "

"Babe, don't worry." Reese Jing's head fixed, and immediately explained optimistically: "Cheng Buyun is still not showing his true skills, he is probably playing around."

"Playing around?"

Reis Jing's explanation, Beibei was ignorant.

Such an explanation, the people next to him were also very eye-catching, glancing at Lei Sijing strangely.

If you do n’t know him all, and know his character, some people might be taunting.

What do you think of Dzogchen?

Can you win casually?

That Cheng Buyun is not the main god!

These glances glanced over, Reis Jing naturally noticed, and said with a smug smile: "Brother Yun Yun, I know, I used to fight with him where I lived ... No, it should be Ask me, every time I get gray and gray by him. In close combat, Brother Buyun is invincible, even my mother praises it! "

Speaking of this, Lei Sijing was not ashamed of this guy, he was also proud of himself, and his kind and glorious expression looked ridiculous.

However, everyone was very shocked.

Who doesn't know Reese?

Who is his mother, is it not clear to everyone?

Great Bauhinia Lord!

What did Reising say just now?

He said that the great consummate who had never seen him, Master Cheng Buyun, would be amazed by his melee ability even the Lord God?


My supreme god!

How can this be!

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