Plane Universe

Chapter 1575: Humiliating slapped

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Babe was also very shocked.

He certainly knew the strength of Cheng Buyun's melee in the past, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful that even the Lord God would praise it!

Is this true?

He still didn't quite believe it. Although he believed it faintly, he wasn't too sure. He had to ask seriously again: "Really, you didn't fool me?"

"Really, don't you know my character yet?" Lei Sijing said angrily: "One is one, absolutely sincere to friends, never lie!"

This is so.

Although Les Jing loves to play a bit, he really has nothing to say to recognized friends.

Friends who have made good friends with him have basically received his favor.

The power of the Lord God is absolutely generous.

Of course, Reese is not a fool, he is smart enough to make any friends.

"I haven't got the real skill yet?" Babe suspiciously turned his head to look at the two fighting in the galaxy, with a worried expression, hoping that the big brother Yun really did as Reis Jing said.

After all, such a powerful cloud boss can't win Magnus, then ... there is still the ability to win and avenge the boss!

"Magnus." The light but disdainful voice spread in the air, spreading apart, making everyone nearby hear clearly. Cheng Buyun said after blocking Magnus's fist, "No. Do not say……"

"Haha, I thought you would never call my name, so you are like that." Magnus suddenly heard Cheng Buyun shouting his name, and he laughed and laughed and said: "What is your pride?" ? "

"Oh, I was so proud of your name when I yelled?" Cheng Buyun said with a sneer. "It seems that you are not confident, and hope to be recognized by others. Why, since childhood, you have lost maternal love!"

This is a bit too poisonous.

"Fuck, let's die!" Magnus seemed to be greatly insulted, raging again and again, his whole body gleaming with white light, and quickly gathered on his fist and slammed into Cheng Buyun's chest.

This strange white light obviously uses soul power.

The light flooded the entire field of vision, and those who watched the battle felt a flutter in their eyes.

Even those who watched from afar were affected. It has to be said that Magnus, the strong man of great fate, has deep strength in the soul.

However, Cheng Buyun was not afraid, and punched directly into the fist. He also laughed and shouted: "Why, don't you compare with the physical attack? Can't bear it? Use the soul to attack!"

Soul attacks like Magnus may have a little effect on other great perfections, but for Cheng Buyun, even the itching is not.

His will power is already stronger than Magnus.

And the basic strength is more than a few chips!

Very high will power.

In addition, the mental state is so powerful that it is so perverted.

There is also the secret protection of the soul of the Void Tower.

The Godhead in the consciousness sea is firmly guarded, not to mention the ordinary fate of Magnus, such as the great consummate strong man, even if the Lord God is present, he can't do it to kill Cheng Buyun in a soul.

It can be said that even if the master of destiny is going to destroy Buchen with the power of will, he can't do it.

Unless it appears in front of Cheng Buyun, you have to do it yourself!

The two powerful forces on the galaxy are violently fighting, violently fighting and fluctuating, and huge and extreme oppressive forces are erupting, constantly oscillating, and the entire plane of the battlefield is almost felt.

This kind of hard-to-see battle, the battle of the strong, if you don't see it with your own eyes, it is absolutely a huge loss, so many people have come out of the hidden place and rushed back to the Xinghe in all directions.

"Magnus, I have to say, your attack is really not good. Did you have the strength to breastfeed?" Cheng Buyun ignored Magnus 'face when he attacked Magnus' soul, Lightly sneered and said: "If not, please continue, I will give you a chance!"

"Shut up, shit!" Magnus exasperated, shouting angrily: "I can't deal with you, can't you deal with me, you can use it to show me how powerful you are. Huh!"

"Then you're optimistic, I'm out!" Cheng Buyun's eyes flashed coldly, and the courtesy is now. It's time, and it's time to end such a boring battle.


In the battle with Magnus, Cheng Buyun felt bored.

To be honest, Magnus' strength is just like that.

He couldn't even mention his interest.

This only shows that he far surpassed each other in every aspect, so that he did not have a little tension and oppression.

"What a big talk, I'm okay, you have the ability ..." Magnus sneered, but before he finished, he suddenly felt his cheeks twitch and numb, meaning a little shock, and then a "Peng" came .

And his body fell involuntarily.


Not only was Magnus stunned, everyone was stunned.

What did they see?


Magnus, the great consummate of fate, was slapped by others under the eyes of everyone!

This is humiliating!


The air was suddenly quiet, no one spoke, and the whole scene was quiet.

The scene of hundreds of millions of people and horses, did not make any sound, what a terrible thing!

And Magnus also maintained the movement of falling out, his body was still in the air, and his head became a paste!

who am I!

where am I,

What should I do?

From small to large, he never tried to be slapped, but he didn't expect to reach the Dzogchen level, but he did.

What a horrible thing!

"Hahahahaha ~~~~"

Suddenly, an extremely pleasant voice came from the Dark God Realm, and everyone could not help turning their heads to see.

It turned out that Le Sijing was laughing, but he laughed brightly, his face flushed like a high tide, and he danced and shouted: "Magnus, I said to you, you will be unlucky today, you don't believe it! How was this slap slapped? "


It turned out to be true, not my dazzling!

Many people just didn't really believe in their own eyes just now, a great consummation!

Being slapped is not a joke.

Cressing said that everyone has recovered.

Magnus, the strong man of great fate, was really slapped by Cheng Buyun just now!

Under the eyes of everyone!

They can imagine Magnus' mood at this moment!

With a pair of red eyes, Magnus glanced at everyone around him, and his eyes like a wolf made people feel inexplicable!

"Eh, eh ~~~"

Reisjing felt Magnus' cruel eyes and immediately shouted, "Magnus, what do you want to do?"

What do you want to do?

Naturally, he wanted to kill everyone present, and then no one knew his shameful things today.

Under the eyes of everyone, he was slapped in the face by others. How would he let him go out to meet people in the future?

Does he still have a face to meet people outside?

Think too much!

This can only be said that Magnus thought too much.

Who is present, who does n’t have a half and a half avatar?

It is likely that most people come to the plane battlefield and they are just a master of war.

The deity, and the other **** avatars will certainly not be brought in.

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