Plane Universe

Chapter 1576: The strongest soul trick?

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"What a shame!"

On the side of the light **** realm, the great consummation of the great power, Bye, witnessed the slapping of Magnus by Cheng Buyun, all of which hurt his face.

But as he said in his mouth, there was no ridicule on his face ...

"A destiny is complete, and even close combat with people, this is a bit upside down." Bye shook his head.

As far as close combat skills are concerned, he is better than Magnus's digital chip. After all, it is the law of the wind system, which is known for its skills.


Although you are better than Magnus in this respect, in close combat, the latter attack contains a soul attack, and his consciousness will be shaken, so ... fighting may not necessarily prevail.

Even if there is a soul master artifact.

The soul master artifact can protect the soul, but it does not mean that it will not be impacted!

"This can only explain the greatness of Cheng Buyun!" Bye stared at Cheng Buyun, who was floating above the Xinghe with a slap in the palm, his heart was shocked. , The soul may not be a little too deep in the same way, even the fate of Magnus can not affect him? "

In terms of strength, Cheng Buyun far surpassed the so-called law of the great consummation in all aspects.

His strength, mysterious method, foundation, mental state cultivation, will power, and other aspects are all one-on-one.

It is not comparable to the group of Pan Leopards in Panlong Universe!

People who devour the starry universe can be so powerful that nature is related to the universe sea.

Gifts and legacy of seniors of every age, that is a very precious treasure!

And what is there in the Panlong universe?

Nothing at all.

There are only a few main divinities.

Explain that Hongmeng's old guy is not interested in the attached universe.

"No record, haha, but it's going to be done. I will use it for collection later." Reisjing laughed, and said to the water **** who suspended a water float on his head. .

The **** with the deeper water system should be at the level of a six-star demon.

He heard Lei Sijing's question and promised again and again: "Please rest assured, Lei Sijing commanded my lord, I have all recorded it, and nothing has been left."

"Okay, there will be rewards for a while." Lei Sijing nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Babe: "Babe, see it, I said Magnus lost his face today! What now? Like? Are you satisfied? Has Cheng Buyun disappointed you! "

"You're right."

Babe is very happy that such humiliation is more ugly than killing the other party, and it is hundreds of times more clever than the direct killing method!

The more embarrassed Magnus was, the more excited he was!

"Magnus, how!" Cheng Buyun's indifferent voice echoed in the sky, ringing in everyone's ears, "Are you slap you satisfied? If you are not satisfied, we can continue. Today, it is enough to make you unforgettable. ! "

Such ridiculous words made Magnus' eyes red, and his face was even more purple, and he roared and shouted, "I'll go to your mother's, let me die!"

After standing upright, he immediately bluffed his hands and quickly moved in a semicircular virtual hug in front of his chest. Immediately before him, a family of highland light **** appeared.

Inside this huge sphere of light appeared a blooming crystal lotus, and there seemed to be a weapon Teng Rao above the lotus.

The crystal clear lotus flower exudes a dazzling brilliance, there is a dazzling feeling, do not want to destroy the feeling!

"Yo, this is going to be desperate." Cheng Buyun's mouth twitched a smile, and said calmly: "Okay, I will give you time to show you without disturbing you. Come on, let me try you." How can this rule of fate be awesome! "

His calmness shocked everyone!

"This guy is a little bit too big. Magnus's trick is so good to resist?" Baie shook his head immediately.

Is it self-confidence, or is it really strong?

I hope you won't regret it for a while!


Bebe was a little surprised. Magnus exhibited a trick that even he could feel the power of it in such a far place. What should he do in the face of the latter's success?

"What is Cheng Buyun doing?" Even if he had confidence in Cheng Buyun again, seeing Magnus's power of such attacks, Reis Jing couldn't help but worry.

He knew that Cheng Buyun had no soul artifact.

Although his will power is very strong, no matter how the other party is also a fate, he specializes in soul stuff.

The breath above the galaxy was still, and everyone saw only the big sphere in front of Magnus.

"go with!"

Magnus seemed ready, pushing his hands outward, and the big light ball in front of him immediately shot at Cheng Buyun. At the same time, his body immediately rushed forward.

Obviously he also knew that this trick could not kill the other party.

The ball of light has never been, Cheng Buyun is as calm as ever, and the expression on his face is calm like the waveless lake.

"Come well, haha, I'll see how you do this trick." Cheng Buyun laughed and naturally saw Magnus rushing behind the big light ball, but he didn't care.

The huge ball of light flew at the extreme speed, and the crystal lotus inside was not spinning.

Cheng Buyun did not dodge or avoid, and directly faced the big sphere of light, ready to be greeted by his body, and did not exert any means of coping.

It's like being stupid!


Everyone exclaimed one after another.

"Puff puff puff puff."


The big light ball suddenly hit Cheng Buyun on the body, and in the roar, there was a fierce shock, and the will power of Cheng Buyun's body was also rippling.

On the other hand, the big light ball melted away.

But the big ball of light melted, but the crystal lotus inside was still there.

This is the real trick.

This crystal lotus was taking advantage of the will power of Cheng Buyun's surface body to momentarily whip, and the surface's will power collided with Cheng Buyun's body will power to melt.

Then an invisible soul force rushed into Cheng Buyun's body.

Once this soul rushed into Cheng Buyun's body, the hesitant wild horse ran into it.


Baie exclaimed, with his eyesight, he could clearly see clearly that Cheng Buyun's will power was broken.

Magnus' soul attack has rushed in!

His exclaimation also let everyone know that Cheng Buyun is estimated to suffer.

After all, they could all see the happy smile on the face of Magnus rushing up.

That's the joy of attack!

While taking advantage of Bu Yun's expression at this time, his expression was extremely relaxed. Magnus's trick to attack the soul that rushed into the body was not blocked at all, and he rushed to his mind.

Not his arrogance, but his strength, Magnus!

A piece of cake!


Magnus's soul attack penetrated into the outer range of Cheng Buyun's consciousness. Cheng Buyun only moved at this time, just simply ...

The consciousness was shocked, and the colorful pagoda standing in my mind was suddenly generous, a burst of golden light flashed, and the light was sent out to the higher soul artifact.

Let this black as iron hoop look like a layer of golden light.

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