Plane Universe

Chapter 1580: First family?

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Afterwards, Bye looked at Babe again, and said softly with apology: "Babe, I owe someone else's favor before. It's a last resort for you. I'm sorry!

"Hey, I didn't lose, even." Babe said with an atmospheric wave.

As a great consummate, Baie whispered an apology to him, and he had already given him a big face.

However, he also knew that the other party saw the big brother Yun, but he was still very happy and excited.

After all, this is a great consummation strong is not!

"Then we'll stop here and see you next time." Bye nodded politely.

He whispered so low because Cheng Buyun was terrible, and he was much stronger than the great Dzogchen.

It should be said that all aspects are very strong, superb speed, tough to extreme defense, terrible soul defense.

And that powerful physical strength.

Taken out like this, even Magnus has no way to be in an absolute disadvantage.

The result of his match will not be better.

However, he has an estimate in his heart, which is probably not all the skills revealed by Cheng Buyun.

After a few people in Bye, under the attention of many people, Cheng Buyun and the three came to a barracks.

Everyone is unclear about what he wants to do, but everyone is very nervous, but this is the great perfect, or it is hostile.

Once shot here, countless people will die.

Only a commander who is strong enough to survive can hope to escape from the opponent.

At this time, a blond man in a white robe was watched by three eyes, with a panicked expression. Under his blue eyes, there was deep fear, but Cheng Buyun obviously came to him and had to be hard. The scalp coped with a stiff smile and said, "Is there anything wrong with your husband?"

"Braun Augusta!"

Cheng Buyun spoke indifferently in the other party's anxious expression.


Seeing Cheng Buyun find the family members of the Augusta family, everyone knows that there are good dramas.

"The trouble is so big that this great consummation has actually found trouble with the Augusta family." On the side of the front of the galaxy channel, several master messengers felt that their heads were all bigger.

"What should we do, are we going to help?"

"How to help?"

"That's the Great Consummation Powerhouse. Our purpose was to keep the Xinghe Pass. Once the people and horses were transferred back, the Dark God Realm suddenly launched an attack. Who can afford it?"

I didn't see the Dark God Realm. When I saw Cheng Buyun flying towards this side, I immediately mobilized the soldiers and horses. Want to wait for my own side to be chaotic, then launch an attack!

The messengers of the main gods who talked with each other were deeply involved with the Augusta family, because they belonged to the messengers of the light.

"Everyone, I think you still don't want to move. You can save people, but you can only go alone, if you want to mobilize people, no."

"Yeah, if you want to mobilize people, it will definitely not work."

On the side of the light god, the main gods are not one mind.

Her messengers are naturally not too polite.


Suddenly he heard Cheng Buyun yelling his name. Braun's face was stiff and panicked. His eyes looked around secretly, hoping for some help.

"Hah, I said ..." Lei Sijing laughed indifferently. "I said, Lord Braun, why are you panicking? I didn't say anything from Brother Buyun, your eyes fluttered, how? ? Did you do more bad things? "

"I ... I don't have it." Braun calmed down and secretly admonished himself that he should not fall into the majesty of the family, nor lose his confidence, and once again bite the bullet and respectfully said: "Your Excellency, I am Braun -Augusta. I do n’t know what you want from me? "

"Something happens naturally," Cheng Buyun nodded and said with a smile: "I have always heard that you Augusta family is very powerful, don't provoke it, otherwise ... you have some means of revenge, I'm really a bit not Believe it! "

Babe's eyes were like looking at a dead man, his expression unabashedly said: "Boss Yun, why do you say so much to a dead man!"


Braun was shocked, already knowing it was bad, Cheng Buyun actually came to kill him, and he immediately shouted: "Be alert, everyone prepares immediately, there are enemies, everyone listens to my orders!"

As a commander, yes, Braun is the strength of Shura, a relatively powerful Shura, an important member of the Augusta family, and also a third-generation member. On the side of the plane battlefield, there are tens of thousands of horses under his command.


Braun's cry made the tens of thousands of people in front of the barracks face to face, and he was at a loss for a moment.

What a joke, they, like this group of people, want to attack the great consummate?

But they can command adults ’orders. They have to listen and their expressions are hesitant.

"Extra effort."

Cheng Buyun smiled, and a yellow light spread out from his body. The hazy yellow had spread quickly, covering several military camps.

All the people shrouded in this hazy yellow light can't do even a flick of the body, let alone attack.

"His, what is this move?"

"The coverage is so vast?"

The person shrouded in the hazy yellow light was in a state of panic, and everyone's face changed greatly. The lingering breath of death in his mind was even more extreme.

Did n’t see that Braun, under the cover of this yellow light, could not move!

"Good strength, it really deserves the level of the Great Consummation, and it is not comparable to ordinary people between raising their hands and throwing their hands. Fortunately, we did not go up!"

"In this case, the number of people has no effect at all. This yellow light reaches a radius of 100,000 meters. Generally, the long-range attack of the Shura strongman is not so far away."

On the side of the Xinghe Passage, the envoys of the main gods that belonged to the light were already sweating.

The expression was terrified.

They looked at Braun who was still struggling in the yellow light, and could only sigh, hoping to escape this robbery!

But is it possible?

Cheng Buyun came over in person!


Cheng Buyun's eyes were indifferent, and he didn't see any movement. Braun, who was struggling, immediately moved slowly towards this side.

It wasn't Braun that moved by himself, but was wrapped in that yellow light.

"What do you want to do?" Braun looked frightened and shouted repeatedly: "I am an important member of the Augusta family. Are you not afraid to offend our family?"

He is a member of the Augusta family, doesn't Cheng Buyun know?

too naive.

At this time, he still raised the reputation of the big family behind him, afraid that he would not live in a dream.

"I didn't want to do anything." Cheng Buyun gently shook his head, slowly extended his hand, and pressed it on Braun's head, and said with a smile: "I heard that you Augusta family is powerful, and the means are also Extraordinary, the eye must be reported! I do n’t believe it, so I want to try it. "


Braun is ignorant.

"Okay, you can tell your family head, I will kill your **** avatar here in Cheng Buyun, and even kill all of your Augusta family members here on the plane battlefield in a while. Um, you can go and make your family head call, I am waiting here! "


Having just finished speaking, in the great change of Braun's complexion, Cheng Buyun squeezed hard. The former's fragile head was like a watermelon, and exploded in a roar.

A water godhead collapsed and flew away first, then the headless body slowly fell to the ground.


A silver-engraved blue patterned armor fell from the corpse, a spear artifact, a black circle like a bracelet, and several space rings fell together.

Sure enough, it's a head-breaking demon, can't Cheng Buyun, the old kid, kill another person?

It ’s a little frightening to make such a pervert every time!

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