Plane Universe

Chapter 1581: Famous plane

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A man in charge of a strong man has no resistance at all in the hands of Dzogchen. This kind of scene makes everyone sweat.

The panic in my heart made many people feel cold.

All along, everyone has heard how the great consummates are so powerful, but just heard that, who has seen it with their own eyes?

But today, it can be said that they opened their eyes.

The power of the Dzogchen strong is beyond their imagination, so powerful!


After seeing something fall after Braun ’s death, Reese Jing's eyes lit up, and he quickly waved a few things away and said: "Good stuff, the Augusta family is worthy of being rich, take it Good gift! "

Bebe looked sideways and said with a lip: "You have a way to erase his soul mark?"

"Uh, no!"

Luis Jing's face was bitter.

His soul is very powerful, but it is not powerful enough to erase the soul mark of a strong Shura.

"Then what's the use of putting them away?" Babe's expression was a little weird, and he slapped his hand and turned Braun's corpse over, a golden badge appeared, and the divine power rolled. : "Not as useful as this one."

"Ah, I forgot." Lei Sijing was a little annoyed.

"There will be a while." Cheng Buyun smiled lightly.

Lei Sijing quickly sneered and said, "In fact, this is not very important to me."

This is a joke. Although he is expensive as a child of the Lord God, there is only one thing for the Lord artifact. Ten golden badges can be exchanged for one in the Lord God to enhance his strength.

It ’s obviously false to say that it ’s not important.

"Don't you lack the main artifact?" Babe sneered.

"Missing." Lei Sijing said with a smile on his face: "Although lacking, but I have not been too dangerous, after all, where is the reputation of my mother!"

Doesn't this kid have no shame?

"I'll say it later." Cheng Buyun smiled and continued to fly to the next barracks.

Cheng Buyun's killing of a member of Augusta is not enough. Seeing his appearance, he obviously doesn't want to stop, and really wants to kill all members of the Augusta family on the plane battlefield.


In a large number of military camps, several figures sneaked away into the distance, seeing the panic-like appearance of their figures. I was afraid that they hated the father and mother for having a few legs.


Cheng Buyun naturally also noticed several figures escaping towards the periphery. Almost all of his consciousness covered the entire huge barracks, and everyone's every move was in his heart.

'boom! ’

Rolling up Reis and Bebe, Cheng Buyun showed his speed, turned into a rainbow shadow and shot towards the distance, with a very abnormal speed in front of a shadow figure, the voice said indifferently: "Moreth-Augu Star! Time is up!

When is it?

Naturally it is time for death.

The blonde old man's face was covered with wrinkles, and his expression had changed greatly. He quickly shouted, "Cheng Buyun, you will definitely die. I'm waiting for that day!"

"Well, as long as you Augusta family has the ability!" Cheng Buyun smiled indifferently, punched directly, and banged, the blonde old man Morais was blown away by the angry Cheng Buyun with a complete body. None stayed.

Kill one more, seize a golden badge, some artifacts!

The seized artifact cannot be used.

But this is a spoils, Lei Sijing has a hobby of ending, all he put away.

In the plane battlefield, the Augusta family is miserable, causing the big demon Cheng Buyun to be personally dispatched. None of the family members here can escape.

After all, the rules of the plane battlefield are limited, and no one can leave without the end of the war.

So ... can only wait to die!

One by one, within a few years, Cheng Buyun was found out and killed in the wilderness.

All members of the Augusta family who entered the plane battlefield died, which is a major event.

But this is a later story.

A few days after the end of the fight between Cheng Buyun and Magnus.

Things have spread almost all the God Realm.

"Have you heard? My friend sent me a message. This time, in the plane war between light and darkness, in the last few days, two great consummates fought."

"Well, I have also heard that one is the famous Dzogchen Magnus, and the other is the newly-formed Dzogchen Sungbu. . "

"Yeah, it's a pity that I didn't go this time. It's a pity that I missed it."

"Me too, regret, why don't you go, although it is a little dangerous, but such a grand occasion is not seen, and it is meaningless to live."

"Wait, I hope that when the plane war is over, there will be a floating shadow record. Although you can't see it yourself, you can look at the floating shadow. That's good."

"Also, although I have no chance to see it with my own eyes, it is a great luck to have a record of the floating shadow in the end. I'm afraid that I can't even watch the floating shadow."

"Not at all!"


"Have you heard?"

"A big event happened in this plane war!"

"what happened?"

Someone who does n’t know, naturally asks again and again, and the good ones are proudly showing off things and telling things in detail. The flexible and vivid appearance is just like what I saw with my own eyes.

"Ah! Is it so strong?"

"The strength of Lord Cheng Buyun is so terrifying, and the long-known Lord Magnus is not his opponent?"

"That is, Master Cheng Buyun, don't look at the newly-completed big consummates, that strength is of the highest level. Compared to other big consummation strongs, they are all crushed. Just look at Magnus. Well, there is no power to fight back at all. I have been beaten. That is to say, the great perfect person has no weakness, otherwise ... Magnus has long since died, and will definitely be killed by Master Cheng Buyun. "

The plane war is not over yet. The battle between Cheng Buyun and Magnus has been circulated in the planes of various gods.

Now when I visit my friends, the first greeting is, have you heard?

Almost everyone is talking about it, the impact is very broad, and the effect is upward.

This battle can be described as Cheng Buyun's fame battle, which was stepped on Magnus's body. When he was famous, he was even admired and admired by more people!

Feng is the idol in my heart.

Just like ordinary people chasing stars.

Many people even take Cheng Buyun as an example, always reminding themselves to learn from the example and work hard!

Cheng Buyun famously spread all the **** realms and praised everyone as an idol, but Magnus, as a loser, has also been repeatedly praised and despised, and a big ugly appearance, the so-called reputation has been reduced to the extreme.

After a few days of this battle, it has already returned to hell, reached Mill City, and reached everyone in the time and space domain.

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