Plane Universe

Chapter 1585: Bright Lord's Plan

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Although the lord of the light also has the effect of the great consummation, as the messenger of the main god.

But after all, it was not cultivated by him. Every time he asked the other party to do something, he always had to pay for the benefits, and he had to say something.

But if it is cultivated by oneself, it can be commanded at will.

With one order, no request for escaping was done immediately. The refreshing situation reminded the bright master to recall the great consul messenger under his command, and his heart was angry again and again.

People who are not themselves are all heretics!

As strong as that, the threat to me is too great, Cheng Buyun must die!

It is not the dominance of the light dominance that concerns Cheng Buyun, but ... the war of planes!

Before this plane war, Destiny Realm had already won nine games. This time was the beginning of the tenth war. Once the victory was over, all the gods of Destiny would be given will power.

In this way, the strength of his bright master will also increase.

Because he and the destiny master are the same person.

The other body is rewarded, and his body will also benefit, so ... the powerful Cheng Buyun, was concerned about the **** of the light.

How do the light lord think about it? The patriarch Augusta didn't even know that this time he was still begging the light lord to come forward and deal with Cheng Buyun to avenge the Augusta clan.

"Father, I didn't think about killing Cheng Buyun, I just wanted to save our Augusta family a little bit of face. It wouldn't be easy for people to look flat, nor would they want to lose their father's reputation." Patriarch Augusta Suddenly said: "Father, please help us."

"Well, it makes sense." Guangming master thought for a moment and thought about it. If you don't need your own shot, it's best not to.

If he wants to deal with Cheng Buyun, killing it, destroying a series of main gods, he will obviously not be willing, and will not let him come in chaos, especially the destroying master, he first fights against the master of destiny. Chance, how to let go.

"Let's check Cheng Buyun's condition and make a decision. If the following people can deal with it, forget it. If they can't ..." The bright master sneered in his heart, and he had no choice but to make it difficult.

"Which father did you agree?" Patriarch Augusta exulted.

"Well, Hanjin, you asked me like this, and that's all, I will let the envoy of the envoy under the full power of Clementine pass, and cooperate with Magnus to deal with Cheng Buyun. As for the result, the win is I wo n’t control it anymore, understand? ”Bright Master said indifferently.

"Thank you father!" Patriarch Augusta kowtowed again and again.

"Okay, go back!" Said the bright master.

"Yes, father, then I'll go back." Patriarch Augusta stood up, bowed respectfully, and left the temple of light.

"Cheng Buyun?"

The suppressed roar of the Lord of Light spread in the temple, and the jealousy in his heart made him want to go crazy, "Damn Bellina, **** Bauhinia Lord, **** woman, why do you have such good luck?"

"All I can't get is heresy!"

"I'm going to ruin him!"



The character of Augusta, the light leader, is full of flaws. The least value is the good of others. The good things can only be his own. Once others get it, he will be mad and jealous, and then try his best to destroy it.

Or do everything you can to get it.

For example, the goblin blood of the four **** beast masters and gods, because he couldn't get it, he personally went to kill each other.

In the crazy laughter, the power of will dominated by the light is also condensing and spreading. In an instant, his thoughts came to a quiet island in the deep sea of ​​God Territory-Jade Flower Island.

This Yuhua Island is where his envoy, Clementine, lived.

On the secluded Jade Flower Island, suddenly a gust of wind rose, and in the booming sound, the bright energy was highly condensed.

A large amount of brilliant energy condensed, which suddenly caused everyone on the island to look at the sky, and one of the most luxurious castles flew dozens of figures in succession.

Among them was a man in a white robe and blonde hair with two whiskers like those with two eyebrows. He saw his eyes were deep and cold, and he flew to the bottom of the high concentration of bright energy and waited.

After a few seconds, the light energy in the sky reached its apex, and then the energy condensed into a figure, it was the light master!

"I have seen the master." The white robe man bowed slightly, and the women who followed him all kneeled down and shouted respectfully, "Master."

At this time, the bright master regained that indifferent look, completely unable to see the previous expression of crazy jealousy and ecstasy, and said with a smile: "Clementine, I came today because there is an important thing to ask You do it! "

Damn it, even a great lord like me has to say something please?

Every time he thought about this, he was not calm. If she changed the stinky woman of Bellina, she asked Cheng Buyun to do things, would she also say something please?

I think it may not be!

The jealousy in his heart drove him mad, like a big hand constantly rubbing his heart, making him tremble with pain.

But the surface had to work hard to smile.

"Master, what can't you do, how can I a high **** do?" The white robe man Clementine raised his eyebrows and said in amazement.

"Damn things, even a word of respect you say." Master Bright is very angry, but he can't punish each other. After all, Clementine is the most important member of his group, and many things have to be sent to the other party. To do it for him, so he can only pretend not to care about some small things, a smile appears on his face: "You listen to me first."

The lord of light, forbearing the anger, explained what happened on the plane battlefield, and then said: "My request is that you go to the plane battlefield and join forces with Magnus to deal with this."

"This ..." The white robe man looked a little embarrassed. The two great consorts joined forces to deal with a newly-grown great consummation man. Isn't he Clementine shameful?

"Why, it's embarrassing?" The bright master raised his eyebrows and had to continue to smile. These great consummates were very proud of each other, and most of them refused to be the messengers of the main god. Even if he became the messenger of the Lord God, he refused to do things easily.

The great consummates are very proud of themselves, and they are not convinced by the main gods. They think that they are nothing, and they will have the luck to get the main **** personality!

They are not necessarily strong in talent cultivation.

Therefore, he rarely listens to the words of the Lord.

Even the dominator!

In fact, sometimes luck is also a kind of strength. Before some of the main gods got the main personality, they also went through a lot of hard work, not as good luck as some people said.

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