Plane Universe

Chapter 1586: Tranquility before the storm

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Bright plane God Yuhai Yuhua Island!

Clementine's expression was calm, and Ren Guangming, the master, did not immediately agree, nor did he volunteer.

His calm expression looked bright and furious in his heart, **** thing!

But still that sentence, Clementine is the only great consummation force under his command, very important, immobile!

And Clementine didn't make mistakes, and he couldn't do anything in the sentence without error.

"Clementine, you listen to me first." The master of light tried to suppress the anger in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face: "This plane war is my light to darkness, I don't want to lose too ugly. Suppressing Magnus, if we do not have the support of the strong, it can already be said that we lost half, do you understand? "


Clementine nodded slightly, but said nothing else. Obviously, he was not willing to deal with Cheng Buyun, a strong man of the same level.

Magnus has been humiliated by the other party. He and Magnus are not much different in strength, and the consequences of being alone will not be better.

"The only one I can send out is you. If you do n’t go, I will lose the plane of the light **** this time. My request is not high. You and Magnus will do their best and do n’t need to kill. Cheng Buyun only needs to drive him into the chaos of time and space and drive him out of the plane battlefield. "Bright Master said with a smile:" In this way, it is also a great thing, I can't give you the main artifact, so Well, the power of the bright Lord God, I will give you ten thousand drops ... "

Ten thousand drops of light the power of the Lord God?

Clementine naturally lacks this stuff.

He can form a waterhole by stacking these things.

At the Dzogchen level, the number of battles is very small, because very few people can force him to use the power of the main god, so for countless years, the power of the main **** will be more and more, nowhere to be consumed.

"This 10,000 drops of the power of the bright main **** can now be given to you. After you succeed, I will give you 10,000 drops of the power of the other main gods, how about?" The bright master smiled.

At this point, Clementine was also ready to take care of it, and quickly bowed and said: "Please rest assured, master, I will try my best to get things done."

He never agreed, and did not want to reduce his identity, but also let the light master know that it was not easy to do things by himself.

"Well, very good!" Master Bright nodded with a satisfied look and smiled again: "Then go to the plane battlefield and meet with Magnus as soon as possible. I've already told where Magnus is, he Will cooperate with you to attack Cheng Buyun, as for how to do it, it is up to you to discuss it again. "

"Yes, master, I will start immediately after a little arrangement. Please rest assured." Clementine bowed.

With a look of encouragement, the light master disperses the energy avatar and consciousness returns to the body.

"Damn guy, **** Clementine." The Temple of Light, the Master of Light, was angry and angry. "Every time I go to work, I whisper and ask, hateful, hateful!"

People with defective personalities are the most uncomfortable.

The same is the main god, he Augusta is the elemental master, and the main **** Bauhinia only destroys the central main god, and there are also great convoys under his command.

In this way, how not to make him jealous.

His face was distorted.

The plane of hell, Xuanguang city of Khalosha mainland.

Cheng Buyun's grand deeds on the battlefield in the plane also spread to this side, and immediately caused a riot.

In the training camp, there were crowds of people talking and talking all over the place, loudly admiring.

After all, Cheng Buyun is a strong man who has gone out from here. Although he has been sealed with the most important memory, the former has lived here after all.

On the inner three floors of the main hall, O'Neill and Tarut sat opposite each other, their expressions were very sighed.

When Cheng Buyun's deeds on the plane battlefield came, they did not have any doubt whether it was Cheng Buyun he knew. After all, he was so strong that even the great and powerful can crush, and they are not stupid.

I understand the truth.

Cheng Buyun is a soul mutant.

"Awesome, I have known for a long time that Cheng Buyun is not a mortal and will definitely rise. I didn't expect it to come so fast." Tarut chuckled.

There was no jealousy in the expression.

"Yeah, it's amazing. It's only been a few years, and this has been a great consummation." O'Neill sighed. The past is like before him. Less than two thousand years ago, Cheng Buyun wasn't even the central god. !

This gap is a bit big, he can't react.

However, after feeling overwhelmed, he said with a smile again: "Tarut, don't call it Bubu Yunbubuyun, it seems disrespectful. After all, Cheng Buyun is also a great consummation strongman, call it an adult!"

"Haha, isn't this a quick talk." Tarut nodded again and again.

The two laughed at the same time.

Cheng Buyun came here, or they received it. This friendship can envy others.

After going out to mix, others see that they have to give a face to their relationship with Cheng Buyun.

By the secluded pool, in front of the stone table next to the rockery, Lord Xuanguang covered his face and looked lonely and distressed. Cheng Buyun was originally his man!

Fly now!

He always knew that Cheng Buyun had a high potential, but unfortunately he couldn't hold it and was snatched.

Helpless, helpless!

The black cloud messenger stood beside him, the expression on his face seemed helpless, and his heart could not calm down.

When Cheng Buyun's deeds came, he looked so surprised, but felt reasonable again.

That feeling in my heart is not humane!

Cheng Buyun's deeds were rumors outside, and various versions of the news were flying all over the sky, which surprised many people and talked about it.

Instead, he himself seemed very quiet.

Plane battlefield.

After killing the people who turned the Augusta family, Cheng Buyun returned with Babe and Leising.

After the killing, the Augusta family was running out of horses. The remaining three or so kittens were too lazy to find.

"Boss, this time we went out, it was really very happy, you have to wake up quickly, I will show you something good." When Babe came back, he quickly ran into the stone room where lei was, nagging. Nao said a long time.

In the stone room hall, Cheng Buyun, Qinghuo, Lei Sijing and Lei Hong sat together, listening to Lei Sijing bragging.

What was said was naturally the battle between Cheng Buyun and Magnus.

After bragging, Qinghuo looked at Cheng Buyun seriously and said, "Great, really powerful, even I have to admire you."

"Elder Brother Lei Lin has been reputed." Cheng Buyun smiled slightly, and at Qinghuo's request, he no longer called him Mr. Qinghuo. After all, Qinghuo was a title, and it seemed too strange to call this among friends.

"I don't mean it. I know the strength of Magnus. I haven't grasped it." Qinghuo laughed and said: "Fighting up, up or down, a big chance of a tie, unlike you. It's so easy to crush each other! "

Although his fire **** avatar has reached the level of the main god, but where is the foundation of this earth **** avatar? It is not that the will power is strong enough, and he is not even qualified to fight Magnus.

After all, the Earth Divine Doppelganger is not a deity. It ca n’t borrow the power of the Fire God Divine Doppelganger.

If it is a deity, it is easy to suppress Magnus, but it is as easy as turning hands!

After all, even if the deity can only borrow the power of the fire god's one-hundredth god, it is also a no-try level, and even Cheng Yun can easily suppress it!

This is not a joke, it is true!

It is a pity that his deity is the same as the avatar of the main **** and will not be easily dispatched.

The other **** avatars are dead, and the deity can also practice other law **** avatars, or the deity can refine the divine personality. If the deity dies, it means breaking the back path.

After all, the great enemy who is dominating the light is still staring at you, do you dare to run around?

"That's just Magnus, how can you compare with the Brothers of Yun Yun." Lei Sijing smiled proudly: "Brothers Yun Yun can beat the son of the turtle even with Magnus alone Peach blossoms. "

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