Plane Universe

Chapter 1600: The power of fusion of different rules

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Lei is no longer a child now, he has his own ideas, others can not force.

If you can't say what he has to do.

Live according to your ideas, that is something that only children have.

Qinghuo won't force Lin Lei to be like this. What he said just now is just a suggestion. In the end, if Lei listens to it or not, he has to look at him.

"It's good to merge different rules of mystery, at least it can enhance your attacking power, which is also a good way." Cheng Buyun nodded.

The same rule of mysterious mystery merges with each other, and the increasing base power is increased by ten times, while the different rules of mysterious mystery merge with each other, but increase by one hundred times.

The fusion of two different types of mystery, the power is equivalent to the power of three mysteries of the same line!

The fusion of three different types of mystery, the power is equivalent to the power of five mysteries of the same department!

The fusion of the four different categories of mystery, in terms of power, it is far more powerful than the laws of the great consummation.

For the great consummates, the basic law is about 100,000 times more powerful, and the fusion of the four different types of laws is a million times more powerful.

What an amazing result!

Why is it so difficult for the great consummate to kill?

Naturally, it has nothing to do with the power of the law. The normal great perfection cannot be combined with different mysteries. The basic power is limited, and it is naturally impossible to kill the great perfection at the same level.

If it is replaced by a deity and a god, and the two-system law is fully consummated, between raising your hand and raising your foot, you will be able to remove the single-system law of the same level in one stroke.

This is not a joke, but real.

The basic power of the two Dacheng rules is 100,000. When the two are multiplied, the basic power is equal to 100 million times.

This basic power, even if you don't create a suitable move, can release the opponent by sweeping the basic power alone.

It is a pity that ... there has never been such a strong man in history.

Cheng Buyun now has no such qualification.

His four-line rule has not yet reached the great consummation.

Even if it merges the mysterious mysteries of different departments, only four kinds of mysterious mysteries can be brought out for fusion. Although the power is considerable, it is not comparable to the power of the former.

After all, it is a mystery, not a complete rule!

This is very different.


Thinking of this, Cheng Buyun suddenly made a noise, and Lin Lei heard Yun Ge shouting at himself, unable to answer the words that Lei Sijing asked himself, and quickly turned his head around.

"The fusion of the mysterious mysteries of different departments, it's good to feel cultivated, and it's good to let yourself have one more means, but you can't immerse yourself and can't extricate yourself." Under Lin Lei's confused face, Cheng Buyun explained with a smile: "Different The mysterious fusion of categories is always a small method. "

"Small means?"

Reese Jing exaggeratedly opened her mouth, what are you talking about?

Why don't I understand it!

Babe was also ignorant.

Is the fusion of the mystery of different departments a small means?

Are you serious?

Did not deceive me!

Lei also exaggeratedly opened his mouth, unable to speak for a while.

Qing Huo was also a bit ignorant, and didn't understand Cheng Buyun's intention to say something.

Cheng Buyun, the more he gets along, the more unfathomable he feels, how he knows more than his main god.

"Are I an ignorant?" Qing Huo doubted his life and what he had become.

Anyway, although he has been the main **** for a few days, he has lived more than Cheng Buyun for many years, but in some insights, he really dare not say more than Cheng Buyun!

No, it should be said that there is no comparison!

"I said it's a small method, and it's certainly not to deceive you." Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "With his focus on these things, it's better to be serious and pile up a series of mysteries to the Great Consummation. Have you thought about it, Since soul mutants can merge different mysteries, the complete different laws can naturally be merged. "

He said that everyone's eyes widened completely.


Since lei can fuse the mysterious mysteries of different departments, then naturally he can also fuse different laws, and his power can be stronger!

It is better to honestly increase the foundation for spending their energy in these places.

Cheng Buyun did look far.


Reis Jing both gave a thumbs-up, then patted lei's shoulder and said: "As Brother Yun said, it is enough for cultivation to give yourself a trick to attack, there is no need to immerse!"

"Well, I get it!" Lei is a wise man, and naturally knows the powerful combination of the laws of the two systems.

If he really got there, he would n’t dare to imagine that kind of power!

Maybe there will be a dream!

Qing Huo also nodded again and again, did not say anything good Gao Qianyuan.

Taking the law of fusion as the main purpose, this is not a good idea, but the final direction.

After all, in this process, because what you cultivate is the most basic.

You do n’t even think about such things until you reach the Dzogchen.

And one series of great consummation is not considered, at least two series will do!

In order to achieve the integration of different laws.

"Ha, Cheng Buyun's temptation is well placed, I don't believe it. Lei will jump into this pit that merges different departments and mysterious mysteries." Qinghuo laughed secretly.

Although the law of fusion is still far away, I can still look forward to it. Lei is afraid that the road will be exhausted, but not far away!

As long as there is a way to go, he believes in his ability.

"However, for the fusion of different mysteries, lei can't give up, at least he must have a trick." Cheng Buyun laughed: "After all, different departments of mystery fusion, the power is still quite strong, like this ..."

With that said, he raised his hand and threw a punch to the side.

Suddenly, the colorful light flew out of his fist, whistling and rushing towards the wall of the stone chamber hall.

I saw the front has been shrouded in a colorful light.

"Woo ~"

The space where the colored dragon walked was roaring and oscillating. The land in front of tens of meters was completely occupied by the turbulent flow of the space. A little streamer flickered, and the electric snake flew in it.

Its power is no less than a blow from the Dzogchen Powerhouse.

"Your mother's." Leisi slammed directly.

Thunder Hong threw his fist like a sandbag into his mouth.

Qing Huo's eyes widened and his face was incredible.

The power of this move is too strong. The combination of four simple mysteries has no will power and no divine power.

It is undoubtedly that the mighty shot with the great perfect player is too abnormal!

He didn't know what to say for a while!

"What is this trick? The light of the law has turned into color? And the power of simple power is so powerful!" Babe swallowed and exclaimed!

Cloud gangster is indeed a pervert, with such a powerful ability with a single hit!

You know, you and Lei Sijing, or Lei Hong and others, all shot out, and the power is not as powerful as Cheng Buyun's blow.

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