Plane Universe

Chapter 1601: Floating record

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Seeing that Brother Yun lifted his hand, he hit it with one hand, without any divine power, no power of will, simply by the fusion of mysterious mysteries of different laws, the power was no less than the attack of the Great Consummation level.

Lei was so excited that he couldn't do it himself!

"This is the fusion of different four mysterious mysteries?" Lin Lei saw a glow in his eyes, a ecstasy in his heart, and his body was slightly trembling with a sudden shock. Immediately, he was extremely surprised and bowed slightly into Cheng Buyun: "Brother Yun, please give pointers!"

Lin Lei was very interested in cultivation, especially the novel cultivation direction.

"Pointing? Of course it's no problem." Cheng Buyun nodded and smiled. He showed his hand, and there was a natural meaning of pointing lei.

It is very easy to kill the universe by eating the starry universe, and relying on the ground is the power of the law of fusion.

The more advanced the law, the stronger the combined power.

For example, the two high-level rules of space and time, after the great consummation, the basic power is more than one million times.

As far as attack power is concerned, the higher immortal deities that devour the starry universe are stronger than the great consummates of the Panlong universe.

Even if the great perfection of the Panlong universe has the power of will.

"Big cloud, you lied to me." Babe was unhappy on the side.

Everyone hurriedly looked at it, and Beibei got angry like a child at this moment, lowering his head and gently drawing a circle on the ground with one foot.

Does this mean preparing to draw a circle to curse Cheng Buyun?

"What's the matter, how can I lie to you." Cheng Buyun stretched out his hand on Babe's head, stroking it a few times across the straw hat, his face full of smiles.

Babe lied to him, Cheng Buyun understood.

It was Magnus.

At first, Babe asked to kill Magnus, but what did he say?

He said he was not sure about killing Magnus.

This is the problem.

With the power of his blow just now, if it is supplemented with the power of will, and then contains the fusion divine power, can't kill Magnus?

You're afraid you are not kidding!

As I said before, Cheng Buyun wanted to kill Magnus. It was a very simple thing. He had several ways to kill it.

But he didn't do it.

Very simple, because he wanted to leave Magnus to lei.

Wherever a person falls, he rises wherever he goes.

If lei had no way to avenge himself on his own strength, he went to help kill, and he killed.

But lei clearly has the ability to prove himself, then he can't do that.

Before going to fight Magnus, Cheng Buyun also made his own gesture.

He knew it was one thing, but lei was still in a coma after all.

Since lei was bullied, so as the eldest brother, of course, come out and go to fight Magnus to vent his brother!

"Oh, Babe, this is annoying you." Lei Sijing quipped on the side: "When he first came here, Babe asked you to kill Magnus. , Can't kill. But ... now, haha! "


Babe angrily turned his head to the side and yelled angrily: "I don't know who. It's hard to kill at the Dzogchen level. I'm not too sure. I can only do my best!"

Then he turned his head again, staring at Cheng Buyun seriously and said: "During the battle with Magnus, Brother Yun, did you do your best?"


Cheng Buyun looked helpless and smiled bitterly in his heart.

In his mind, Babe does not understand, and no one can understand!

Lin Lei was confused, but from the conversation between Babe, Yun Ge and Lei Sijing, it seemed that Yun Ge and Magnus had a fight!

As for the outcome, he doesn't know yet!

Because everyone hasn't said it yet, but he is not in a hurry, looking at him with a smile.

It's rare that Yun Yun ate one time on Babe!

He can't bother!

"Haha, Babe, okay, actually Bu Yun thought, I kind of understood." Qing Huo interjected with a smile.

Qinghuo's sudden words naturally attracted everyone's attention and turned their heads one after another. Bebelian asked: "Mr. Lei Lin, what does that mean Brother Yun?"

Brother Lei Lin understand?

A move in Cheng Buyun's heart, nodded secretly.

Qinghuo lived a very long time, and he was an old monster at his age, and his wisdom was as deep as his eyes. It was not strange to see his thoughts.

Qing Huo smiled and explained to Beibei's doubts: "Bu Yun's idea is very simple, because after lei was attacked by Magnus before, his soul was comatose, and he was at the moment of soul mutation, and there were signs. "

"Lei was comatose at the time, and Bu Yun was also not sure what lei would be."

"Of course, we all wanted a miracle to happen to lei at that time, and the result is what we see now." Qinghuo said with a smile: "So what Buyun thought at the time was to teach Magnus a lesson, and then Look. "

"If lei is okay!"

"If something really happened!"

"Magnus can't run away either."

"With the strength of Buyun, you can kill it in the past at any time!"

"At the same time, if lei really mutated successfully, then ... where to fall and where to get up, Bu Yun should mean to let lei have a chance of revenge!"

Qinghuo glanced at Babe and Leising, smiling and said, "Now you understand!"

"So it turns out!"

Both Babe and Leising stared.

"Still Lei Lin understands me!" Cheng Buyun smiled and moved slightly.

"I just live longer and see more clearly." Qinghuo said with a smile: "Don't say I'm just showing off."


He said it funny and everyone laughed.

"Big Brother Yun, I'm sorry, I shouldn't think of you that way, I'm wrong." Beibei sincerely apologized to Cheng Buyun.

"Nothing." Cheng Buyun patted Babe's head very generously.

Lei saw that babe was finally deflated, and shook his head secretly, "bebe, it's not the boss who doesn't help you, it's ... you think too much"

"By the way, Brother Yun fought Magnus when I was in a coma. What happened?" Lei asked with a smile: "Tell me about it!"

Mentioning the name Magnus, lei does not seem to care.

There is not much hatred in the words.

After all, without Magnus, his lei will not undergo such transformation.

So, he was very grateful to Magnus in his heart, great man!

Of course, despite this, he will not be friends with each other.

If you see it, there will definitely be another fight.

"Hey, boss, both Lei Sijing and I have recorded the fighting." Babelian gestured to Lei Sijing, and asked the latter to quickly take out the floating shadow and show it to lei.

"Lin Lei, come and see the floating shadow." Lei Sijing quickly smiled and took out a transparent ball with a big fist, and then handed it to lei.

This is the shadow of Brother Yun and Magnus?

Lin Lei moved with a look of anticipation.

Impressed by the idea, he was instilled in it, and an image immediately appeared above the transparent ball. Lei quickly placed the ball on the stone table and did not greet everyone.

The contents recorded by the floating image are directly fighting from the beginning, without prelude.


Seeing that Magnus actually had a close fight with Brother Yun, lei directly said in amazement: "Magnus is a strong man with a great fate, and the strongest is the soul attack. Fight? Is your head confused? "

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