Plane Universe

Chapter 1602: Last month

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Not to mention Magnus's great consummation toward soul cultivation, melee combat is a physical attack.

In this way, it will undoubtedly suffer greatly.

"Magnus, the great fate of the great consummation, is actually a big fool." Lei Sijing teased and said: "He is a person who prefers close attack, no matter who the opponent is.

"Those opponents in the past were relatively weak in close combat and couldn't take him." Lei Sijing laughed: "But this time, he suffered a big loss, it's miserable!"

How Magnus was miserable and how to be repaired by Cheng Buyun, Reis Jing did not go on.

Lei Lin nodded secretly, and there was no surprise for the outcome of this battle.

You do n’t have to look at it to know that the winner is of course Yunge.

Cheng Buyun can merge the four divine powers. Magnus is not an opponent only because of this.

Need to say the result?

He watched the contents of this floating shadow, and he valued the process, as well as the details and experience of the battle between the two sides.

Everyone watched the image above the floating shadow quietly, and the stone room hall seemed very quiet.

Since Fuying cannot record sound, there is no doubt that there is a little regret. Babe is naturally responsible for explaining on the side, which is a supplement.

From the beginning, how Cheng Chengyun roared Magnus.

Lin Lei nodded while watching.

Especially when Beibei's expression flew and said that Cheng Buyun humiliated Magnus as a garbage, lei all laughed directly.

He turned his head and gave Cheng Buyun a slight look.

This is indeed Yunge's style.

It is as warm as spring to one's own person, but it is like a severe winter to the enemy, and even the tongue is very poisonous, which can make life angry and die.

In particular, Magnus in the floating shadow was blushing and trembling on the spot, and lei was uncomfortable for him.

Suddenly ... the contents of the floating shadow changed. Suddenly, Cheng Buyun's eyes became serious, and Lin Lei's heart hadn't responded yet, Cheng Buyun's image quickly shot, and his right hand even avoided Magnus' block. , Slap in the face.

With lei's sharp eyes, he could see that Magnus' left cheek was deformed.

A few drops of saliva flew out.

"It hurts!"

Lin Lei shivered slightly and was a little scared.

Magnus is far from being strong, so it is a humiliation to be slapped in public!


Lei did not dare to imagine the embarrassment in Magnus' heart!

"Haha, every time I see here, I suddenly feel very happy and cool!" Babe laughed, and he felt a refreshing breath.

"No, the old guy Magnus was very angry. I carried out my mother at the beginning, and finally I lifted out the brother Yun, and warned him not to kill you, but he was still acting alone, angry, hum! "Reis Jing was still shouting, feeling that the boss was not happy, and turned his head and said:" Why did Bu Yun brother catch Magnus and slap him madly anyway, anyway, your defense is so strong, let that Magnus The attack ca n’t take you too! ”

A slap in the face?

It's too cruel!

If Cheng Buyun does this, Magnus must not go mad.

Once this is done, this man can only be killed, otherwise, what will the crazy Magnus do, no one dares to imagine.

After all, no matter whether lei or Cheng Buyun, there are a lot of friends around him, they can't always look after them.

Magnus is alive or dead, they don't care, but if any one of their relatives and friends has an accident, it is regrettable.

So there is still room for doing things.

Let everyone have a turn around!

And Magnus was humiliated by Cheng Buyun, it was Magnus too much, even to deal with a Shura with the body of the great consummation.

Lei had no background, and no one would take shelter.

But there is a strong man like Cheng Buyun who takes shelter, so he should be unlucky and humiliated, there is no way to do it.


After watching the contents of the floating shadow, Lin Lei relaxed, and even excitedly asked: "Brother Yun, at the last moment, Brother Yun, you have completely exploded in divine fusion, right?"

"Not bad."

Cheng Buyun said with a smile: "You can have this kind of power in the future, just need to do the next hard work!"

Lin Lei smiled, Brother Yun broke out so powerful, he is also a soul mutant, that is to say, his fire department avatar practiced to the level of the upper god, and it will also become as powerful.

He was very hot in his heart, but Magnus was in a great consummation level. In battle, he had no resistance in Brother Yun's hands. The fusion of the four divine powers, he already knew.

Completely the same as in the magic territory!

Even more tyrannical!

At this time, he was wondering whether he first put down the fusion of different mysteries, and then piled up the mysteries of the fire gods.

But he thought about it and forgot it.

Although the power of the four divine power fusion looks very arrogant, it is actually the same. If there is no matching trick, as Yun Ge said, you ca n’t do it if you want to kill the Daquan.

After all, where is the basis of the law, lethality is not enough.

If the four different mysteries are merged, the result is completely different.

Yun Brother's move just now, Wei Neng shocked him.

This is his pursuit!

Once the cultivation senses such a trick, a million times the basic lethality, he believes that the Great Consummation level is absolutely unstoppable!

Thinking of this, Lin Lei said with a smile: "Brother Yun, why don't I think, let the fire department avatar reach the upper god, I'm not in a hurry. Let's talk about the fusion of different mysteries, I prefer this!"


Cheng Buyun nodded and said with a smile: "Anyway, no matter how you practice, the direction is always right. It is also right to experience the difficulty of integrating different laws in advance. Let's go to the side and let me tell you in detail about the fusion of different mysteries. The point of cultivation. "

"It couldn't be better, Brother Yun, thank you, I won't say it." Lin Lei chuckled and even walked into the corner with Cheng Buyun's hand.

"Hey, hey ~~~" Lei Sijing quickly shouted, "Have you forgotten something?"

The two turned around confused, their expressions very puzzled.

What have we forgotten?

"Boss, big brother Yun, you forgot, this is the last year, and there are not many days until the day of the decisive battle." Beibei ha ha said with a smile: "Lei Sijing said that at most two sides will have a decisive battle, Do n’t you want to practice this plane war? ”

"We really forgot about this." Cheng Buyun and lei both smiled embarrassedly.

The first time I came to the plane battlefield, I didn't see the decisive battle, it was a bit unreasonable.

And if the Dark God Realm lost this plane war, it would be a bit ugly.

After all, there are quite a lot of strong players on their side. Lose, the ghost knows whether the death master will deliberately make trouble for him!

"Well, it seems not the right time." Lin Lei said helplessly, and his hot head was suddenly splashed by a plate of cold water, and anyone would be a little unhappy.

"It's not too late to talk about this in the future, we have time." Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "The decisive battle is still quite lively, it's a pity not to look at it."

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