Plane Universe

Chapter 1633: Is it time for a showdown?

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"Underworld, the main **** of fire-making?" Lin Lei couldn't help smiling, as it was, just like he thought, he came to find him as an emissary.

Now that he showed his strength, he naturally thought of the arrival of this day.

"Hey Hey hey!"

Seeing the behavior of the black robe, Reis Jing didn't know what was going on, and immediately said dissatisfiedly: "Why, why? If you have something, just explain it directly, and send a hairy voice!"

Nima Di, even want to grab someone in front of me?

Still grab landmines, so courageous!

The black robe was helpless. When he saw Lei Sijing on the side, he knew that there would be such a thing, but he had to come, ignoring Lei Sijing's shouting, he continued to say, "Mr. Lin Lei, you As the great consummation, I want to say what kind of master artifact I want. Despite the request, the master **** will definitely agree. Of course, there can only be one. The master **** will not be stingy about the power of the master god. Millions of drops ... Then. "

"Sorry, I have no intention to be the messenger of the Lord God." Lin Lei smiled slightly, said very politely, and then glanced at Cheng Buyun and said, "Brother Yun, let's go!"

"Lei ..." The black robe wanted to say something.

Lei Sijing immediately shouted: "Go, don't you hear lei? Get away and play!"

He knew this guy, the messenger of the **** of fire.

The main **** of fire refining is a subordinate rule.

Bah, this also wants to grab lei, beautiful.

Lei wants to be the messenger of the main god, that is also for his mother!

With Reis Jing's trouble, the black robe is very helpless.

It is also very clear that the lord **** he serves has no hope of recruiting lei.

After all ... the mother of Lei Sijing ... is a central ruler much stronger than the fire-making god.

"Master messenger?"

Qing Huo smiled contemptuously and shook his head slightly.

"Lei showed his strength, and the main gods came naturally, after all, the Great Consummation!" Cheng Buyun chuckled.

"Well, even if lei is going to be the messenger of the main god, that's for my mother." Lei Sijing still dare not insult a main **** in tone, even if the main **** is much weaker than his mother, but after all, it is the main god, Only majesty!

If you change other ordinary people, even if the Dzogchen is strong, it is estimated that this old boy will scold a few words.

Through the plane passage, Cheng Buyun and others landed in a hall.

In the belly of Yangu Mountain, in the main hall.

From time to time, there was a scolding: "Everyone, come over here to pay badges and record military merits. Hurry up, the soldiers line up one by one, go to the reception side, and the leaders come to me to record."

The person who shouted was Gao Lun, the messenger of the Lord God.

Looking around, throughout the hall, tables were placed, and beside each table were sitting recorders who kept recording the military merits of the soldiers.

Only after paying the badge and recording the ground can you leave.

Naturally, Cheng Buyun is no exception.

"Mr. Gao Lun." Lei hurriedly shouted with a smile.

"Lord lei, congratulations! Where can I come out alive, the military merit should be enough." Gao Lun quickly piled up a smile, and then looked at Cheng Buyun, his expression was more respectful and said: "Mr. Cheng Buyun , I was neglected before, I'm guilty here. "

The battle between Cheng Buyun and Magnus, after a long time of circulation, is well known, and Gao Lun naturally heard of it, so it is so respectful.


Cheng Buyun didn't say much. He took out the Scarlet Badge and handed it to Gao Lun, and said softly, "I have no military merit."

"Where is it, where is it? At the point of being a gentleman, if you want Henan to have military merit, you just want to be gentleman." Gao Lun said with a smile.

He didn't think that Cheng Buyun had no military merits, that Dah Sing was perfect, and that it was slaughter for the leader.

It is estimated that the military merits are given to lei!

What happened in the final decisive battle, because the time is too short, has not been circulated, Gao Lun naturally unnaturally became the monstrous power of the clouds, and it is not clear that lei also reached the level of great perfection.

"Lin Lei, is the military prowess enough?" Gao Lun laughed again, then looked at Lei Sijing and said, "Where is Lei Sijing?"

"It's still using you to say, of course I am enough of military merit." Lei Sijing raised his mouth proudly, glanced at Gao Lun dismissively, and then directly lifted the **** badge of his recognition from his body and threw it to the opponent .

"That is, that is, with the strength of Lei Sijing, this is natural, hehe!" Gao Lun took the Scarlet Badge, hehe smiled, and was not angry.


Lei saw the action of leisjing, and was a little stunned, didn't he want to record military merits?

Reis Jing this?

Babe also didn't understand what Resin was doing, and why he didn't take out the command badge he had harvested.

"With enough military achievements, you don't need to record it here, you can go directly to the main **** to make a request, and let the main **** refine the main artifact." Lei Sijing explained.

"It turns out so." Lei nodded.

Babe naturally understood.

The two exchanged a bit, and then left enough badges to find loved ones, and all the remaining badges were recorded under lei.

As for lei just said that military power is enough, why did he have to record, Gao Lun did not say much, only thought that the number of these badges is more.

It is natural that a Dzogchen strong man helps with military achievements, he is a bit jealous.

"Lin Lei, Lei Sijing, please come here." Gao Lun smiled and pointed to a passageway exposed behind the hall. "Go in here, you will see the Lord God."

"See the Lord God? Lord God deity?" Babe said in surprise.

"Thinking about beauty is just the energy avatar." Reis Jing glanced at Babe, despising his lack of knowledge.

"Go, I don't know, don't you disdain, do you seem to have broad knowledge?" Babe disdained even more.

Lin Lei smiled and ignored the two noisy guys, looking at Cheng Buyun and Qinghuo with a happy and expectant look: "Then ... Brother Yun, Mr. Lei Lin, then I'll go to the Lord Nether, you are here wait me back?"

Nether Lord?

Several commanders near the hall couldn't help but reveal their astonishment.

"Go, don't worry about it, everyone will be fine." Cheng Buyun calmed down. Although Lin Lei was full of joy, he could see clearly the worries in his eyes.

"I hope so." Lin Lei sighed, then said with a strong smile: "Then I will go first."

"Go." Qinghuo and Cheng Buyun smiled and nodded.

Lei nodded and immediately led babe towards the passage.

"Wait for me, together." Reis Jing shouted quickly, catching up with lei, and the four slowly entered the deep passage side by side.

Watching lei enter the tunnel to see the main god, Qinghuo sighed and said, "I hope Dixie they are all right."

When Dixie and others died, he was not in the Magnolia Continent at that time. The Lord God is building a continent, so I have free time to pay attention to these small things.

Cheng Buyun smiled, not worried about the safety of Dixie and others.

"Oh, Buyun, I have something to tell you." Qing Huo turned his head to look at Cheng Buyun, and said with a heavy tone: ‘This matter is very important. Let ’s find a quiet place. ’


Cheng Buyun nodded, so cautiously expression, Qinghuo is ready to showdown?

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