Plane Universe

Chapter 1634: Cheng Buyun must die

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Evergreen has never left since he bombarded a large number of people in the Augusta family, always following everyone.

As for the purpose, Cheng Buyun is of course aware that he should be afraid of the trouble of the light master looking for himself.

Qinghuo and Beirut are the enemies of the light lord. They hate the existence of the corpse. Once they are touched by the light lord, the result can be imagined.

Although he is not afraid of the light, he is very grateful for Qinghuo and Beirut's intentions.

Cheng Buyun and Qing Huo left the Abbey Hall and flew aloft at Yangu Mountain, silent all the way, and neither of them spoke.

When passing a small barren mountain, Qinghuo suddenly said: "Come here, quietness will not hinder our next conversation."

Cheng Buyun nodded slightly.

The two landed and stood on the small barren hill, silently looking at the dark sky.

Underworld is the world of the dead, and it is difficult to see the green forest. Although there are a lot of trees growing on this land, the trees that grow are all gray, like a ruined world.

Even the color of the land became grey and deep after being covered by bone meal for many years, and it was also surprisingly hard.

Here, just take out a handful of soil, all of which are high-grade forging materials in the material plane.

After being silent for a while, Cheng Buyun saw that Qinghuo hadn't spoken, but only slightly looked up at the sky of the prescription. He had to ask: "Brother Lei Lin, what is the matter that makes you so sad?"


Qinghuo sighed slightly, turned his head to look at Cheng Buyun seriously, and sighed before shaking his head and said, "It's not that I have to worry about this, but this time it's too troublesome."


"Is it the lord of light?" Cheng Buyun had a meal in his heart. Isn't that lord of light really shameful, ready to fight against himself?

He is not afraid of breaking the rules of the plane battlefield, and is in trouble by the other three rules?

"Yes, with the power that you are showing now, I'm sure that the Master of Light will come to you in 100% trouble." Qinghuo calmly analyzed and said: "Because of your high potential, the Master of Light is afraid, so in this way, He naturally wants to kill you in growth. As for the rules of the plane battlefield, killing a great consummation, but not the main god. In order to kill a potential enemy with great potential, even if punished, in the eyes of the bright master, it is completely is worth it."

Indeed, killing a **** who is not even the main god, can the rule masters also let the light master pay this god's life?

Not to be punished at most.

Cheng Buyun slightly fascinated his eyes, and he had never thought of this result.

If the bright master is really shameless, this can be done completely.

"I know that you are confused now, you have great potential, why the bright master is afraid, you will know this later, and now I can't say too much." Qinghuo thought Cheng Buyun was silent because he couldn't understand the reason for this. , So I explained it a little bit, "In a word, the Lord of Light and the strong man of our magnolia plane have an uncontrollable hatred. He will not watch our rise. Your potential is so huge, just God ’s short. He has the attacking power of the Lord God, he will not stand idly by, just watching you a little stronger to become his threat. "

"Well, Master Bright has a huge grudge against us Magnolia?" Cheng Buyun exclaimed in surprise.


Qing Huo nodded his head lightly, thought about it, as if thinking about something, and finally said with a tense expression: "Great hatred, but what kind of hatred, I will not tell you now, when you have the true master-level power that day At that time, Beirut and I will explain everything to you. "


Cheng Buyun whispered, looking at the green fire with shock and horror, then glaring his eyes, said with a trembling shock: "Brother Lei Lin, you ... You and Master Beirut are both ... both ... both ... Lord ... Lord God? "

Seeing Cheng Buyun was so shocked that he completely lost his usual stability, Qinghuo was very proud, and he smiled faintly and said: "Yes, Beirut and I are both main gods, but they are only the subordinate element main gods. Bright dominates this great enemy, and at the same time, because of our relationship, you are affected. "


Cheng Buyun twitched his teeth and cramped.

Nima, as if he didn't know these things, pretend like that, isn't it hard? !

Really shameless, as shameless as Lei Sijing, shameless!


at the same time.

Bright Light God Realm!

The island of glory, the connecting hall on the plane battlefield channel, one of the main gods rewards the room, the energy dominance of the light master has been brought to the shadow crystal presented by his envoy.

This floating crystal records all the images from the beginning to the end of the decisive battle.

Naturally, the battles between lei and Cheng Buyun and Magnus and Clementine are also recorded.

When the energy dominance of the light master saw Cheng Buyun's sword attacking Clementine, his fine eyebrows were raised, and there was a little anger on his face, saying: "This Cheng Buyun even wanted to kill my messenger, **** it!"

But when Clementine was killed by Cheng Buyun's sword and fled, Cheng Buyun's move changed his face, and he exclaimed, "Master God attack!"

Hearing the scream of the light master, the man with his head below was immediately shocked.

The last move of Cheng Buyun actually had the power of the Lord God?


But this was said by the bright master, and he had to believe it again.

Therefore, the expression on his face is very wonderful.

"What, Lord God Level Attack?" Underworld, ambushing near Yangu Mountain, waiting for the opportunity to kill Cheng Buyun's bright Lord God, at this time naturally also got everything that the energy avatar saw.

Cheng Buyun is just a god, but he has a master-level attack, which makes him jealous, and he is also very afraid.

It's just a **** now, so powerful. One day, the laws of several systems practiced by Cheng Buyun are all perfect. How powerful is it?

Or Cheng Buyun has now completed the four-system rule?

But the bright master did not dare to gamble. Cheng Buyun itself is a soul mutant, and is a five-line soul mutant, wrapped in his deity. This is already six souls, so potential and enemies. growing up.

"This guy must kill, otherwise the threat to me is too great." In the eyes of the light-dominated Youlan, a strong murderous light suddenly appeared, and the surrounding energy lurched.

The violent laws of light around him made the prince of light suddenly wake up and quickly converge the breath of his body to calm down the surrounding breath.

This is the Underworld, but not the Light God Realm, you can let him come.

Once it attracted the attention of the death master, let alone kill Cheng Buyun, he might be ordered to leave immediately.

The Lord God of Death does not wait to see him. Such a move will not happen, but will definitely happen.

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