Plane Universe

Chapter 1661: Established facts

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The two regulations mentioned by the red-haired girl are very beneficial to Cheng Buyun.

Without the glance of the main god, Cheng Buyun's security is no longer a problem.

As long as he doesn't die to offend a main **** too hard, the other party can't take him.

The asylum ruled by the rules is a powerful security lock.

"Thank you four masters." Cheng Buyun bowed.

He was inexplicable to the red-haired girl who helped him wholeheartedly.

At first, the other party invited him to live in Ghost Mountain. It is estimated that he also wanted to protect him, but Lord Bauhinia was worried about the purpose of doubting the red-haired girl, so he did not agree.

It would be so troublesome as it is now.

Think about it, it is basically impossible to study Cheng Buyun with the red-haired girl's unsettled character.

It is estimated that asking a few sentences will set him aside.

"Practice well, and we will protect you from overturning you." The beautiful woman gently encouraged.

"Although we are sheltering you, we must not be too arrogant nor kill innocent people." The red-haired girl warned: "It is not easy to know that life is spiritual and can be born between heaven and earth."

"Yes, thank you two masters for teaching." Cheng Buyun bowed again.

"Okay, just stay on the side for a while." The red-haired girl nodded in satisfaction, then looked up at all the main gods and said lightly: "Now let's discuss about Hu Erlei's previous proposal to restrict Cheng Buyun into the plane battlefield. "

"Everyone has different opinions and can now discuss it freely."

As soon as the red-haired girl's voice fell, there was another noise.

However, for the master **** strong, everyone said clearly heard in the ears, and did not miss a word.

Even Cheng Buyun is the same.

The thinking of the strong man runs fast, not to mention only the voices of dozens of people, even if there are thousands of people, even if hundreds of millions of people are talking, they can handle it, and they can clearly distinguish what each person said. One word.

"I do agree with the proposal of Master Lei, and it is really necessary to make the qualification to limit Cheng Buyun's entry into the plane battlefield. His power is beyond the level of the Great Consummation."

"I also agree with the proposal that Lei Zhi dominates, or every time there is a plane war, there is help from him over there, and I can't fight, it is better to raise my hand and surrender."

"It is indeed true. I think that Clementine is not weak in the Great Consummation level, but against Cheng Buyun, he can't resist a single move, and it is the end of a main artifact that was damaged and seriously fleeing."

"When you mention this, I have to admire it. A god, the attack power of the law can be as powerful as this. It is really shocking. Even if I wait, I want to explode such a powerful move. It takes a little effort. I really feel it. Not at all. "

"It is necessary to make restrictions, otherwise wow, I see the battle on the plane battlefield, it should be without our share."

Some of the main gods secretly glanced over the side of the main **** of hell, the meaning in the words is self-evident.

With the perverted gadget of Cheng Buyun, the number of victories on the plane battlefield has not been given by the **** side. This is unwilling for anyone and must be limited.

Otherwise, two wins and ten wins, the Lord of Destruction will be invincible in the world, and the strength of the Hell Lords will also increase, reaching a point comparable to the rule of the rule.

Ask who wants!

The discussion of the main gods, the meaning of the words is very clear, all of them mean one thing, that is to limit Cheng Buyun, from now on he will not be allowed to enter the battlefield of the plane to make contributions to hell.

The six main gods on the side of **** listened to the discussion of the main gods, and all of them were afraid, until they made their faces tense and secretly gritted their teeth.

But this is the form, all the main gods unite to put pressure together, and they can't stand it!

The four rules dominate and look different.

The red-haired girl smiled, the beautiful woman's eyes were soft, and the old man in the white robe was with an old god, looking at everyone kindly.

Only the face of the Destruction Dominator is stinky, with a cold face, and the anger that comes out of his body can scare people to death.

In particular, those black-hole-like eyes swept the Thunder Master from time to time, and there was a burst of glare in their eyes, obviously remembering the latter.

Remembered by a rule ...

Mom, it's terrible!

For this discussion, the most indifferent people in the audience are probably Beirut and Qinghuo.

They only ask for one result, Cheng Buyun is safe, and it is not a big problem whether they can make contributions to the plane battlefield.

Cheng Buyun himself, it does not matter.

At this stage, many things, treasures, resources and so on, almost do not work for him.


During the discussion between the main gods, the four rulers actually communicated secretly with soul.

"How do you three think of Hur Lei's proposal to restrict Cheng Buyun's ability to go to the battlefield?" As the host's red-haired girl, she naturally spoke first.

After all, this is her place, and naturally the meeting is also her presidency.

"Cheng Buyun is indeed a bit too strong. The great consummation level with the main artifact of material defense can't resist even one move, and it is not a melee fight. It seems a little unfair to other gods." Ren Ren smiled and said lightly: "In an age when the main **** cannot show, no one can stop him from booming."

"At that time, we made an agreement to divide the main gods into different levels and distinguish them by combat effectiveness. The purpose is to create a fairer situation. I think that some people in the gods should also have this distinction." The old man in white robe smiled Said: "Although Cheng Buyun is not the main god, but among the gods, it is also at the highest level. The power is like the main god. In this way, if there is no restriction, I am afraid that the main **** will take the risk and take risks. . "

The old man in white robe took the last one and took a risk, but it was not a lie.

Why would you take the risk and be forced?

In fact, he did not say a heavier sentence. Once there is no restriction, I am afraid that the peace situation that the four of them can easily maintain will also develop into the fighting stage.

This is also what he least hopes for. He is devoted to research, and he hates to kill.

That will delay his progress!

"That's the reason." The red-haired girl knew very well, so she only threatened the Lei master just now, and asked him to raise the matter.

The Lord of Destruction naturally knows this truth, and understands in his heart that he is just not willing to admit it.

He wanted to win Grandma Bai this time. He had lost both previous contests. How could he be so proud of someone.

Knowing the genius of Cheng Buyun, he was momentarily obscured by excitement.

In fact, it cannot be said to be concealed, only that he did not want to think about the result.

"You all think that Cheng Buyun should be restricted from entering the plane battlefield, right?" Said the red-haired girl.

"Naturally, in order to stabilize the situation, it is necessary to be so." The old man in white robe nodded and said with a smile: "When the time comes, give the little guy a little compensation. The limit limits his actions, and we can't be stingy."

"It should be, you don't say this, I also want to say." The red-haired girl nodded.

PS: Reply to eating Mimi bookworm book friends, rest assured, although the book subscription is not satisfactory, but the void will not end the book hastily, please rest assured!

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