Plane Universe

Chapter 1662: Restricted character

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In fact, from the day Cheng Buyun showed his strength, he was also counted down to limit his entry into the plane battlefield.

Even if there is no light to dominate this hunt, the gods will summon and discuss this matter.

The beautiful woman folded her hands on the table, a pink face gleamed with light, so noble, elegant and charming, and her lips were not opened. A word was already ringing in the ears of the three people, "I also agree with Hurray's proposal , Restrict Cheng Buyun's qualification to enter the plane battlefield. "

It's already expected that Weiwei raised his hand in favor. Of the four rulers, the two women rulers are advancing and retreating together. It is already a well-known thing.

The red-haired girl pursed her lips and glanced triumphantly at the man beside him. The breath of death fluttered slightly on her body, and a voice of soul spread to the ears of the three people. "So ... What about Utrecht? How do you think about it? "


The Destruction Master replied with a cold face, and said indifferently: "The three of you have agreed. What can I do if I object to it? Naturally, I can only agree with your decision."

The Destruction Dominator was in a very unhappy mood at the moment, and in the end, he got nothing in the end.

The looming guys didn't even want to sell to him.

There is also Hu Erlei who gave the matter, not to face Lao Tzu, and warned that the matter should still be brought forward!

At the thought of the thunder who dominates the initiator, the fire in his heart rushed out violently, and he couldn't wait to immediately shoot it and blast the **** guy.

"Don't be so reluctant, this is an established fact. You are too happy and happy to think about it." The old man in white robe laughed, and ridiculed the ruling master once in a good mood.

The four rulers secretly communicated and negotiated the results, and the free discussion on the side of the Lord is almost the same.

The red-haired girl patted the table lightly, and the clear voice of the metal table came out. The main gods still discussing immediately stopped and turned to look over.

"Thunder Lord Hullei proposed to restrict Cheng Buyun's entry into the plane battlefield. I believe that after the free discussion just now, you should have a result in your heart." The red-haired girl glanced lightly at the gods and said indifferently: "So ... If you have different opinions, or agree with them, you can say your own results. This time, starting with the next main god, the earth **** will speak first. "

As soon as the words fell, the main **** of the earth **** plane immediately said: "Four adults, I think we should restrict Cheng Buyun into the battlefield of the plane. His strength has far exceeded the so-called great consummation level. If you let him enter the plane battlefield, it will be too undisclosed for other gods! "


The red-haired girl nodded and motioned to the other main **** of the earth **** to answer.

"I also agree to restrict Cheng Buyun's entry into the plane battlefield." The other fire **** of the fire department just said simply.

The following main gods, one after another, all have the same meaning, and firmly limit Cheng Buyun's entry into the plane battlefield.

"Damn, this group of guys are naked jealous!" Lord Xuanguang was so angry that his son was sore. His eyes were stained with scarlet colors, and his expression was fierce and stared at each of the speaking gods.

"Of course they wouldn't watch us as powerful, and then stand on their heads as uncles." The star of the star looked dull, as if he had expected this for a long time.

"Damn guys, what are you jealous of? You have the ability to cultivate talents yourself. What does that mean?" Lord Xuefeng was also angry.

Before he got the combat intelligence of Cheng Buyun on the plane battlefield, he was very happy, thinking that he could get some light this time, and with the help of Cheng Buyun, he strengthened his strength a lot.

But now ... Mom sells it!

Isn't this embarrassing my blood peak?

A bunch of bitches!

Don't give me a chance or you will be killed.

For strength, a few people don't care!

Breaking a person's future is like killing a parent.

How does **** do not anger.

When all the next main gods of the plane of God had spoken, only the **** line remained, and everyone's eyes also looked at it.

Indifferent eyes and indifferent expression revealed the appearance of watching the drama, which made the hell, the main god, hate. Under the red-haired girl's indication, Xuanguang first said angrily: "Four adults, Cheng Buyun is only one in the end. God, not the main god, since it is a god, he has the right to participate in the plane war. We ca n’t look at his strength and limit him. If this result is announced, the gods think that those of us who are the main gods have no consideration, then it ’s not Is it a joke? So ... I object! "

After Xuanguang finished, the woman in the next main **** of Hell immediately said: "I also think that Cheng Buyun is a god, not restricted, and has the right to participate in the plane war, so ... I also oppose the restriction of Cheng Buyun Proposal to enter the plane battlefield. "

"No!" Another Cheng Buyun didn't know what to do with his blond hair and shouted briefly.

It can be seen that he is not very good at words.


Lord Blood Peak roared loudly, a pair of red brows trembling gently, bulging eyes, a stream of air from his nostrils, shouting angrily: "It ’s just a god, so embarrassing him, are n’t we too much gods? Can you make a face, and the gods thought that we did n’t have the capacity to let people go.

"shut up."

Fate of the next main **** card table in Destiny Realm, after yelling at the main **** of blood peak, quickly bowed to the four rule masters and said: "Four adults, please forgive me to pass, there is really a problem with the statement of blood peak , I can't help myself for a while. "

The four masters were not angry, but just smiled faintly, and the red-haired girl said lightly: "This time, blood peak is just anxious."

"It's not an example." The red-haired girl glanced at the Blood Peak with a warning look in her eyes.

What time does the Lord God decide for the Gods to discuss?

Lord Xuefeng couldn't help but had to stop.

In fact, this time he has already been counted as the following offender, but also committed public anger.

But everyone sees that in the case where the main **** of the **** is pitted, they don't want to worry about more.

In the hell, the main **** and man are lonely, and even if all six are opposed, it cannot stop the general trend and cannot change the established facts at all.

Can not change the result of Cheng Buyun being restricted into the plane battlefield.

The rising trend of their **** line was contained.

It's just that for their own benefit, they don't want to end this way and do their best to avoid regret.

Cheng Buyun didn't think much about it. In fact, he was already proud. The core issue of this meeting of the Lord and God was him. Both sides kept fighting openly and secretly, and he was centered on him.

This kind of thing, no one dares to believe.

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