Plane Universe

Chapter 1663: Things are over

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How to let the God Gate believe that only a single step into the cloud, so unexpectedly brought out such a storm, causing all the gods to gather.


Cheng Buyun was restricted.

From this moment on, you will not be able to participate in the plane battle on the plane battlefield for life, but you can enter the plane battlefield to watch the battle, but you can't intervene in any battle. Once violated, the consequences will be very serious.

In other words, he has been treated as the main **** by all the main gods.

The Lord God is not allowed to intervene in the battle on the plane battlefield anyway!

Now, Cheng Buyun also has this kind of treatment. He is not the Lord God of the Lord God, and he does not know what to say.

In fact, this result is still a little bit of a benefit for Cheng Buyun.

When he said it, he was given face.

How many of the gods are treated as such by the Lord God?

He is the only and special since the birth of heaven and earth.

"So!" Said the red-haired girl. "The discussion at this meeting is basically over."

"Wait." Lord Bauhinia said quickly and respectfully: "Four adults, Cheng Buyun was later restricted from entering the plane battlefield to make merits, but he is a **** in the end, without the power of the Lord God, so that he is If you lose, should we, the master, be compensated a little bit? "

"If you don't interrupt me, this is exactly what I am going to say." The red-haired girl glanced at the Bauhinia, but did not worry too much.

"Please forgive me for being rude." Lord Bauhinia hurriedly apologized.

The color of gratitude appeared on Cheng Buyun's face. Lord Bauhinia had done enough for himself.

"For Cheng Buyun's compensation, the four of us just discussed it." The beautiful woman said, "Make the following compensation and fill him with two other main artifacts that are missing. As for the power of the main god, Belle Na, just look at giving, as long as it is not too much, we will not have too many opinions. "

"Yes." Lord Bauhinia smiled and responded.

In this way, Cheng Buyun, who was filled with two main artifacts, could increase his defense power several times. Even if ten or eight great concubines rounded up in the future, I am afraid he could not help him.

Actually ... the main artifact of material defense and the main artifact of soul defense are still somewhat useful for Cheng Buyun.

At least there is a material defense main artifact, and the next main **** wants to kill him, it is not easy.

A little compensation was given to Cheng Buyun, which was icing on the cake, and the main gods had no opinion.

After all, at the level of the Great Consummation, time is ample, and you get more than compensation once you go to the battlefield.

"Okay, this time the gathering of everyone to discuss is basically over." The red-haired girl said indifferently: "Why should we go, what should we go back to, what should we get together to get together Gather together. But I warn everyone, this is my place, quarreling is ok, but any battle is provocative to me, do n’t violate it, and later I will say that I will not give you face. "

"Yes, lord, we all know." The gods bowed.

Some of the main gods glanced at the light master and Beirut, showing a grinning look.

They all knew that the red-haired girl finally specifically warned who was going.

After the meeting, the main gods did not leave to go back to their territory, but stayed on the spaceship platform. Taking this rare opportunity, everyone chatted.

The main **** is actually very boring, okay.

This is a rare opportunity this time, why go back?

Are you alone in a daze at the palace?

Of course, some individual gods have left.

The main gods of Hell are very unhappy, and naturally they are unhappy, and the expression is also a stranger, so there is no main **** coming to talk.

"Finally, there is no danger." Lord Bauhinia breathed a sigh of relief. This time it was really dangerous, and once reminded her of the mind, but under the protection of the death master, the gods showed that they were not moving. Personal safety, the results are always good.

Both Beirut and Qinghuo are in a happy mood.

"Thank you for maintaining me. I will remember this kindness forever." Cheng Buyun stood up and said with a respectful smile.

"None of this, we are arguing for ourselves." The Star Lord God slightly shook his head at the beginning, not wanting to thank Cheng Chengyun for his gratitude. A few traces of regret flashed on his face at the next moment, sighing and saying, "But You are really good enough. It is indeed a genius I look at. I gave up on you easily. Now I think about it. I regret it. "


Cheng Buyun whispered, looking at the unconscious contemptuous expression of the Star Lord, with a little doubt in his mind.

"Oh, at that time, not only did I know that you appeared, but Xingyi also knew that time. We almost got started to compete for your fate." The God Bauhinia explained with a smile.

At the sight of the almost hands-on thing, the old star of the stars blushed and said quickly: "I will not mention this matter, I will not mention this matter."


Several blood peak master gods immediately chuckled, and even Beirut could not help but lifted the corner of his mouth.

In the destruction of a series of main gods, Utrecht is the master, and the first is the strength. The remaining six main gods, the star **** and the Bauhinia god, are all the median gods, the law is similar, and the strength is basically the same.

But ... the main blood of the Bauhinia Lord is strong, and it is the body of the amethyst beast. It has a strong natural body and a very good soul. Although it is not comparable to the special gods and beasts such as the blue dragon, it can be regarded as the top class.

The ordinary races such as the Star Lord God are incomparable. When fighting, the Star Lord God naturally suffers.

Even, once close, the Bauhinia Lord can hammer him with one hand.

"But after all, this kid is really evil enough. I also pay attention to the plane war between the light **** realm and the dark **** realm." Lord Xuanguang shook his head and sighed, "I was also shocked when the first information came. At this time of practice, I have hammered out an old great consummate. I used to underestimate you a little bit. "

"However, this is nothing. The recent intelligence came, it was more scary, too powerful." Lord Xuanguang looked at Cheng Buyun and Zhang Chongrong's unsurprised face, he still secretly regretted it, this was originally mine People!

"It's really great, we gods can have such status as today, and we have good luck." The female god, who is the same as the **** Bauhinia, said with a smile on his face and smiled: "And I haven't reached the rule of perfection so far. Level, only staying at the Shura level. "

"Luna God Lord praised." Cheng Buyun humbly owes his body.

This female, like the Bauhinia Lord, destroys the Lord God and is the Lord of the Bifu mainland.

As for why the title of the main **** is not the same as the name of the mainland, there is a reason. The relationship between the old master **** and the new master god.

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