Plane Universe

Chapter 1681: Trusted Shutan

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"Brother Yun, I'm the King of the Sword River. Don't tell me that it's too dangerous for me." Luo Feng said: "I don't want to be chased by a group of aliens."

Being confident is one thing, but being confident does not mean being stupid. The enemies of the strength of the alien Zhenyan teacher are chasing and killing. Even if Luo Feng is strong, he will have to pick up his tail and escape.

"No problem, I will not talk nonsense." Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "In fact, you have a golden horn beast, as long as the two bodies appear at different times, then protect the pronucleus, even if the aliens know that you Luo Feng is Daohe What about Wang? The big deal is to kill the last one happily, so that those aliens can see, and you Luo Feng is not irritating. "

"Resurrection after death, can the interracial help you?" Cheng Buyun raised his mouth and sneered again and again: "Although the Golden Armor Bead is a treasure and expensive, I can afford it."

Luo Feng was talked about by Cheng Buyun, and he wished he could kill the aliens immediately.

Luo Feng is no exception for the famous earthquake in the universe, and he is very much thinking about it.

It's a pity ... when he looked back, he shook his head secretly. If he didn't wear "Wu Yuyi", he wasn't that strong.

Killing Wu Yuyi gave him the ultimate speed, without this super treasure, the strength will undoubtedly drop a lot.

A person's strength includes all aspects, not just attack power.

He, Luo Feng is not an immortal god, speed is a weakness.

Without the ultimate speed comparable to that of the immortal gods, no matter how strong the life gene is, it will be a slow-moving turtle.

You can only defend when fighting.

Want to kill?

It's very difficult!

Therefore, once the identity is publicized, besieged and lost Wu Yuyi, it is difficult to get it back.

Thinking of this, the boiling blood on his body cooled down, and his heart became calm.

If you want to kill aliens, you will be famous for moving the universe, and so on. Wait until you have a stronger strength and kill aliens.

The expression on Luo Feng's face changed, and Cheng Buyun naturally saw it in his eyes, and he didn't say anything about it again. It was Luo Feng's matter how Luo Feng chose.

Choosing to be famous or hiding is a matter of reason.

Cheng Buyun didn't speak aloud, but Luo Feng had something strange in his heart and asked in a low voice: "Brother Yun, do you think I'm too careful in fear of death, and also feel that I'm not domineering and pretend to be a turtle!"

"How could it be?" Cheng Buyun looked at it in amazement, looking at Luo Feng's expressionless face, and shook his head dumbly.

In this way, Brother Yun didn't look down on himself, Luo Feng was relieved.

"A Feng, how do you choose? It's your own business. Why do I think you are a tortoise?" Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "Cultivation is about being transparent. If you feel right, do it. Don't do much." If you want to be a brother, you have to think from the standpoint of the other party. This is the real brother, so no matter how you do it, I will support it. "

"If you want to disclose your identity and want to be famous in the universe, I certainly support it, and will do all the logistics for you." Cheng Buyun laughed: "Of course, your strength is not strong now, and the life-saving means are also powerful. , But things are always there, so be careful. "

Luo Feng nodded with a smile. That's what he thought. The nameless secret code, each person can only practice once in his life. Once he dies, it will be miserable.

Even if Chaos Teacher wants to resurrect himself, the resistance of the universal rules can make Chaos Teacher fall.

In the end, I can only resurrect myself at a more advanced time.

In this way, after his resurrection, the powerful background disappeared, and his future achievements must be dropped geometrically.

Outweigh the gains!

"Okay, I'll talk here today." Cheng Buyun said: "You are still adventurous outside the battlefield, you can't be too relaxed anyway."

"Okay, Brother Yun, wait for me to find a safe place, and see you in ten days." Luo Feng smiled, preparing to leave the virtual universe.

"Right, A Feng." Cheng Buyun suddenly shouted, Luo Feng quickly stopped the movement in his mind, looked at Cheng Buyun, waiting for him to speak.

"That's it. I'm a little curious about the second metal plate. I want to study it. Can you agree to my request?" Cheng Buyun said with a smile.

"It's a trifle." Luo Feng didn't think much, and immediately agreed, and then said with a smile: "When I find a secluded place, then immediately send back to the original secret realm."

Luo Feng's star-eating grass was already an immortal **** when he left Chaos City. The divine symbol naturally has a teleportation area in the original secret realm.

"Okay, let me know at that time, I will let Shuying Wang hand over." Cheng Buyun said.

So, this video communication is over here.

Whether Cheng Buyun, Luo Feng, or Hong, their authority in the virtual universe is very high.

The level of communication is so high that no enlightenment is allowed in the universe.

That is, the head of the virtual universe company, the chaotic city owner can go to check.

So Cheng Buyun talked about these important things in the virtual universe network without any worries.

Generally speaking, the chaotic city lord will not inquire into Cheng Buyun's communication, which is unnecessary.

Rooftop of a small building.

Cheng Buyun was drinking tea and was in a good mood.

Luo Feng got the content of the second layer of the Nine Tribulation Secret Code, and revealed it to him without concealment, making him feel that the whole person was comfortable.

"Brother, that kid from Luo Feng seems to be okay. In the future, Alice's strength will be even stronger." Xiaohong Houhe smiled and smiled with joy: "Yes, Alice has been in that golden horn monster. Did the tribe study retreat, did she call her back? "

"I was about to contact her." Cheng Buyun nodded and smiled. Although Alice's perception was not as perverted as Luo Feng's, it was also a rare talent, not worse than Bo Lan and Rong Jun.

With his own unconditional training, the ultimate achievement is definitely extraordinary!

Qianwu Daxing District, Lassau World, Golden Horn Tribe.

Beast Canyon.

For more than three thousand years, Alice has been staying here, enlightening the huge statue of the beast god, observing its shape, learning its rhythm, combining the small statue of the **** beast granted by the master, constantly copying and studying, studying the beast **** Road.

Not a day of slack!

In order to protect her master, she is as happy as a peas when she practices.

After all, her survival is for the master, without the master, she is nothing, like walking dead.

Without being influenced by foreign objects, concentrate on this kind of character is terrible.

Because their life has only one purpose, that is to strengthen themselves, in addition to that, nothing is the slightest interest.

What is a useful person?

Alice will answer you this way: someone who is needed by the owner!

Those who are not needed by the owner are those who are useless.

Alice's outlook on life is simple, she lives just to protect her master!

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