Plane Universe

Chapter 1682: Alice is coming

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Simply cute and distressing!

Tens of meters away, unlike Alice's concentration, her beautiful paris, sitting quietly on the ground, seems to be practicing with her eyes closed. In fact, her spirit is always paying attention to her surroundings.

Although the Golden Horn tribe is also a human power, she can't believe the people around her, so she always stays alert.

This is not always a safe place, and even if there are no spies, even interracial people do not believe it.

For more than three thousand years, she is undoubtedly the hardest one.

But no matter how hard it is, as a bodyguard, protecting Alice's safety is her duty and her most important thing.

"Your Highness is really hard. I have been observing this beast **** statue for more than three thousand years, and I may not be able to do it if I change it." Palis looked at the statue of the beast **** with his eyes open, and sometimes his expression was thinking. At the next moment, as if thinking of something, he whispered with a smile on his face: "I don't know if I have been diligent for more than three thousand years, the strength of His Royal Highness has now reached that step."

Alice entered the original secret realm as the first genius battle, and then swept the old people in the original secret realm qualification battle. The talent is evident.

In her heart, Her Highness absolutely has the talent to not lose to Luo Feng. Once it breaks out, it must be a terrifying event.

Dazzling like that Luo Feng!

It's just that Alice has no intention of testing these things. The period of the realm is a period of outbreak. The bit by bit events are very important and cannot be wasted.

At this time, the strength of Alice, the 9th order of the Golden Horned Behemoth Realm, the 9th order of the Demon Killing Doppelganger Realm, and the 1st order of the human deity Realm, the realm of the Beast God Road is much higher than Luo Feng.

It is terrible to be without a heart.

But this does not mean that Alice is more powerful than Luo Feng.

Many times, the realm is not equal to combat power.

Suddenly, Alice in her perception, surprise with abnormal expression, and a pretty face with a happy look.

A few seconds later, she turned her head, and Paris quickly smiled and asked, "Your Highness, but what did you find?"

"No, Palis." Alice smiled happily and smiled rarely, which is rare for Paris.

Alice is the famous iceberg goddess, except for Cheng Buyun, who has no false colors, and has a cold face all day, as if everyone owes her trillions.

But now this expression is revealed, naturally surprising.

"That's it?" Paris asked in surprise.

"It's the master." Alice said happily: "The master just contacted me with the video and asked me to go to the initial universe to study immediately."

| Master?

His Royal Highness Cheng Buyun!

Palis nodded clearly, and this Highness made him excited.

She didn't know why Alice still respected His Highness Cheng Buyun so much today, and thought of herself as a servant, she couldn't figure it out.

Soul control?

who knows!

"Paris, let's go." Alice could not wait to see her master.

For more than three thousand years, if it was not her master who asked her to study the statue of the beast **** here, she would have gone back to the original universe.

When Cheng Buyun left to devour the starry sky, he forgot to tell Xiaohong to summon Alice, so the latter never left.

But now the results are better.

The enlightenment time of the primary level in the initial universe is only one thousand years.

Without time house coordination, it is a waste.

"It's time to go to the original universe." Palis nodded and smiled. "Then, Your Highness, let's say goodbye to Elder Si Fanqi."

"it is good!"

If Paris does not mention it, Alice will definitely leave directly. Her human relations are relatively weak.

Holy city.

The two found Elder Si Fanqi to explain the reason, the latter did not continue to retain, Alice really stayed in Las Vegas world for too long.

Of course, if Alice continues to stay, they are willing to continue to receive. All along, they have been attracting human geniuses, hoping that the ethnic group will live better in the future.

Some necessary, they will choose to invest!

"So, then I will not leave His Highness Alice." Si Fanqi slightly bowed his head and smiled: "Goodbye, Your Highness Alice will come to our Lassau World as a guest.

"Yes, I will come back in time. Thank you for your hospitality over the years. Goodbye!" Alice smiled rarely and thanked her.

"Goodbye, Elder Sifanqi." Palis nodded and looked at Alice.


Alice sipped softly, her body slammed into the sky, and Palis next to her immediately rose into the sky, a magical power surrounding and protecting Alice's body.

At the same time, ten realm guards also rushed into the sky.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

When the figure entered the spacecraft in a high altitude, the door closed suddenly, ignited, and the speed rose instantly, flying towards the outside of the Lassau world.

Soon after, he entered the dark universe.

She had been paying attention to the spy who was moving in Alice, and at this time she could only sigh.

Elder Si Fanqi watched the spaceship into the dark universe beside him, and rushing out to attack was undoubtedly a fool's act.

Among the spaceships, Alice connects to the virtual universe, which is a direct operation, removing the post of inspector of the Witch Universe.

Also apply to enter the initial universe!

Over the past few years, the constellations of the universe who issued the missions were also very angry that Alice ignored them.

But the human race is free to train geniuses. Geniuses don't accept tasks, and you can't force her to pick them up and do them!

"Okay, Palis, you can choose a secluded place and use the kingdom of God to send back." Alice disconnected the virtual universe and turned to Palis. "The resources I need have been transferred. . "

"Your Highness, this is only a few dollars." Parris smiled and shook her head. Although she was not rich in money, she was also a high-ranking immortal master.

The **** that came when the truth came was actually an intangible investment.

If this genius succeeds in the future, remembering this guard a little will make the opponent unbearable.

Paris set her mind and immediately contacted the virtual secret company's original secret management department, expressing the need to use the teleportation point of the kingdom of God.

The original secret realm naturally knew what was going on, and immediately arranged a teleportation point.

"Eighth teleport?" Paris nodded.

Soon, the spacecraft stopped in a secluded place, and Paris closed her eyes, sensing the immortal token left by herself in the distant place.

Between the flashes of light and shadow, the starburst falls from the sky.

A group of twelve people has disappeared.

In the eighth teleportation of the original secret realm, Alice and others appeared. Paris continued to take out the spaceship, and everyone entered the spaceship again and headed towards the destination.

In the reception hall, an immortal of Feng Feng's pinnacles was already waiting. When he saw Alice appeared, he hurried up and said, "His Royal Highness, please follow me!"

"Okay, Lord Rama, please wait." Alice nodded lightly, and then looked at Palis. "Paris, thank you for taking care of us all these years. Let's separate here!"

"Okay, Your Highness." Paris smiled and nodded, and since then, she has also taken off the position of leader of the Alice Guards.

"Sincerely sent to your Highness." Ten Realm guards also bowed and shouted.

Alice turned her head and glanced at everyone, then nodded silently, and then followed Feng Fengbuxiu to the waiting spaceship.

As for the domain master and cosmic-level **** in the Alice Guards, there is a virtual universe company arrangement that does not require her to bother.

In the thunder of the spaceship, in the sight of a group of people, go away!

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