Plane Universe

Chapter 1683: Alice's ability

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Chaos City.

A spaceship passed through the cosmic passage, then hovered slowly over an open space, the door opened, and a figure emerged, it was Alice.

"Lord King Rama, thank you for escorting me over." Alice turned her head and thanked the inside of the spaceship, then flew out eagerly, hurling towards the core of Chaos City.

The arrival of Alice has attracted many people's attention.

Alice, who hasn't exposed her strength for more than three thousand years, has actually been a matter of concern to everyone.

It's a pity ... There was a chance for the domain master qualification battle last time, but Alice suddenly broke through, and directly became a member of the original secret realm of the realm.

Perfectly circumvent the struggle of the domain master qualification station.

In this way, there is no need to participate in the qualification battle of the domain master once every 10,000 years.

At the master level, the qualification battle is once every 100,000 years.

It takes a long time for the qualification battle of the landlord.

On the rooftop of the small building, Cheng Buyun had seen a figure lasing in the distance, looking at Alice intently, and quickly smiled.

The efficiency of the virtual universe company is still very high.

I started by calling Alice, and within a few hours of now, Alice had arrived.


Others don't want to be blamed by him.

What is the efficiency, the general New Territories masters apply for the initial secret area for further study, no matter what level, it will take at least a few days to complete all the procedures.

Alice was able to arrive so quickly, it was also those managers who gave him face.

Sometimes the status is directly reflected in many things.


Alice's figure landed softly on the rooftop, kneeling on the ground in excitement and excitement and said respectfully, "Master, Alice is here."

"Okay, get up, don't move and kneel." Cheng Buyun said with a smile, Alice quickly stood up, stood up sideways with her hands, waiting for the master's instructions.

"Relax." Cheng Buyun smiled bitterly. Alice was good, but he was too respectful of his master.

Looking at Alice's same face and manners as before, Cheng Buyun thought about it and said, "After seeing your teacher first, I will tell you how to do it."

"Yes, master, then I'll go to see the teacher first." Alice bent down and immediately turned around to fly again and headed towards the palace of King Zhenyan.

Looking at Alice's simple attitude, Cheng Buyun smiled bitterly, and it seemed that he had to teach Alice about human affairs in this respect, so as not to have time to go out and practice, he didn't understand anything, and would just rampage.

Thinking of this, he turned his head, but after seeing Xiaohong gritting his teeth, needless to say, she must be annoyed that Alice ignored her, thinking about how to retaliate.

Then when Cheng Buyun said that he wanted to tune Alice, Xiaohong immediately showed an excited smile, and patted her **** fiercely and promised, "Brother, please give it to me, I will teach Alice well, let her know what Call respect! "

Cheng Buyun was speechless.

I hope it won't disturb the chickens and dogs!

Drinking Yunwu tea leisurely and watching the cosmic rules of the initial universe continue to evolve. Cheng Buyun felt that this day was really pleasant.

It's a pity ... due to the problem of weak soul, but he was unable to immerse him, this perception undoubtedly made a huge discount.

Once the spirit is too concentrated, he will feel a little trance in his brain!

"It seems that before my soul recovered to an ideal state, it was just a delusion to want to understand the law." Cheng Buyun was helpless, but he smiled again at the next moment, "The law cannot be understood, but this cannot help me. The law of avatar is in the realm, the four-law of the realm of wind, fire, water and soil all have their own. As long as you slowly understand and absorb enough law power, then you will reach a very high point and become an immortal god.

In addition to this, you can also practice chaos and combat skills to improve your life genes.

The value of his life gene at this time is less than nine thousand times, and it is far from the foundation of completion, and it takes a long time.

Chaos battle body tactics, the more cultivation to the end, the harder it is.


Why can't you practice the Nine Tribulation Secret Code, and you only need one layer to multiply your own life gene now, and it will be completed immediately.

Cheng Buyun sighed.

At this time, time and space jumped out to express disdain, the Nine Tribulation Secret Code? What is it, can it be compared with my secret code of Chaos Engulfing?

Think more!

Or did you eat too much rice and people became stupid?

Cheng Buyun was speechless by time and space.

If he can also practice the Nine Tribulation Secret Code, then ... in the end he dare not think about it!

Half a day later, Alice came out of the palace of King Zhen Yan and returned to the rooftop of Xiaolou again.

In this process, Cheng Buyun didn't have to bother, and with the character of Zhen Yan Wang, he would never treat Alice down.

"Okay, come in, I have something to tell you." Cheng Buyun waited for Alice to reply, and the power of the body world swayed, covering her body, and the latter had been taken into the jade wear space by him.

In the Yupei space, Cheng Buyun's projection appeared, staring at Alice and asked softly: "How, I haven't seen it in recent years, what's the result of my cultivation, please tell me."

"Please also ask the master to forgive sins." Alice first respectfully saluted, and then replied with shame: "Because I have been enlightening the way of the beast gods over the years, the achievements in the law are a bit unsatisfactory, worse than Luo Feng A lot. "

Luo Feng's golden rule is almost complete, only the last step can be broken.

Alice is not as sensible as Luo Feng. Once the conditions are the same, it is justifiable that the gap is widened.

As for the law of space, it goes without saying that Luo Feng did not allow the law of space origin to admit that it was even more impossible than his Alice.

Cheng Buyun didn't say much, motioning to Alice to continue.

"As for the beast god's artistic conception, I asked Xiaohong to compare a lot of battle simulations, which should be regarded as the realm of the 12-15th floor of Tongtianqiao." Alice said here, she finally got a little happy look on her face. The proudest achievement in more than a thousand years.

She wanted to get praise from her master, she couldn't help looking at Cheng Buyun with the look of expectation.

Seeing her expected expression, Cheng Buyun couldn't help laughing, and immediately followed Alice's thoughts, and praised and said happily, "Yes, I am very satisfied."

This is not Cheng Buyun's intentional praise, but really happy.

The ability of the 12th to 15th layers of Tiantianjiao does not mean that Alice's strength is ups and downs, two concepts.

Alice's statement is that without the beast god's conception, she has the ability of the 12th floor of Tongtianqiao. Once she exerts the beast god's conception, she has the ability of the 15th floor of the bridge, spanning a class.

The 15th floor of Tongtianqiao is already the capacity of the immortal emperor.

Beast God's artistic conception is still terrible for the increase in strength.

Gaining praise from the owner, Alice immediately showed a look of excitement, like a child who got delicious toffee.

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