Plane Universe

Chapter 1688: The fourth law of origin

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What do you mean?

Everyone didn't expect Alice to have such a book at all.

It's all messed up in the wind.

They fought in such battles, discussed and guessed each other, and finally read this?

Some people are even more angry.

What a little girl with character!

Luo Feng was also stunned on the spot. After the reaction, he smiled and said in secret: "Sister Alice is always Sister Alice, she will only act on her own preference and will not care about the eyes of others."

You discuss yours, I am my own, Luo Feng shook his head, looked at the geniuses who were still in a forceful expression, and then quietly dispersed the figure.

Indeed, why does Alice act in her life?

"Everyone don't want to be angry. Alice broke through the overpass and didn't invite us to see. She has nothing to do with how she went, so let's go!"

"That's true. It's our willingness to come here. I can't blame others."

Some of them said a few fair words, and some nodded in agreement.

This is also true. Alice did not invite them. How to break through and how to break through is her own business. Others cannot say or blame.

That was difficult for the strongman.

"But after all, although Alice can only break through a floor in a single room, she still reveals something. Looking at the body method she just used, it is still very charming. In particular, the light and the space are vaguely affected and easily cut There is a crack in space, and it is estimated that the distance from the day when it is recognized by the origin of space should not be too far away. "

"Meteorite King is right, Alice's law is very deep, and many geniuses in the original secret realm may not match it. Congratulations to Zhenyan, who has received two good disciples in a row. What an enviable one!"

"Where, where, luck only." Zhen Yan Wang replied with a smile, his heart is also very proud.

For thousands of years, Luo Feng and Alice have indeed given him a face.

You should be proud.

In the small building on the rooftop, Cheng Buyun received the video from Shuying Wang. The powerful expressions of those strong men in the video could not help laughing.

In Alice's heart, she only went to when she needed it, otherwise she would not waste that time.

To enlighten the Chaos Monument, there are no more times, so Alice has to go through a layer of Tongtianqiao to have the opportunity to enlighten.

And Alice, who can go to the city's main palace, passed the first floor, and naturally no longer wastes time, directly enlighten the Chaos Monument.

At this time, the Jiuyu Chaos Monument was empty.

Alice went in immediately.

The time for the enlightenment of the Chaos Monument is seven days. When Alice ’s enlightenment to the Jiuyu Chaos Monument is about to end, the chaotic city lord who is paying attention to the deity ’s dangerous adventure finally opened his eyes and looked at the place where the Chaos Monument of the outer government looked. He kept whispering, "Since even Baffin sees Alice's personality change, then other existences can be seen naturally. In this case, so as not to be disturbed by them, I'll check it again to calm their hearts."

The Lord of Chaos absolutely believes in his disciples. Alice ’s superficial personality changes. Her disciples cannot be unaware, but there is no tension. The result is not what Baffin thought. Alice has been controlled by aliens.

At the next moment, in the space covered by the "Treasure of the Thousand Treasures", there was a slight shock that could not be immediately noticed. The power of space and time instantly wrapped around Alice's body and penetrated through the body.

The secret in Alice's body was not preserved immediately, and was clearly seen by the Lord of Chaos.

Through that pronucleus, the Lord of Chaos saw the slender human soul. This slender human soul has not changed at all as before, as the result of his first inspection.


The Lord of Chaos nodded gently and said with a smile: "What a joyful thing to see such a pure soul every time is really very happy."

Because of Baffin ’s suspicion, the chaos city master deliberately checked Alice ’s turn, and the result was naturally ideal, so the chaos city master wrote a document and stored it on the virtual system for management to watch.

Cheng Buyun didn't know about this matter, but it was within his expectation.

Alice's personality change will be suspected, he had long thought of it, not nervous, nor worried.

Genius is the future of the human race, and it is justified that the management is nervous, otherwise it will be a big joke to cultivate a strong man for the alien race in the end!


Time is like water.

Time passed day by day.

Chaos City for more than 100 years, outside the world for a hundred years, the battlefield outside the territory is surging, rumors are spreading, Luo Feng's impersonal avatar of the sword river king is planted and blamed!

Um, it's not a mischief. Luo Feng did get the Yan Ji treasure.

Luo Feng also took advantage of the rumor to go crazy, killing aliens on the spot, and on the spot, a large number of aliens were deterred by the king, immortalized by thousands of people.

"King River King?" Cheng Buyun shook his head secretly. This title is too unpleasant to say. "Luo Feng had gone to the core of the battlefield outside the territory-the Star Tower 18 years ago!"

"It's time to accept the inheritance now!" Cheng Buyun thought silently, accepting the inheritance, that is Luo Feng's road to rise from Jiao Changlong.

Star Tower-God-class weapon, the most precious treasure, it is seven or eight layers higher than the strongest treasure, and has more power than you think!

To be honest, Cheng Buyun is also very envious of this star tower, but he has no way to recognize the Lord, it is not impossible to recognize the Lord, it is the Star Tower that already has its owner-Luo Feng!

He was embarrassed to grab the inheritance of his brother.

"I don't know how much energy is needed to copy the Star Tower." Cheng Buyun sighed softly.

God-level weapon!

At the thought of this thrilling level, he was a bit dazed.

After that, more than 100 years of the initial universe passed, and one day ...

Around the rooftop of the small building where Cheng Buyun was quietly renovated, a dazzling earthy yellow burst erupted, and the hundreds of kilometers around it were all shrouded in a breath of magnificent law.

In the radiant light, the strong fluctuation of the original law of the atmosphere shakes the entire chaotic city, and for a time makes countless people tremble.

The breath of the law of origin came, and the chaos city master noticed it for the first time, and he was shocked when he sensed such a dynamic person. His awkward face suddenly twitched and said with amazement: This apprentice ... "

"The law of origin is coming!"

"who is it?"

Countless strong men who were disturbed came out of the retreat at the same time, floated in the sky, and at a glance, the sky was full of people everywhere.

The strong men floating in the sky looked at the place where the breath of the original law came, and suddenly saw the floating figure on the center point.

"Ah, Cheng Buyun!"

"It's Cheng Buyun!"

A series of exclamations sounded.

"Just now I was thinking, this position, whether he was recognized by the law of origin, wouldn't he expect it!"

"This evildoer has been recognized by the origin of the earth system law, which is really shocking, but it is reasonable to think about it!"

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