Plane Universe

Chapter 1689: Eye-catching

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"This kind of talent is really difficult to describe. How much time is this. This is the fourth time that it has been recognized by the law of origin. It is terrible to think about it. He still has countless time to practice in the period of the realm! "

"Compared with him, I feel that I have lived a bit in vain these years. What a heart-wrenching talent. The fourth law of origin recognizes it! How rare!"

"When I was in the period of the Lord of the World, why can't I have a bigger heart."

Many people lamented.

Once it becomes immortal, the body changes and becomes an immortal **** body with certain attributes. It will be difficult to perceive the rest of the laws in the future, and it will become more difficult to practice.

Unless it is recognized early by the law of origin.

The reason why immortal gods practice slowly is also because of this truth.

The immortal **** body will reject other legal attributes. The talents with superb insights may be capable, but the talents with poor perceptions are estimated to have to fight at the immortal level all their lives.

Difficult to improve!

Every step forward requires countless effort.

This is a bit similar to the Panlong Universe Refining Godhead!

"It's worthy of being the strongest genius in our history."

Countless people sighed.

Although this statement is exaggerated, it has also been recognized by many people. Cheng Buyun's talent really surprised everyone.

In just less than five thousand years, from a little guy who grew up to nothing today, the speed of its rise is a legend!

At this time, on the rooftop of the small building, Xiaohong has been crushed and crawling on the ground, struggling, but it is very difficult under the aura of strong original laws.

Even turning over and lying on his back took countless effort and time.

The people who lived in the small buildings next to them, just like Xiao Honghou, no matter what their strength, they were bent down by the breath of this original law, the whole body was slightly rickety, and the activity was difficult.

"Mom sells it, it's really unlucky. I live next to it and want to have some joy, but I didn't expect to enjoy being oppressed by the origin of the universe!" On the rooftop of the small building, you have a general look.

"Boom ~~~"

The surrounding space trembled, and a yellowish water drop appeared above the void out of thin air, and quickly fell towards the top of Cheng Buyun's head.

Cheng Buyun also seemed to be blessed to the soul, and suddenly raised his head slightly, just letting the yellowish water drop drip into his eyebrows, penetrated into his head and merged into the world beads, washing the whole soul.

Admitted by the origin of the law, it is actually a kind of escalation of the soul. Strengthen soul power!

The core of the realm is the world pearl, which contains the soul and the core of all power.

Just like the divine power of the gods, it is extremely important!

Once the world beads are destroyed, the landlord must die!

It was recognized by the law of the origin of the earth system that Cheng Buyun's heart suddenly had a mound-shaped mark, which was the origin of the law of earth.

At this time, Cheng Buyun's eyebrows already had four marks. In addition to the newly obtained mark of the law of earth, there were silver stars, a void like a river box, and a golden sword.

It looks a little messy, but it has an infinite charm, just like a golden sword that is born in the mound, accompanied by a silver starlight, it looks beautiful, extravagant and luxurious, eye-catching!

It was indeed very eye-catching, and countless powerful people looked at the four imprints on Cheng Buyun's eyebrows and were amazed.


The Void finally gave a shock, the breath of the originating law began to subside, and the space returned to normal.

This is similar to the situation in the Panlong universe when someone became an independent god.

At this time, Cheng Buyun didn't have the time to control the eyes of others, and he was admitted by the law of the earth. Just like getting a new toy, he could not wait to swim the ocean of the origin of the earth.

The law of origin is recognized. In the past, it was not considered a major event. Here, Chaos City is a holy place for human beings and a cultivating place for many talented and powerful people. It happens every once in a while.

But this time it was completely different. The event was related to Cheng Buyun, a human genius, and almost all ethnic groups were shaking.

The first is one pass, one pass and two passes. The news spread across the virtual universe of Thunder Island, triggering a huge shock and bursting out.

Naturally, the interracial spies hidden in the human race also took the news for granted.


It exploded!


"How many years has it been?"

"Once again recognized by the law of origin?"

"You must kill him at a price, otherwise you can let him grow like this, will it still be?"

Whether it is a Zerg, a mechanical race, a demon race, even the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, the destruction of Cheng Buyun's heart is very fierce.

It is a pity that Cheng Buyun has always lived in the initial universe of the core of mankind. They have no way to think of it, and they can't use any means.

Can't you rush into the initial universe to kill Cheng Buyun?

You really are dead as the Lord of Chaos!

Even if the strongest person in the universe rushed into the initial universe, he would have to be shot to death with the hands of Chaos City Lord.

The Lord of Chaos guards the initial universe, and all races are afraid to kill the door. This is the most powerful trump card for mankind.

Swim in the origin of the law, the speed of cultivation of the law of the earth is further accelerated, and Cheng Buyun is satisfied.

"It took more than 200 years for the initial universe, and the outside world is close to 700 years. It is really slow enough." Cheng Buyun shook his head secretly and whispered.

The law of earth has been practiced for nearly 700 years before being recognized by the law of origin. Cheng Buyun really does not want to be satisfied. He did not cultivate from the whiteboard, but he has achieved the state of the law of earth and has spent so many years.

But who weakened his soul, unable to cooperate with the law of perception, the speed will naturally slow down.

If it were not for these years that the soul recovery has accelerated, it is estimated that this time has to be extended for thousands of years.

Of course, because he spent a lot of time during this period to practice the Chaos Engulfing War Body Secret Code, now his life gene multiple has risen to more than 9800 times, and the foundation will be completed.

The multiple of life genes is the foundation. Only when the body is stronger can the force of the original force be more vigorous, and then have a stronger strength to penetrate the entire universe.

The number of life gene multiples is related to the amount and depth of divine power.

Haven't you seen? Those special lives all look down upon the tens of thousands of people, and they shock all the powerful people in the vertical and horizontal universe. Relying on the ground is not the power of the law, but the mighty power of the divine power.

It was a terrifying three-pointer without a fight.

In the view of Cheng Buyun, all leapfrogging battles are false. There is no way out. Crushing is king!

After all, after walking a lot at night, you will also overturn the boat in the gutter!

Cheng Buyun doesn't want to bother about the wind and rain outside for a while, and quietly practicing to strengthen his background and strength is what he needs now.

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