Plane Universe

Chapter 1723: Little Red Afterwards

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The difference between the two sides is too far, Chongrou is bullying.

Oh, bully the demon!

Take out any piece of equipment on her, it is one hundred times more than the other's full net worth, how can it compare!

Cold mix!

If you let G Yunteng come out and draw a whip, it is estimated that the Xuanfeng tribe Fenghou is directly paralyzed.

Various reasons have caused this to happen.

Otherwise, relying on Chongrou itself, want to resist a crazy Fenghou strong, but also need to pay a little price.

Of course, equipment, etc. are also part of the strength of the strong. I have you, but it can only show that you are not mixing well, and there is no strong background to rely on.

No one can blame!

But with the equipment removed, you think Chongrou is easy to bully, that's wrong again.

Hundred times the strength of life genes, 100 times the amplitude of the power of blood Luo, equivalent to more than 5,000 times the special cosmic life, plus she has practiced the fourth layer of the amplitude secret method of the heirloom inheritance 'Hell War Elephant' The degree is 12 times.

The power of the possessor is equivalent to a high-ranking king.

Just ask a little feudal class, how is her opponent!

The most important members of Cheng Buyun have spent a lot of resources to train themselves, and each one is abnormal.

It also means that Chourou's self-perception is slightly worse, and the actual combat strength is just a little bit worse.


In the fight, it is completely different from the lightness of Chongrou. The Fengfeng clan Fenghou is more and more frightened. Every time he hits the secret method, he has no effect at all, let alone hurt the human female master.

You can't take a step back.

He was horrified.

The horror that emerged from the bottom of my heart was irresistible in his face.

"It's over, I'm going to be finished."

The Fengfeng family Feng Hou Lianshuo was very unwilling, why did I encounter such a perverted human female landlord?


no respond!

The stage of burning divine power is short-lived, and it is about to end.

Once the burning power stage is over, what will he fight with the opponent?

The end is coming!

The mentality is crazy.

Regardless of his disregard, he continued to burn the divine power. This time he chose to burn 20% of his body, which was just stuck between serious injury and weakness.

Severe injuries can still spell a bit, if it is weak, the power of the divine body will be reduced.

You don't need to fight, you die directly.


A phantom flew from afar, and at the same time contacted to send a message saying: "I'm here, hold on again, I have sensed your breath."

This communication immediately shocked the spirits of the Houqiang Lianshuo, the patrol clan, immediately responded and shouted: "Master, please hurry up, I will not be able to hold on. This human female master is too powerful, I Not an opponent. "

He did not dare to say that he was beaten and beaten, afraid to scare the only member of the demon who could come to his rescue.

"Yohe, that high-level demon Hou actually ran to rescue?" In the hall of Xiaohonghou, Xiaohong noticed the red dot on the detector and said repeatedly, "It's really daring, I didn't go to you , Even came to the door, why is this embarrassing. "

"Send such a big gift, don't thank you, I can't explain it, I should receive you." Xiaohonghou controlled the spaceship incarnation, gently turned the battleship over, and looked at the distant sky with expectation.

Where there is a light group flying fast, rushing towards here!

However, when the distance was close to ten million kilometers, the demon clan Hou Qiangqiang found something wrong.

Mom sells it!

Where is there a huge battleship in the sky?

Such a huge warship, more than five kilometers in length, anyone must be cautious at first sight, and this demon clan high-ranking Houqiang is no exception.

Although a little puzzled in his heart, the other party flew here.

Too far away, he still failed to sense what was wrong with Xiaohonghou.

I have to say that the demon's technology is really bad!

At a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, even the enemy's reality cannot be detected, and the technology is really average.

If it is a mechanical family, it was detected hundreds of millions of kilometers away, and even slipped long ago.

A powerful F-class spaceship of 5,000 kilometers, the lethality is really strong.

Such a huge, absolutely powerful firepower.

After all, the average F-class car, 100 meters in diameter is normal, the luxury point will never exceed 500 meters.

Can you imagine what level five kilometers is?

When approaching 5 million kilometers, the demon clan Hou Qiang finally felt the quality of Xiaohonghou, and was suddenly frightened.

"Lianshuo, you bastard, dare to blame me, **** it." The demon peak Feng Hou Qiang didn't want to think about it, turned and fled.

Mom sells approval, the strong man with such a powerful car, can he be confronted by an advanced lord?

"No, no, Master Tungsten, I dare not deceive you. The spaceship in the sky has been motionless since I never had it. I suspect it is just a spaceship without firepower, not a battleship, lord, come to save me, a genius cultivated by humans A genius with Fenghou class strength, the military power is absolutely beyond imagination, don't go! "Feng Hou Lianshuo, the Xunfeng tribe, hurriedly explained.

The other party was his only supporter, and once he left, he was dead.

"You stupid guy, go to die!" The demon high-level Fenghou escaped faster and did not dare to stop, so he flew back and forth.

"Smart guy."

Xiaohong laughed lightly, looking at the high-ranking Houqiang who belonged to the Yanhu clan, mockingly said: "But since it's here, of course you can't let you go back like this."

‘Click! ’

The armor plate at the upper 100 meters of the forehead of the Little Red Hull was split to a diameter of 10 meters, and a small energy gun covered with complicated mysterious patterns rose up. Energy, ready to bombard.

Sensing the movement of the huge warship behind him, the demon clan's higher seal directly jumped in his heart. Although the energy gun was small, the gun's body was so complicated that he could not understand it and felt very dizzy. Can not help but crooked.

"After Xiaohong, open the cabin door and let me go out to meet him." Alice saw that the visitor was an advanced Feng Hou Qiang, itchy in her heart, and wanted to go out to build merits for the master and win credit.

"Don't think about it," Xiaohong yelled without looking back. "It's a rare goal with a high value. Do you still want to go out and grab it? Impossible, the other party is mine."

"you dare?"

Alice glared angrily.

Along the way, she hasn't shot yet, didn't contribute and shared the master's military achievements. In fact, she feels very uncomfortable.


This is Xiao Hong's answer.

As her words fell, the small energy shook slightly, and the muzzle immediately banged, and a golden beam of light flew out of the muzzle.

The golden beam of light flying at the speed of light, the power is very terrifying, the space that the golden beam is flying is twisted and broken, and the power is extremely scary.

"not good."

The golden beam of light from the bombardment was so intimidating that the contour of the demon clan was frightened.

One blow is much stronger than his normal attack, so how can he not be afraid?

It's almost scaring to pee.

The sudden firing of Xiaohonghou also shocked everyone. Especially when he saw the power of his bombardment, he was scared to death.

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