Plane Universe

Chapter 1724: I'm shameless?

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However, the speed of light is also limited. It is only 320,000 kilometers per second. The distance between the two sides is more than 5 million kilometers. The golden beam of light is driven by the speed of light and takes about 16 seconds.

Even if it can block the surrounding space, it is enough for the other party to have time to dodge.

Therefore, the first shot of Xiaohonghou was shot and bombarded.


Xiaohong frowned and shouted, "The distance is too far, no, I have to get closer."

The secondary gun on the Xiaohonghou was very powerful, but the caliber was too small, only one meter in diameter, and the blocked space was very limited.

Although it can suppress the surrounding space, the other party is also a high-ranking Hou Qiang, and it is unlikely that he can solve it with a secondary gun at a long distance.

"One million dollars are gone." Alice shouted coldly.

"I want you to control, my brother has money." Xiaohong annoyed and photographed the console, and then at the same time, the sub-cannon raised a small sub-gun of the same type at a distance of 100 meters on both sides.

It seems that Xiaohong himself knew that he could not solve the other party with a secondary gun.

"Look, your supporters ran away." Zhong Rou sneered with a chuckle.

The Fengfeng Clan Feng Hou Lianshuo was dumbfounded and shouted in horror and fear: "No, it's impossible, why do I suffer an important ending?"

"Since mixing here, there will always be a day of fall. Fall can only show that you are too weak and dead!" Chongrou sneered and sneered. Suddenly, the breath on his body was violently surging, showing an extremely scary strength. Chou Feng Hou Lianshuo was terrified and frightened.

"Feng Wang level?"

Before he died, he widened his eyes and sent the message back crazy.

Revealing a little softness of his hole card, the strength is scary, and the breath that has leaked out has already silenced the strong people nearby.

The strength of the human female realm that the king exists!

The hidden power is so terrible!

No wonder the immortal army master is in front of her, like ants!

The Xunfeng clan Houqiang Lianshuo died and died!

It was the first prince to die on Chongrou's hand, but it would not become a singular sound, nor would it be the only one.

In the future, Kangding will have more princes, and even the prince will die in her hands!

The result of killing the opponent easily with one punch fell into Cheng Buyun's eyes, which could only be regarded as barely qualified.

Even a new entry-level Hou class can't be solved neatly, of course, it can't be regarded as excellent.

In the eyes of him, the geniuses of the tenth century, the deceased master and the undead, are really nothing.

His height, eyes, etc. at this time are too high.

Of course, there is still a big gap between Zhongrou and these geniuses.

At that time, Kodak was the ordinary human body to kill the existence of aliens.

In the realm, the proportion is too high.

"Come on slowly, and tune in again, it will become excellent." Cheng Buyun whispered softly.

The cold-eyed stare next to Alice, who was dissatisfied with staring at Xiaohong, heard the soft whisper of the master at this time, and quickly turned around and respectfully said, "Master, Zhong Rou is still very good. And all the lord geniuses outside Luo Feng-Suppression! "

"I believe it." Cheng Buyun smiled and nodded, the original secret, what is it?

The highest rule of law is the ability of the thirteenth floor bridge.

Can you compare with the Chongrou that you try your best to cultivate?

As far as resources are concerned, the Law Stele, Time House, and Law House are all precious resources that Chongrou can use at any time.

How does it compare?

It's too extravagant to cultivate resources!

The only drawback is that the perception is really much worse.

Otherwise, they will not practice 'Void Wave Boxing' for hundreds of thousands of years (Time House Time) before they can get started.

Hundreds of thousands of years, and there is a long time after Xiaohong's guidance, and then compare Luo Feng itself, creating the first form of peak learning in two thousand years!

Amazing ratio!


You can imagine how big the gap is!

"call out!"

The sound of the golden beam of light flying through the sky made Cheng Buyun temporarily put the heavy things aside, and could not help raising his eyes to stare ahead.

Where is there a very embarrassed figure, twisting left and right, can withstand the attack from the bombardment in a very thrilling attitude.

"Flashed again?" Xiaohong's face was flushed with rage, and this energy bombardment was too useless. Once the distance was too far, even if the three vitality unions could not block the other's movements, There is still room for dodge!

In fact, there is a reason why the caliber of the energy gun is so large.

Once the caliber is small, the enemy's dodge space is large, unless there is containment, blocking the enemy's extra dodge space.

Otherwise, the effect will not be too great.

The energy gun can't be built with the technology of the mechanical family. How can we not build a higher energy gun?

Because it is not necessary!

The caliber is large, and the energy spent is super, surprisingly much, the average spaceship can't afford the energy supply at all.

The function of the energy gun is too single, it is better to design blockade and restriction means, with trapped enemy as the main target, and then use the robot as the main attack method.

Changed the thinking, the mechanical family is more powerful, but also more dangerous.

Once trapped in the trap set by the mechanical tribe, very few lives can escape.

"Damn, I let you dodge." Xiaohong shot out a real fire, and a small secondary cannon fired up and down the front of the battleship, no fewer than 20.

With such a large number of secondary artillery, the demon clan Hou Qiang was scared of peeing.

He was frightened by three doors and fled, 20 doors, kidding me!

Is it necessary to do this for him to be an advanced lord?

Doesn't it cost money to bombard with energy?

What resentment, what hate, is worth doing.


What the hell!

The heir of the Lord of the universe?

This can no longer be described as a profanity.

Calculated by the technology possessed by human beings, a shot is equivalent to an attack of a high-level seal, and the energy spent is definitely not less than 1 billion yuan!

It takes 20 firepower to kill him.

Even if you can kill him, can you return to it?

Just kidding, he doesn't add up to 20 billion yuan for his whole body, okay!

Aiming at 20 firepower, his feet were soft.

"Give me this **** broken alien, open fire!" Xiaohong was furious, feeling embarrassed.

Especially in front of Cheng Buyun, I feel very ashamed!

Am I shameless after Xiaohong!

The 3 sub-cannon attacks with the attack strength at the pinnacle of the pinnacle level can't block a small senior blocker, wasting money.

This means that she is very useless.

Cheng Buyun looked like he was shaking his head straight, and Xiao Hong's computing power was still a little worse.

The data computing power of the main level of course is certainly not as powerful as the immortal level.

What's more, Xiao Honghou's role is not here. Her role is to supplement his cultivation. This is the main job. Okay!

Forget it, just give her fun.

Money only.

For Xiaohong, Cheng Buyun is extremely accommodating.

Just be happy!

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