Plane Universe

Chapter 1753: Titan warriors attack

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"The **** thing is hidden deep enough. If it's not for ambush, this **** will be hidden for a few more hours."

A group of Venerable Universe was very annoyed.

This ambush operation was perfect.

A Fenghou is here to sacrifice the mainland, and this is the case now, it is really unremarkable.

Cheng Buyun didn't care much before, and Xiaohong found out that the other party belonged to human beings, and didn't think of this layer at all.

Because there are too many hidden human beings along the way.

The other party rushed out of the ground, with the ability of the Houhou, a flash was enough.


The mother emperor who sits in her mother's nest, gave orders one after another, spiritually linking the most elite subordinates around her, and the law attached to the space.

The movements of the immortal Zerg warriors were uniform, raising their hands together, a pair of strange eyes showed endless killing intentions, and it was a blow to the warship that flew away.

Reproduction of a million beams.

The roaring golden and silver awns hit the red horn once again.

This time, the speed of Xiaohonghou was overturned, and it rolled out of the Zerg warrior encirclement circle.

But close enough, enough mother emperor to command her Zerg warriors to attack several times.

"Go to your uncle."

The little red queen turned away, and Cheng Buyun sitting on the throne could not help but scolded, "Damn empress, really when your uncle eats dry food, I wo n’t give you a bad look, you Do n’t think that Ma Wangye has eight eyes. "

"The battleship shroud was broken, part of the solidified mysterious texture was destroyed, and the defense began to decline." Xiaohong shouted and shouted: "Brother, let Catherine attack, otherwise my battleship will be smashed in the next moment."

The immortal empress emperor of the zerg ambush, the realm is very high, and even the solidified secret pattern imprinted on the small red horn can be destroyed. It is definitely the ultimate seal king at the same level as the star luan king.

"I know, hold on, Catherine will come out immediately." Cheng Buyun replied.

Often walking by the river, that makes sense.

Their side has no scruples and even no concealment, it is a matter of time before they encounter an ambush.

Cheng Buyun himself already had this thought.


"The battleship's shell is broken, brother, hurry, Xiaohong's horn is about to rot, ohh ~~~" Xiaohong's pitiful voice echoed in the battleship.

"It takes a little time to arrange for Catherine to come out. It is important not to let her out. That way, there is not much combat power, and the loss will be very high." Cheng Buyun snorted angrily, and consciousness began to communicate in Yupei space. Catherine, inform her to be ready.

In Yupei Time, a huge palace belonging to Heathering, a figure wearing a golden battle skirt came out one after another and surrounded and guarded the palace.


"It's terrible, my poor Xiaohonghou, it's going to rot, it's going to rot, brother, hurry up." Xiaohonghou kept urging.

I hope Catherine can come a little bit more to support.

At this time, the situation of Xiaohonghou was really awkward. The battleship deck on one side was cracked. A large number of artillery on the deck platform hidden under the deck were knocked out and twisted. Aside.

And several barrels were also bent.

The power is comparable to the attack of the Venerable universe, and has been encountered several times. Xiaohong has not been annihilated, and it is enough to be proud.

The immortal emperor of the Zerg, hidden in the black poison gas, filled her mother's nest. At this time, she was also cold-faced, secretly surprised by the stability of the human warship.

Ordinary ordinary G-class spaceships, if she is allowed to attack with such carelessness, it is estimated to have rotted.

The human battleship in front of us, the use of solidified mysterious texture is quite advanced.

Very fast explosion speed, high solid defense.

It's really jealous.

I want to grab it, and can exchange a lot of fortune to evolve my mother's nest.

However, the most important task right now is to expose the people inside and seal it, which makes people lose two powerful geniuses.

With Alice and Chongrou playing the title of King of the Realm, they have a record of being kings, and it is very urgent for the aliens to kill both of them!

Looking at the human warship that is rolling away, the immortal empress hidden in the huge mother nest, a pair of misty transparent wings flicked a little, making the surrounding space dreamlike, like a cosmic galaxy, and a little starry appearance.

Beauty is at its extreme.

"Human, disaster is coming, you can't hide, come out!" The faint and charming voice of the Immortal Mother Empress rang, "You warship can't resist me."

At this time, the Immortal Mother Queen stopped her hand and did not continue to let her Zerg Immortal Warriors attack.

The top immortal empress, the character is also very proud.

The ambush attack in the past was also intended to limit the speed of the human warship, so that the other party had to fight.

At this time, the human warships were already broken, and naturally stopped, and a fair battle.

"Immortal Empress, as you wish, I hope you don't regret it!" The faint indifferent voice echoed in the void, the next moment, the surrounding space fluctuated slightly.


The immortal empress who was hidden in the huge mother's nest was sneering in her heart, looking at the place where the fluctuations were ahead.

What other means?

Thousands of meters above the ground, holding a lightning-like war sword in his hand, a tall body wearing a golden battle skirt appeared under the eyes.

The countless figures that emerged are naturally Titan warriors under Catherine, with a sturdy breath, strong muscles, and almost the same fortitude.

The Titan Warrior who made his first official appearance was very eye-catching.

Countless strong people simply looked dumbfounded.

What is this thing about?

The immortal empress on the opposite side was dumbfounded.

She could not believe that human beings still concealed such a means that they immediately summoned countless soldiers to come out.

It turns out that the figure just saying that you do n’t regret it is true!

"What kind of racial warrior is this? It's a rush warrior made by our Zerg Empress?" The Zerg immortal empress was not sure, and the breath in the body of the countless warriors appeared opposite.

It was made by the empress, and it was like a normal human, anyway, it was not all made by the genes of the insect warrior.

Finally, a palace ten kilometers wide and five kilometers high appeared.

"Here, do you dare to disrespect my master?" A charming and tempting angry voice drifted from the palace and spread far and wide across the universe.


Catherine, a enslaved soul, shouted heresy towards the orthodox empress!

Cheng Buyun couldn't help laughing when he heard Catherine's words.

"It's the Queen Mother, dare to call me heretics?"

"Damn, an enslaved Queen Mother ... dare, **** thing." There was also a voice full of anger in the mother's nest, as if the ethnic pride had been insulted and shouted wildly, "Damn human, How dare you enslave my sister! "

"Shut up, don't allow you heretics to defile my master, you heresy should die, and dare to disrespect my master, I will burn you." The other side dared to threaten to kill his master, Catherine of course immediately yelled back, "All Titan warrior, attack, kill me heresy! "

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