Plane Universe

Chapter 1754: Two immortal empresses fight

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Over a million Titan warriors lit up with their eyes, their bodies swelled with energy, and countless thunders wrapped around them.

The sound of space thunder and lightning is roaring!

"Damn, the opposite is just an emperor of the immortal rank. How can you control so many warriors?" The immortal empress emperor of the Zerg family sitting in the mother's nest had a pretty blue face on her delicate face.


Countless people saw this scene and took a breath of air.

Is it the Queen Mother of the Universe who sits in the palace?

In fact, everyone is thinking.

Catherine is not yet capable of controlling all Titan warriors over a million.

It's just that when the Titan Warrior was made, his body was optimized by time and space, and he had a powerful immortal power-the law of thunder and lightning!

The Zerg Warrior created by the Zerg does not possess the power of the law itself, only the immortal divine power, and the power of the law during the battle is only dependent on the spirit of the mother emperor to run the power of the law.

Two concepts!


The Titan warrior wrapped in thunder and lightning, holding the thunder knife, stepped his thigh and rushed to the opposite side.

At the same time, countless Titan warriors kept raising their right hands, a blue and white light shining, blasting towards those insect warriors.

Numerous electric flowers in the sky are jumping, as if the thunder of the Nine Heavens is coming.

"Damn, kill me!" The immortal empress on the opposite side also quickly issued an attack order, but she had no energy to control it, but there was another rebellious empress on the opposite side.

The greatest enemy is the rebellious mother emperor. As long as she is killed, the immortal warriors, the enemies, can only be slaughtered.

After the Immortal Mother Emperor issued an attack order, the more than one million Bug Warriors issued a magical attack, and then howled to welcome them, and the two sides launched the most primitive fight.

With heavy armor, immortal thunder beetle with tall and majestic body dripping saliva, mouth full of fangs and sharp unicorn as a pioneer, slammed with the Titan warrior.


A pair of thunder beasts with eyes full of bloodthirsty colors slammed toward a Titan warrior.


The Titan warrior will naturally not be convinced. His feet are standing firmly in the air. The lightning knife with a length of 100 meters in his hand has been raised, ready to think of splitting the daring beetle rushing into two.

However, in the blink of an eye, a group of slender phantom worms jumped and flew, stepped on the thunder beetle's back, and then jumped high with one kick, kicked on the face of the Titan warrior, beating the Titan warrior With a flick of his head, the prepared attack naturally empties.

But the fighting instinct is deep in the genes, and he still stretched out his left hand and pressed it on the head of the thunder beetle.

He slammed into the other person's head, and the right hand holding the thunderbolt had been raised high, and he slashed to the grisly head in front of him.

The thunder beetle kept roaring and angry, and his gritty head was struggling wildly, so that the Titan warrior couldn't hold one hand at all, and he had to insert the thunder sword into his waist, with both hands holding the thunder beetle's head.

The two then rolled up in the sky.

Fall to the ground all the time.

More than one pair of fighters on both sides are like this, but many fighters are like this.

Worm warrior, the consciousness is very weak, the battle is based on instinct.

The same is true of Titan warriors, there is not much wisdom at all.

The battle went straight, without too many bells and whistles.

In the purest fighting, divine blood flew high in the sky, and roaring roars kept coming.

A thunder beetle's huge mouth bit the left leg of a Titan warrior, and then ran wild on the ground, while his head was constantly slamming, preventing the opponent from having a chance.

"Ao! Ao!"

The Titan warrior dragged by the thunder beetle kept kicking and kicking his right foot, kicking the thunder beetle with blood on his face, and one sharp fang was kicked, but he didn't loose his mouth.

That crazy energy is ashamed of any life.

It's a pity that all Titan warriors have a silver hidden armor under the skin, which is much better than Thunder Beast.

However, without Catherine's own spirit coming to command himself, the biggest characteristic of Jiang Jia could not be expressed.

But having a strong defense is already valuable.

Bingjia can weaken Jiucheng's physical attack and also resist Jiucheng's physical impact.

No worm warrior on the opposite side can break the turtle shell on them.

The balance of the battle is slowly tilting.

It's just that no one can see it for now!

Millions of kilometers around, the soldiers on both sides became a pot of porridge. The sky and the ground, those huge figures rolled over, the forest was first affected, and the huge forest of tens of thousands of kilometers around was instantly wiped out.

Inch grass does not stay!

Several thousands of peaks, not too high, collapsed and shattered into powder.

But the two empresses did not care about the fighting soldiers, but just stared at each other closely.

The number of the two sides exceeded two million, and the strength of the divine power was comparable to that of the warriors at the Fenghou level, which attracted the attention of countless people.

Also dumbfounded.

Zerg, worthy of being a super group, can actually produce such a terrible weapon.


"Here, are you ready to die?"

But at this time, Catherine's spirit began to come, connecting the elite Titan warriors under her command, and standing in front of a thousand Titan warriors, the eyes suddenly became very flexible.

"Blow me up!"


The 1,000 elite Titan warriors who were descended by Catherine's spirit were immediately covered with a golden helmeted armor, and their breath of power was also climbing wildly, reaching the level of extreme seal king.

The whole audience was stunned.


Catherine felt that her soul was as if carrying a whole mountain, and her mental power was consumed quickly, instantly consuming more than one percent.

In other words, in this state, Catherine can only maintain 100 seconds.

A thousand elite Titans chose to break out.

"How is this possible." In the mother's nest filled with black poisonous gas, the immortal empress was also a little scared.

"It's killing me."

Catherine gulped glamorously, and the thousands of Titan warriors immediately raised their right hands. The thousand-kilometer lightning knife, a burst of laws appeared.

The electric arc sounded, and the powerful power was revealed.

The immortal mother emperor of the Zerg also had to put down the shock and sink her mind. If the other party exploded in this way, it would certainly not last.

The top empresses like her have not been able to command the extreme bug warrior with a magic power of 100,000 for a long time.

Not to mention the opposite rebellious empress!

The final battle between the two empresses begins!

No one can know who is the final winner.

The fighting power possessed by the Queen Mother is naturally related to the insect warriors under her command.

In fact, the competition is wealth.

Strong background, high strength!

Nothing else.

Of course, the realm of the Mother Emperor's Law will also affect the strength of the subordinate warrior.

The realm is high, and the attack secrets released by the insect warriors will naturally rise.

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