Plane Universe

Chapter 1797: Disdain of time and space

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"It's a teacher. I'll go back and do this immediately, forging more armor out as soon as possible." Cheng Buyun immediately made a military order.

Forging armor, as long as there are cosmic crystals, countless pieces can be added in an instant.

However, in order to save consideration, the material still needs to be purchased to reduce costs!

"However, the most important thing is your cultivation progress. Don't put too much attention in this chore." Chaos Lord said, fearing that he would worry about his opinions and put all his time on forged armor.

This is a long-term project and can be taken slowly.

The Lord of the Universe can afford it, as can the ethnic group.

But Cheng Buyun couldn't wait for himself.

"I understand, rest assured teacher." Cheng Buyun readily agreed.

"Go!" Chaos City Lord smiled and waved.

"Teacher, the disciple retreated." Cheng Buyun saluted again and turned to leave the side hall.

The Lord of Chaos smiled and watched him leave, his face suddenly burst into a big smile.

From this moment on, human beings will become stronger and stronger.

Cheng Buyun is simply a gift to mankind.

good, very good, excellent!

The Lord of Chaos City looked through the palace, looking at the quiet and peaceful void, and said silently in his heart: "Teacher, please rest assured that my humanity has risen again under your protection."

In fact, although the original ancestor lost his freedom due to the suppression of the rules of the universe, his consciousness was still there, and he also paid attention to Cheng Buyun, his grandson.

There are also several times to go to the chaotic city owner to talk about Cheng Buyun.

Very important!

Because the original ancestor thought Cheng Buyun was his chance to get out of trouble!


Back in his own palace, Cheng Buyun didn't care about sitting in the practice of Xiaohong, but immediately entered the world ring immediately.

Both eyes looked up at the behemoth in front of him, and both eyes were glowing with joy.

The giant ship cannon is a man ’s romance, and a flying palace treasure is the ultimate wish of every practitioner.

The extremely sturdy Flying Palace Treasure is able to withstand 100% of the enemy's material attacks for the user.

Unable to destroy the palace, the enemy can only look at the ocean and sigh, there is no way to take the user.

This Mofeng collar has a high level, and its sturdiness is equivalent to the top treasure level. The sturdiness of this treasure is not difficult to destroy when it first enters the fifth-order universe.

Chaos teacher made it clear that even if he wanted to break through this Mo Feng collar, it would take some time.

It is a pity that Cheng Buyun is not an immortal deity, and has no divine power, which makes such a solid defense a great discount.

Without divine power, it cannot be urged. Naturally ... The mysterious patterns imprinted in the palace can not function, but can only rely on its own solidity.

In this way, it is equivalent to an iron coffin. If there is no great existence to rescue, it is also a matter of time for the shell to be broken.

But it is undeniable that the material solid defense of the palace-like treasure is still the most powerful one, and it is also the treasure that is easy to use.

Especially when protecting people with low strength, the intensity is also the largest, much better than armor Arcana.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The Palace Treasure cannot be worn. When fighting the enemy, these treasures are not used for birds.

At the same time, it can't stop the soul attack, so it needs to be used with the soul treasure, otherwise, once encountering the powerful existence of the deep realm on the soul together, it will definitely die.

This is why the founder of the giant axe rated Cheng Buyun as a top-level soul treasure.

With a strong double defense, there is the greatest guarantee for safety.

Once encountering an inability to confront and unable to escape, he can immediately hide in Mo Feng's collar, and then smile at the situation, waiting for the strong support of the ethnic group.

"Haha, good baby." Cheng Buyun laughed with excitement, and flew to the behemoth floating in the air like a small ant.

Then stretched out a hand and rubbed gently on the palace wall.

Eyebrow smile!

Treasures of this level cannot be expected to be possessed so quickly.

This level of treasure is already a third-grade treasure in the original universe.

On top of it, the two levels of the highest level and the extreme level (Xeon to Treasure) can treasure him.

It's just that the highest level of treasure is generally owned by the fifth-order universe master.

Xeon Zhibao is the strongest person in the universe.

Even if it is the ultimate limit level of the universe such as the Chaos City Lord, even if it has the strongest treasure, it will not be easily used, unless it is an armor, a palace, or a soul.

Once it is another type of Xeon Treasure, there may not be guardian ability.

At this time, Cheng Buyun's soul fluctuated very fiercely. The sea of ​​consciousness was like a tumbling sea.

After Xiaohong, the three avatars were greatly affected, and cultivation had to stop.

Even time and space have been greatly affected. He stopped researching his talents, consciously glanced at the outside world, and through Cheng Buyun's gaze, he saw Mo Fengling's behemoth. What is so happy, but it is a junk! "

Mo Feng led such treasures, in the eyes of space-time really nothing remarkable.

After all, it can't be urged, just the iron coffin, and the solid defensiveness makes him disdain.

What treasure is comparable to the jade space he holds?

The King of God is useless.

How can he bear it?

But still in that sentence, Yu Pei could not move, only as a last resort.

"Brother, what's the matter, how can my soul fluctuate so much that I can't calm down because of the vibration." Xiaohong's figure asked softly, his tone slightly dissatisfied.

At the same time, she also saw the world ring floating in front of her eyes, feeling the fluctuation of her breath, and understood that the elder brother had recognized the Lord.

Since Cheng Buyun recognized the Lord's treasure, she could naturally go in.

But now that the situation is unknown, she can't go in right away, fearing that something might happen.

"Haha, see the world ring floating outside, come in!" Cheng Buyun's consciousness moved, and a thought was passed to the mind data belonging to Xiaohong in the consciousness sea.


Xiaohong immediately appeared beside him, and at a glance saw the behemoth in the world ring, exclaimed: "Brother, what is this stuff?"

"The flying palace in front of me is the highest treasure given to me by the ethnic group." Cheng Buyun smiled.

"Highest flying palace treasure?"

Xiaohong was also surprised by the generosity of the human race. She could feel that the palace's treasure rank was very high in front of her.

"Yes, I am planning to recognise the Lord. It is estimated that the process of identifying the Lord is more difficult, and the time is uncertain." Cheng Buyun nodded.

Such a huge flying palace, with high ranks, the refining process will certainly not be too easy.

"That brother, you hurry to refining." Xiao Hong said after looking forward with regret, "It's too big, but it's a pity that Yu Pei can't fit the time house, otherwise the time of refining the Lord will be quite fast."

She doesn't think that the eldest brother's ability to refine the master of this palace can not be recognized.

The recognition of the treasure is based on the strength of the soul.

"it is good."

Cheng Buyun nodded slightly, converging his agitated mood, and then slowly extended a hand and pressed it against the wall of the palace, the power of the soul began to boil.

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