Plane Universe

Chapter 1798: Began to recognize the Lord

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The eruption of powerful will power instantly covered the entire range of the palace's exterior, and the soul consciousness easily penetrated inside the palace's treasure.

Soul consciousness flies at the speed of light and penetrates in circles.

The Noble Palace's Treasure, there is no process of resisting Cheng Buyun's recognition of the Lord, and he even took the initiative to guide him and guide his soul to the core place quickly.

Where a colorful space is, countless rays of light are flowing around.

The dots of colored light seemed to be a dream world.

Soul arrived here and Cheng Buyun knew how to do it almost instantly.

Because the Palace Treasure passed him an idea, the most basic condition to recognize the Lord is to imprint the soul of 10,081 hub stars flying around the core point to complete the most basic recognition.

Then through these star beads twist, continue to refine the entire palace.

The process of approving the Lord is not troublesome, as long as you have enough ability, you can easily complete the process of approving the Lord.

"Very well, I like the simple process best." Cheng Buyun moved a little in his heart, and his will was as strong as the will of the top cosmic overlord, and he instantly fell on a starlight.


There was a roar in the core place, and the whole palace seemed to tremble, as if to remind others that the palace treasures had been recognized by the Lord.

At the same time, outside, the entire palace is also exuding a huge white radiance, shining a transparent world ring with a range of hundreds of billions of kilometers.

In such a recognition process, are you afraid that others do not know it, right?

At a critical moment, the discoverer who was unable to move the flying palace is estimated to only be able to recognize the Lord and refine it on the spot, so as to tell everyone, come here, find the treasure here, hurry up and grab wow!

The general second- and third-order universe masters may not be able to move this Mofeng collar with their power.

Hundreds of millions of kilometers in diameter and square are the highest treasures. The forging materials used are all rare and heavy. They are so heavy that they are numb.

"it has started."

Xiao Hong was shone by the white light as if bathed in the morning light, her eyes were staring, her expression was lovely and looking forward.

This is the Highest Treasure Palace, extremely strong, comparable to the top armor Treasure, if you control the flight, it is estimated that it is much cooler than driving the Xiaohonghou number!

It's just that flying the palace treasures requires divine power to urge it, she simply doesn't have that ability.

The expression is sorry, and the mood is low.

But turning my head to think about it, it's wrong, I can't help it, but there are still time and space lords, ask him if he can do it.

Suddenly, Xiaohong's expression was a little excited, revealing a little fox's expression.

Yu Pei space.

In one of the time houses, Xiaohong sat back up and stood up, yelling his head in a respectful voice, "Time and space lord."

Her call was answered immediately, and the thick figure belonging to time and space immediately asked: "What is it, Xiaohong?"

"Time and space big brother, bother you." Xiaohong later apologized.

Time and space said indifferently, "Your eldest brother is recognizing the Lord for refining treasures, the soul is very turbulent at this time, and I can't calm down."

In fact, Cheng Buyun recognizes the Lord to refine treasures, he can also help, but the process of recognition of the Lord refines treasures is also a kind of cultivation.

The help is a bit inappropriate, unless Cheng Buyun doesn't have enough ability, he will help.

"It turns out that I'm at ease." Xiaohong nodded and smiled. After a while, her lovely face was a little uneasy, and she said expectantly: "Time and space lord, this is the case. Brother didn't get one this time. Flying Palace Treasure, I was wondering, could you please integrate my consciousness into that Flying Palace Treasure, and then transform it to make me able to control it? "

"I understand what you mean, it's not difficult." Space-time responded immediately.

After Xiaohong heard the time and space boss said it was not difficult, a face immediately showed a look of joy, but the next words of space and time disappointed her again, "Do n’t expect too much, the problem is, if there is no divine power, use the universe crystal to go If you are urged, I guess your brother will be reluctant to spend so much, massive! "


Xiaohong was disappointed.

"But don't be disappointed. When he recognizes that the master refining is complete and has it in hand, I will study it again, and the results should surprise you." Space-time immediately had a transformation plan. The question is whether Cheng Buyun would like to. Out of that price.

The transformation of such low-level treasures is really not a big deal in his eyes.

As long as there is energy.

"That's great, I'll tell my elder brother." Xiaohong clenched her fists and was full of energy.


In Cheng Buyun, who recognized the main treasure of the palace, he did not know that Xiaohong was already hitting his treasure.

Time and space even made an accomplice, preparing a transformation plan, and he was also bleeding.

Treasure refining is not easy.

Special palace class treasures are even more difficult.

Of all types of treasure, the soul class is the easiest to recognize and refine.

Time does not know how long it has passed, Cheng Buyun is still competing with the first star hub.

"It's almost completely covered with refining." Cheng Buyun's eyes burst with divine light, and the soul force covered the star point's appearance and core a little.


The whole core was shocked fiercely. This star bead radiated a strong white light, and then radiated away in all directions like a network, connecting countless areas in the palace.

"Huh, I finally finished refining a hub, and there are 10080." After Cheng Buyun's soul recognized the master and refined a star, he felt a little tired.

"It's really not easy. It is estimated that at my level, refining ten star beads will require rest, waiting for the recovery of soul power." Cheng Buyun shook his head secretly, worthy of the most difficult type of refining at this moment He could imagine Luo Feng's great difficulty in recognizing the Lord and refining the 'Star Tower', the treasure of the king.

It's a fight!

Luo Feng has endured running souls for thousands of years, and the process of acknowledging the Lord continues to suffer soul shocks.

I feel trembling when I think about it!

"Bless Luo Feng!"

Cheng Buyun meditated on Amen.

Packing his mood, Cheng Buyun's idea stared at another star.

There is no danger in appreciating the Lord Mo Fengling. Even when you are tired, you can rest and recover your soul. Even if you retreat, you can no longer recognize the Lord. The soul mark in the refined Star Bead will not be lost.

Of course, if you interrupt the identification of a star bead and refine it, if you do n’t fully refine the soul, the brand will disappear.

It's much better than the harsh conditions of recognizing the main star tower.

There is only one crystal bead in the hub of the Star Tower. Once interrupted, it is equivalent to useless work, and there is still a huge danger.

There is no escape route at all.

Unless the strong who recognizes the Lord is so strong that he can withstand that powerful counterattack.

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