Plane Universe

Chapter 1804: Being pitted is also willing

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Although the crystal emperor armor of the Yan God Race is very good and strong, the materials used are too low-end and the sturdiness is poor.

The High Universe Venerable can be broken several times.

It doesn't play any role at all.

Seeing Venerable Gold Axe and Venerable Nine Swords in their joy, the disappointing look in their eyes was captured by Cheng Buyun.

He smiled secretly in his heart, looked at the surrounding calmly, and looked at everyone's expressions. Then he smiled and said, "Look, Venerable Demon Flame and Venerable Qianyun, how happy and happy are their expressions, then Smile ... Gee ... "

Cheng Buyun squinted his eyes and looked down on Jiujian Venerable, Lanyu Venerable, Lord Witch Lord, and his own two brothers, teasing and said: "It ’s not like you, it ’s one set of appearances, another set of hearts, not enough friends. ! "

A group of close old friends laughed dumbly at him, and even shook his head. Venerable Gold Axe reluctantly laughed: "Sovereign Demon Flames are happy and happy because they know that the armor has a great effect on them."

"Yes, brother, it's not my self-esteem, but different levels and different enemies. The crystal effect of Yan God Race is good, but if we wear it, it really doesn't have much effect." Venerable Jiujian shook his head Said.

Although his strength is not strong, and he has no background, he is also a high-level cosmic venerable person. After years of adventure and experience, he has also achieved very good results. The armor he wears is naturally not bad.

Cheng Buyun smiled and said nothing, drinking lightly and letting them talk.

"His Royal Highness, everyone." Venerable Demon Flame said with great humility: "It is exactly like Venerable Golden Axe and Venerable Nine Swords, because of the different levels, the treasures they wear are naturally different. We are new The Lord of the Universe, with poor financial resources, has a slightly low-end strength, and faces different enemies. Treasures that are invisible to them in the eyes of their senior Universe Lords, but in my eyes, are very good treasures. "

"The crystal emperor armor of the Ruyan Divinity, although it can only be regarded as the level of webbed swimming treasure, but in the eyes of our inferior cosmic venerable masters, it is not inferior to the best armor." Venerable Demon Flame continued to say very modestly: A medium-sized ordinary heavy treasure armor and a Yan God clan crystal emperor's armor are in front of my eyes, and if I can wear it, I don't even need to think about it. I will definitely choose the latter. "

This remark is very beautiful, although there is a suspicion of self-deprecation, but it pleases Cheng Buyun and took the high cosmic venerable present.

The eloquence is very good.

Didn't you see that the high-level universe lords nodded their approval.

Even Venerable Lan Yu nodded and smiled, glanced appreciatively at Venerable Demon Flame, and then said with a smile: "Mo Yan speaks very well, the levels are different, and the enemies facing him are naturally different, which is nothing in our eyes. Chongbao will become very good in the eyes of others. "

"I just have such a pity." Venerable Nine Swords still shook his head helplessly, and said with a very regretful tone: "It would be nice if the appearance of the ruggedness can be higher than the last few levels."

"Yeah, you can't change the forging materials?" Venerable Lan Yu also sighed.

At that time, she also met the lower cosmic venerable of the Yiyan **** clan. Although the crystal emperor armor worn by the other party was not bad, she was finally bombed by her.

"Yeah, can't you change the materials?" Venerable Gold Axe turned to Cheng Buyun and asked, "Senior Brother, as a forgeer, can't you use higher-end rare materials for forging? Or lack of ability?" "

Everyone even looked forward to looking forward.

Cheng Buyun smiled faintly and said, "I haven't said that. It's always you talking about it."


The Lord Wu Wu laughed and teased: "The troubles of the rich! Like me, I'm not excited, I never thought about it, hehe."

"Get out of here, you lazy man, go away." Venerable Lan Yu was a little annoyed and said contemptuously: "What are you afraid of, how do you know your luck will be bad?"

"It's easy to say." The Lord of Witchcraft is not annoying. He owes too much debt and can't afford to die.

If he goes out on adventure again, once he dies again, it will be over, and there will never be a day when he turns over.

"Don't be noisy." Venerable Golden Axe shined in his eyes, and even asked Bu Yun to ask, "Sister, can you build a higher-end treasure level?"

He remembered what the younger brother said to him before, the overlord of the universe.

Obviously, the crystal emperor armor of the Yanshen clan is not only the ordinary level crystal emperor armor, but it may also have more high-end ones.

With an additional 100 million divine power, he is not a cosmic overlord, who is it?

Although it is only a pseudo-universe overlord, it is also a universe overlord, and its attack power has risen.

The same attack secrets, different levels of divine power, and different powers.

Take him as an example. The secret method of the highest-level universe venerable bombardment is 100 lethality. If the power of the divine body reaches one billion times, the power of the mysterious method will definitely double, even three or four times.

The real cosmic hegemon opposite, he will not be virtual.

The premise is that the high-end crystal has strong sturdiness and can withstand the bombardment of the enemy.

Once the armor is broken during the battle, the consequences will be very dangerous.


Cheng Buyun nodded calmly and said indifferently: "Even if you want the treasure armor ..."


A group of people were shocked and stunned.

The enemies around the universe were shocked by them, and they all looked over and surrounded them here.

"The problem is ..." Cheng Buyun continued: "The problem is that it needs to bear a huge price, and the armor is only the sturdiness of the treasure, and the effect of the treasure."

A group of people stopped talking.

Contemptuous look.

With the money to buy Treasure, who would go so stupidly to buy such a quality crystal emperor armor.

"Okay, don't say much, serve food." Cheng Buyun waved his hands, there were a lot of colorful **** floating in front of him, looking at everyone and smiling, said: "There are two kinds of crystal imperial armor. It ’s cheap and works best, so feel free to take a look. "

Although they did not pass through such treasures like Crystal Armor in the past, many warriors under his command had them. The effect is all clear.

But compared to the colored crystal **** in front of us, the silver crystal **** I saw before are far away.

This gap, like the sky, is not comparable.

Everyone stretched out their hands quickly, but they couldn't find one if they were slow.

Cheng Buyun's number is not much, and the total of the two is only 100.


The hand quickly got the colored ball, and immediately sensed the information inside the ball, and made a continuous inhalation sound.

As if shocked.

"How about, say, don't just look at yourself."

The person next to him was in a hurry and hurried.

"very good."

"It's such a treasure, and the price is right. Even if I smash the pot to sell iron, I have to get one." There are alien cosmic Venerables roaring and roaring.

The effect of the treasure in his hand is too amazing. It is extremely powerful and sturdy. It ignores 100 million times of divine attack and resists 90% of the soul attacks. It has many functions and the best attributes.

A restless breath circulated in the hall.

PS: Sorry, because of the operation error, this chapter that should have been released regularly has not been published, it is really blushing!

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