Plane Universe

Chapter 1805: Offer for yourself

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The colored **** circulated in everyone's hands, and every cosmic venerable person who watched them fell into shock.

Although I have heard of the great performance of the Yan God Clan Crystal Armor before, it is not a personal experience, the effect is naturally a little different.

Today, they have experienced such feelings themselves.

Almost all of the universe sages present today are in madness.

"Your Highness ..."

"Your Highness ..."

Many cosmic Venerables threw the crystal beads in their hands, and then yelled into Cheng Buyun in unison. The desperate expression of eager desire is astounding.

It's just a treasure, do you need to be so eager?

As if you were not in a hurry, the treasure would be missed.

They are at the level of the venerable universe, great people. If you see them for the people below, you will have talks.

But don't blame them. Good things are always sought after!

Regarding their own survival safety issues, every strong man will be moved.

"Your Highness, is there any stock? How many treasures are there?"

"Yes, Your Highness, how many treasures can I order? Can I buy them now?"

Another group of Venerables who looked at the crystal beads hurriedly called out.

That eager attitude seems to be saying, come and kill me, come on, people are stupid and have a lot of money!

Do n’t kill me, I ’m in a hurry!

The whole hall was chaotic.

It's messy.

"Don't be noisy, everyone, you are people with identities. If you shout like this, your brother will not be able to speak with you. Be quiet." They also looked a little embarrassed and felt a bit burned on their faces.

After the Lord Wu Wu shouted at everyone, he even looked at Cheng Buyun and said with a smile: "Brother, great, even this level can be forged, brother, I really admire the five bodies ...

"Don't talk about these land and land, Brother Yun, talk about how this crystal emperor armor is sold?" A piece of such armor enhances its own strength and protects itself. "

The crystal emperor's armor of the Yan God Race is very good, and any powerful person below the higher universe respecter will not miss it.

Treasures at the highest level sometimes depend on strength, level and level.

The more high-end Arcana armor has a single function, and the physical attack is weakened. Although the strong point is weakened, it can be weakened to about 10,000.

It is really difficult to compete with the diversity and particularity of Crystal Tiara.

The only place that can overcome the crystal emperor armor is that the treasure is strong.

"Brother, I also need one." Venerable Jiujian even said.

Any cosmic venerable who has the Treasure Armor can also purchase the last one as the main armor and the Treasure Armor as a spare.

After all, Crystal Emperor Armor can increase the divine power by 100 million times, which is equivalent to increasing the divine power of Nine Sword Venerables by one-eighth, which is great.

The higher the Divine Power multiplier, the stronger the Arcane Power.

Everyone is looking at Cheng Buyun, and everyone is trying to suppress themselves, don't disturb such an important moment.

The inferior universe lords prayed, hoping that the armor would not be too expensive, otherwise they would not be able to afford it.

Not all venerable universes are wealthy people.

Some Venerable Universes are still very poor.

The most typical is the alien venerable.

Cheng Buyun looked at everyone's expressions in his eyes, and directly Lang Shuang smiled: "Since these heavy treasures can be obtained, they are of course sold. , After all, there is life to have a future. "

"Your Highness, you are right, and you have a life to have a future. This sentence is very good."

"It is worthy of being a disciple of the great chaotic city lord, who is quite powerful as a teacher."

Everyone even excitedly complimented.

"Everyone praised it."

Cheng Buyun waved his hand and continued with a smile: "As for the selling price of the armor, after considering my teacher's opinions, I also carefully considered, the prices of the two types of armor are ..."

"How many?"

Everyone's expressions can't help but look forward to, hoping that Cheng Buyun's announced price is suitable for his own wishes.

"Common crystal emperor's 100 treasure points."

Cheng Buyun smiled and first announced the price of ordinary crystal emperor armor.

Immediately, all the lower and middle universe sages shouted and roared, cheering.

This is too cheap, heavy treasure armor with such a good property, even if it is only 100 heavy treasure points, is it not cheap?

You go to the treasure trove of the Human Alliance to see how many high-level armor armor dozens of hundreds of treasure points?

What about the effect of heavy armor at those levels?

It was so far away.

There is no comparability.

Crystal Emperor's Armor, even if it sells a 300-500 treasure point, it is mostly the Universe Lord who is eager to ask for it.

The lower the level of the Universe Venerable, the greater the benefit of wearing this crystal emperor armor.

"As for the high-level crystal emperor armor, the price is a little more expensive." Cheng Buyun said with a smile: "Because of this high-level crystal emperor armor, the materials used are cherished, and it is more difficult to forge, so ...


Venerable Nine Swords laughed and said directly: "As long as it does not exceed 1 treasure point, I will definitely buy the last one."

Of course, he also knows that it is impossible for a high-level crystal emperor to exceed one treasure point.

He just said his supportive attitude.

"Three or two thousand treasure points are still affordable for me. Your Highness is assured that good armor is worth that price." A high-ranking alien exalted universe said with a smile, just saying so, if it is really two thousand treasure points, Then it has to be considered, in the end is not worth it!

The effect of the crystal emperor armor is so good that anyone who has seen it will be excited. Once the price does not exceed the line of defense in the heart, more people are needed.

"It's not too expensive, it's only a thousand treasures." Cheng Buyun said with a smile.

It's not easy to be soft.

The material cost price of the high-end crystal emperor armor is probably in the dozens of treasures. The accurate figure is 14 treasures.

However, the energy used when branding the secret method is more, 15 points, a total of 29 points.

The profit is more than 30 times.

After all, the position of the high-level crystal emperor's armor is very awkward.

When Zhibao manufactures it, the attribute effect looks a little low-end, and Cheng Buyun can't forge it, too expensive.

"1000 treasure points?"


"It's cheap. Your Highness is worthy of us. We take care of all of us. Thank you for your atmosphere."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Both are members of the Human Union, and care is certain," Cheng Buyun said.

"Your Highness, is it okay to trade now?" An alien high cosmic venerable said in a hurry, not afraid of Cheng Buyun deceiving him.

The sign of Chaos City Lord, Cheng Buyun's own prestige and status, won't you admit your money?

just kidding.

"No hurry, everyone listens to me." Cheng Buyun pressed his palm and smiled humbly: "Today is a good day. Come here to congratulate and visit me, and I have to return to it. It is not like this. I have finished all the recordings. At that time, you should contact Shuying Wang under my command, where to register the records, and then transfer the money to my intelligent life assistant. "

"After placing an order, I will send out the armor you need as quickly as possible, and at the same time, 20% discount." Cheng Buyun solemnly said: "No matter when you come to buy, this discount is permanently valid and promises to upgrade the crystal At the Tier 1 level, the original price is recovered! "

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