Plane Universe

Chapter 1814: Secret power

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If you want to transform the world into the Kingdom of God, just think about it.

He doesn't have that ability!

Looking at Cheng Buyun, the apprentice, the Lord of Chaos was very satisfied, and said with a gentle smile: "Is there any trouble in cultivation recently? What is unclear? It is rare that the teacher has free time. I will personally point you at you."

Cheng Buyun's expression was stunned, and he gave Teacher Chaos a light look, feeling a little strange in his heart.

Chaos teacher's third avatar manages the entire human affairs and is usually very busy.

There are so many human and small affairs, especially the countless aliens attached to it. Each alien is noisy for resources and is handed over to others to deal with, which does not reassure him.

Many affairs are hands-on, and there is very little free time. There is not much time for this avatar to practice, not to mention the guidance of your disciples!

Seeing Cheng Buyun's puzzled eyes, the chaotic city master naturally understood and immediately smiled: "Teacher can still draw this time, rest assured, it won't hinder things."

"That's good, then trouble the teacher." Cheng Buyun nodded and said the trouble he encountered in cultivation: "Teacher, I usually practice the law of enlightenment, and progress is stable. It's just that I'm training the teacher's In the Secret Code of Chaos, I always feel that the secret method created by the teacher is a little ... how to say, I always feel that it has a meaning that is still unfinished. "

Cheng Buyun frowned, his expression very subtle, and looked carefully at the Lord of Chaos.

"It's not perfect and perfect, right." Chaotic City Master received, then looked at Cheng Buyun and said in amazement: "You feel very keen, at this stage you realized the teacher's concealment of the secret method, very good."

"The teacher did strip off some of the powerful cosmic micro-secret patterns on the mystery. After all, those high-level micro-secret patterns on the universe are too advanced for you at this stage. It is not necessarily a good thing for you to practice." Chaos Chengzhu explained Said: "Cultivation is a gradual and cyclical process. Sometimes it is too high, and it will cause the foundation to be not solid."

"The five great tricks in the Chaos Secret Code are the most compelling tricks in my life. After stripping the higher universe secret pattern, the rest are the most basic secret pattern. Only after you have learned these basic secret patterns, The teacher will teach you a higher level of things. "Chaotic city master solemnly said:" Hardly learn, don't feel slack in the foundation, the foundation is undoubtedly the most important thing, only to learn the foundation perfectly, in order to climb higher peaks . "

Chaos City Lord had high expectations for Cheng Buyun, and the teaching was absolutely intentional.

With a hint of heart, Cheng Buyun must not be crooked in his hand.

He cannot afford that kind of responsibility.

Teaching Cheng Buyun is an honor and a responsibility!

After the chaotic city master turned over and carefully pointed out, Cheng Buyun gained a lot. Some things that he did not understand in the past were suddenly bright under the guidance of the chaotic teacher.

Progress feels very obvious.

After not having passed Chaos teacher, he immediately hurriedly walked towards the Palace of Time and Space, trying to double the thoughts in his mind while his head was still clear.

His savvy is high, almost the same as Luo Feng, but it is not born to know. Without the guidance of the teacher, it is absolutely slow to practice by yourself.

Seeing Cheng Buyun rushing away and hurrying to go back to practice, Chaos City Master also rarely showed a happy smile, looking at Cheng Buyun's back with a chuckle.

"Brother, you disciple, to be honest, I feel a little jealous."

The sound from the darkness made the Lord of Chaos laugh a few times, and said teasingly: "You have jealousy, you have the master apprentice of the universe, you will not be fortunate once."

The hoarse voice in the darkness ignored the chaotic city lord proudly and said with awe: "Aside from his chances, this understanding alone is enough to make him a super strong, even higher than the Kodak. ! "

The truth!

The Lord of Chaos sighed.

In fact, Cheng Buyun's perception may not be higher than Kodi's.

With today's achievements, he cheated.

The plug-in is too big.

The House of Time, the House of Rules, and three little red queens help cultivate.

No matter how powerful the subject is, it is only one person, and it can't be compared with the pervert that opened the cheat!

Back in the Palace of Time and Space, Cheng Buyun immediately commanded, and then sat in the hall and fell into cultivation.

After seeing this, Xiao Hong, who had been following her, had to recuperate her mood and learn the secrets of the study together.

As for why not enter the Time House to practice, it is because I feel that there is no need. In the Time House of the Jade World, Xiaohong already has two bodies in it.

The two souls are interlinked, as long as they confirm each other.

Cheating is the same way of cultivation, the progress is very obvious, and even frightening.

In just one year, Cheng Buyun digested the guidance of the chaotic city master. The first type of "Void Shock" secret method was completely cultivated. If you try again, it is estimated that the power will be ten times higher than before.

The mysterious power of the universe overlord level can definitely kill any lower universe lord, even if the higher universe lord does not have good armor protection, it is probably a trick.

The first type of mystery practice is complete, Cheng Buyun himself is a little bit itchy, he immediately logged into the virtual universe, went to the driving range, chose a superior opponent of the universe, and tried the power.

Holding a stone pillar, Cheng Buyun slammed at his opponent.

Suddenly, the simulated void cosmic airflow overflowed, the endless universe breathed violently, and the miniature cosmic texture pattern roared and roared, completely bombarding the opponent.

I saw that the man wearing high armor armor at the level of the venerable universe, with a vague look and unclear appearance immediately flew out, and the power of his body was pouring out.

In an instant, it fell from a multiple of 700 million times to a power of 500 million times.

Visible metamorphosis of Chengbuyun attack.

But Cheng Buyun was still not very satisfied with this result. He only heard him say: "This result is a little bit different from my estimate!"

He didn't want to think about it either. He didn't have the divine power.

If it weren't for having two powers of will power, it would be very difficult to kill a high-level cosmic venerable person wearing high heavy armor in one move.

But I do not know, at this time the virtual universe system is also puzzled.

He is convinced that Cheng Buyun has no divine power, why is the mystic power so powerful!

It seems that the power of the void is alive, making its attack power greatly increased, and it is still undetectable.


It's really weird!

Reported to the original ancestor behind, the latter did not quite understand.

Can't figure it out.

How can Cheng Buyun show his strength that he does not have?

In fact, the virtual universe is deeply entrenched. After a long period of operation, some rules of the primitive universe have penetrated deeply.

The reason is very simple. The original race is in a state of repression, and the rules of the universe are not deep. How to suppress it!

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