Plane Universe

Chapter 1815: Mo Fengling's transformation proposal

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Cheng Buyun fell into contemplation.

Is there something wrong with yourself?

Or is it because of the resistance of the other party?

He thought about what he had done before, and there was nothing wrong with it.

As for the opponent's resistance, this can explain what.

Do the enemies not resist when fighting?

Strange, why?

He stopped his hands, and the target's virtual opponent certainly didn't move. His vague face couldn't see his expression clearly, and he stood quietly waiting.

After thinking, Cheng Buyun felt that the biggest reason was the problem of divine power.

The highly condensed divine power still has a great suppression of the power of the realm. The other party's divine power is like alloy steel with a thousand hammers. His power of the realm is like an ordinary forged iron knife.

It doesn't have the ability to hurt the other party. It will be a white stamp at most, and the iron knife may break.

If it ’s not the user ’s law, the realm is superb, and the super-secret law, it is basically impossible for a realm to attempt such a powerful attack.

In fact, it is the reason of strength!

Cheng Buyun nodded slightly, lifted up the stone pillar again, and slammed forward, and the cosmic airflow that destroyed the heavens and the earth gathered to form a huge mysterious pattern.

Power can erupt.

The rumbling sound was the same as the previous one.

Knowing the reason, Cheng Buyun was finally satisfied, and then left the virtual universe.

After he left, the virtual universe system quickly forwarded a copy of Cheng Buyun's test results to the owner of Chaos City.

After getting this test content, the Lord of Chaos was also amazed and sighed again.

He didn't remember it.

Ever since Cheng Buyun was put under the door, he has sighed a few times.

Being able to perfectly display the first type of mysterious pattern also means that Cheng Buyun can use this mysterious pattern in any move at will.

The secret pattern is a combination of the process of display, of course, the key is to view, see strength.

The stronger the strength, the greater the power of the combined secret pattern Tuwei.

Retreating from the virtual universe, Cheng Buyun also opened his eyes contentedly, looked sideways, and Xiaohong was looking at him.

The expression with a small mouth reveals a little cuteness.

In this angry look, Cheng Buyun chuckled softly, remembering that Xiaohong seemed to have something to say to himself before, and did not tease her at the moment. He smiled and asked, "After Xiaohong, I am free now. Did you have anything to tell me before? "

"Well, there is something to say." Xiaohong said with a big smile, squinting to please, and then passed his thoughts to Cheng Buyun.


Cheng Buyun couldn't help crying, Xiao Honghou's idea was really strange, but he had to think about it too.

There are many things that Xiaohong can help to deal with. Once integrated into this treasure palace of Mo Fengling, the effect is not too great.

The lack of a doppelganger will affect his training speed.

Studying secret methods, rules of enlightenment, etc., Xiaohong has made great contributions.

"Time and space boss said before, as long as you agree to pay, he will give me a surprise, or tell him to make a decision before seeing it?" Xiao Honghou hurried soul transmission.

All things about time and space can't show people, but both are sending messages to each other in the soul.

After all, this is the site controlled by the Lord of Chaos, and every move is under attention.

Some things have to be concealed and cannot be disclosed indiscriminately.

"OK, let me talk to space-time." Cheng Buyun nodded, his figure disappeared suddenly, and he entered the world of jade wear.

In Yu Pei's world, Xiaohong already had a body waiting long ago. As soon as he saw Cheng Buyun coming in, he immediately called and shouted, "Time and space big brother, brother, he came in, come quickly."

"I'm out, don't shout." Time and space's heavy voice quickly responded, and at the same time asked Cheng Buyun: "How, what do you think?"

"I can have any ideas. You don't even make a statement. Even if I have any ideas, it's a mess." Cheng Buyun seemed very helpless. He asked himself ideas without telling himself, time and space. Is it silly to be infected by Xiaohong?

How often a savvy young man suddenly becomes stupid.

"Get out of here."

Time and space sipped, accused and shouted: "I can still cheat you? It's not that I have no money, don't think I don't know how much money you have made recently, and that huge wealth also has my credit with Xiaohong."

Cheng Buyun smiled bitterly, and he threw his hand away. The creation of Crystal Armor was almost completed in one hand in time and space. The handling and delivery was also done after Xiaohong, and he handled it properly.

"Let ’s talk about how to transform first. You also know the importance of Xiaohong after me. This fusion connection between different ordinary spaceships can be controlled at will. It means that after Xiaohong lost a body, I lost one. "The best left-hand man." Cheng Buyun solemnly said: "For the time being, Mo Feng's collar is too strong, and Xiaohong has merged. It is estimated that if the cosmic crystal is used to urge it, I can't afford the consumption."

"Of course, ordinary fusion does not work, and I can handle it with my patience?" Time and Space disdain said: "This treasure in the sky can barely enter my eyes, so it took a lot of effort to transform it, otherwise ... hum!"

He was also proud.

Cheng Buyun was speechless.

Time and space also told Cheng Buyun about the transformation plan, and they were completely dumbfounded by Cheng Buyun.

The huge amount of cosmic crystals spent, even he was shocked by the whole person.

However, the result of the transformation is very good. If it is realized, then ... Cheng Buyun is moved.

Must be exciting!

It ’s just wealth.

"The transformation proposal is very good." Cheng Buyun finally nodded, but he frowned and said: "But ... hundreds of treasure points of the universe crystal exchange, the entire human can't get together."

Almost 90% of human wealth is gathered in the hands of the elite.

Don't look at the large number of humans in the universe, but on average, a human may not own a universe coin!

A large number of exchanges will definitely increase the price of the universe crystal.

Although this is not considered by Cheng Buyun, the amount of exchange cannot always appear out of thin air, allowing him to exchange endlessly.

"Stupid, there is no human beings, other cosmic powerful ethnic groups will naturally have." Time and Space contemptuously said: "You have disturbed the order of human treasure treasure armor, human treasure treasure armor is almost unsalable, and can be used to exchange universe crystals with aliens. "


Cheng Buyun nodded his head, it was indeed the truth, saying: "I will do it, and wait for my good news."

Since the exchange, Cheng Buyun is ready to get it in place at one time. In addition to a part of the necessary retention, he is ready to take out a thousand treasure points and replace them with cosmic crystals.

Such a huge number of cosmic crystals is no longer a task that he can accomplish by himself.

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