Plane Universe

Chapter 1828: Transformers?

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The heart of life of 10 million kilometers is so large that it is shocking.

The amount that can be stored is very scary.

Generally speaking, the master of the universe of the mechanical family has a heart of life of more than a thousand kilometers, which is already the largest.

After all, the main type of the top universe of the mechanical family is generally 10,000 kilometers. The **** body has an end. Once it is bigger, the divine power is diluted, and the strength will be reduced.

But this scene in front of him is a challenge to the worldview of the powerful.

The members of the mechanical clan see it, and it is estimated that they must be ignorant.

At this time, a huge heart of life was kneaded, and time and space had a new action.

The gray-black energy surged into a mysterious pattern. Continuously solidified on the heart of life, forming a miniature universe map.

With Cheng Buyun's eyesight, he recognized some of the effects of curing mysterious lines, recovering, strengthening, absorbing, etc.

The microcosmic map solidified and stabilized, and the little red post-data soul hovered aside before was gently drifted away at this moment, and then pressed into it by violence and merged.

The heart of life emits a dazzling golden light, and a picture of unknown mysterious patterns is running, so as to achieve the consistency of the two.

The golden light continued to radiate, and I didn't know how long it had passed. Suddenly, the heart of life seemed to be completely alive at a certain moment.

It is the real kind that comes to life, just like Xiao Honghou before, has the breath of life.

At this time, the microcosmic map slowly began to rotate, absorbing the surrounding energy and supplementing itself.

"Shoot ~~~"

The decomposed Mo Feng collar, all the components that evolved into energy, also appeared one by one at this time.

Countless large and small parts rotate at high altitude, and you chase me in a circle.

At the moment of the circle, these parts were also upgraded and made stronger, with a huge difference from the previous ones.


As the first component rushed to the heart of life, the final combination began.

A series of ‘boom, click’ mechanical bombardment sounds, the outline of a spaceship appeared in the sky.

In the jade world, countless people looked up at this miracle in the sky.

Admire the master in his heart.

They thought that a scene in the sky was created by Cheng Buyun, and they didn't know that there was still a time and space perversion being manipulated behind the scenes.

In addition to Cheng Buyun and Xiaohong, two other insiders know nothing about him.

"Boom! Ka!"

With the completion of the last component combination, what finally appeared to everyone was a huge and incredible spaceship.

What is the concept of a super invincible spaceship with a length of 150 million kilometers and a width of 50 million kilometers?

If a Venerable Universe is hit by such a huge spaceship at speed, the consequences will definitely not be better.

Unless the spaceship is bean curd, otherwise ... hehe!


The huge spaceships spread golden awns on the surface, forming a mysterious pattern. These mysterious patterns are intertwined with each other, and finally connected into a miniature cosmic picture, solidified on the surface of the spacecraft, slowly disappearing.


Then, the entire huge spaceship was shocked, and a very clear and extremely loud sound laughed loudly, echoing in the whole jade world, "Haha, I am back!"

The owner of the voice is naturally Xiaohong.

But tragedy often happens when you are proud.

This time is no exception.

The spaceship above the sky suddenly had a little sway, and in the bad hunch of Cheng Buyun, he slowly tilted to the side.

Bow down-woo!


With a scream, Xiaohong's voice became extremely panic, and shouted, "No, it's going to fall, help me, save me!"

She tried her best to control the falling body and tried to lift the bow, but she couldn't care about the tail, but her head.

The bow was raised, but the hull leaned to one side and fell sideways.

"Put it away, in your world, let her toss slowly, just got a new body, control is very problematic." Space and Time said with a smile in Cheng Buyun's mind.

Xiao Hong ’s body was too huge at this time, with a hull of more than 150 million kilometers, she was also the soul of the main class, even with the help of solidified secret lines, she could not handle it easily.

Simply spicy eyes!

The horses under Xiaohong's body were all pale and ran away, and they retreated to the edge of the land, looking at the sky with horror as they continued to shake the huge spaceship that was swinging left and right.

As if falling down at a certain moment, who can be afraid?

Cheng Buyun nodded, his own inner world is large, and he can freely toss this novice Xiao Honghou.

After reminding Xiaohong, he put the huge spaceship into his body world in a wave of his hand.

When Xiaohonghou disappeared, the members who retreated to the edge were relieved.

Too scary, they dare not go through it again.

Everyone has a huge topic in this transformation of Mo Fengling. They are talking and laughing in the tavern, looking forward to a certain day, are they also eligible to sit up and take a stroll around the universe to see the wonderful scenery.

However, if you want to take a huge spaceship that you have been lucky enough to see once, you still have to have the strength. It is the honor to be valued by the owner.

After being moved to the little red here, Cheng Buyun's inner world directly became free of worries, his movements became bolder, and he managed to open and close.

Soon afterwards, Xiaohong paid a price for her actions, and the spacecraft quickly fell down, unable to control it if she wanted to control it.


The earth was shaking, the huge spaceship fell down and smashed into an area on the edge of the continent, the entire crust was shaking, and a piece of seawater soared hundreds of thousands of kilometers high.

The seawater that flew to the sky and then fell down was extremely heavy. The continent was almost completely destroyed, even affecting the surrounding continents.

Numerous volcanoes are erupting, magma is flowing, and gray mist covers the sky.

Seeing Cheng Buyun shook his head again and again.

"Hee hee, he fell down. It's really a shame. Fortunately, there is no one here. Only the brother knows." Xiao Honghou grinned, very embarrassed.

Suddenly, the huge spaceship lying in the ocean moved and changed. The entire spacecraft changed. Like a mosaic, countless metals were moving.

In a blink of an eye, the incomparably huge spaceship turned into a humanoid red, you dare to believe!

And it is not the kind of simulated change, but the real body.

This transformation was actually such a transformation that Xiao Xiaohou could change the body while having the appearance of the spaceship.

Handwriting is really big.

Turned into a human body, Xiao Hong's previous appearance, a huge and frightening robot stood up from the ocean, a robot as high as nearly 300 million kilometers.

The standing height almost pierced the sky.

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