Plane Universe

Chapter 1829: Surprise comes too fast like a tornado

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Fortunately, Cheng Buyun's internal world is wide and wide. In the past, it was reserved to maintain enough sky height when it evolved.

Otherwise, Xiaohong can't stand up at the moment.

Once brute force stands up, it is estimated that Cheng Buyun will have to be hit hard.

It ’s really scary, with a height of 300 million kilometers, the material of the body is also very strong, the level has reached the peak level of the treasure, and the power it has is really a bit bad.

Cheng Buyun couldn't determine himself.

However, no matter what step of the attack is, but one thing is very certain. With Xiaohong on the side, such as the enemy of the chaos city, it is almost impossible to attack him.

Because they can't even break the outer shell of Xiaohong, how can they deal with Cheng Buyun hidden in Xiaohong's body?

Just stare.

From this moment on, Cheng Buyun can be said to be under the strongest in the universe, without fear of anyone, right, anyone!

Can't win you, can't I still win?

Of course, in order to transform Mo Fengling, after integrating Xiaohong, Cheng Buyun spent a lot of money and energy.

The consumption of one crystal of energy costs a total of 1,300 Treasure Points.

If there is no effect, Cheng Buyun will not agree first.

With Xiaohong's powerful robot, Cheng Buyun's heart was a little upset.

It's time to go out for another wave.

The secret of the universe, here I come!

But before going out there, there are still some things to do, such as giving some time to Xiaohong to get acquainted with his body, not to mention how sensitive, he can't bump while walking and flying, right?

After calming down the commotion, Cheng Buyun also fell silent and practiced quietly.

During Cheng Buyun's silent cultivation, the storm outside slowly subsided.

Although there are still a lot of talks about redemption feasts, life is still possible, and the adventure must continue.

After all, in order to redeem more Chongbao contribution value, many Venerables owe a debt, and they still owe it.

The so-called debt is not worrying, and I will go out and take some risks in the future to return.

At the same time, many poor Venerables, relying on this redemption turmoil, obtained the crystal armor that they had longed for but could not get.

So that his strength has been greatly enhanced.

The interracial had a headache again.

Palace of Time and Space.

There is one more guest here today, and the visitor is the Venerable Golden Axe who came from Chaos City.

"Brother, what about my crystal armor?" As soon as the Supreme Master Axe couldn't even take care of the greeting, he immediately asked about the armor.

In fact, it is also true. It has passed for hundreds of years. Seeing the Venerables outside wearing them one by one, and the armor belonging to him has not even been seen with a brow, the irritability is inevitable.

The powerful effect of the crystal armor can make his strength change dramatically. Let us not talk about the realm first. Once the divine power exceeds the limit and breaks through the peak of the universe's Venerable Master, it is the universe's overlord-level **** body.

Space overlord!

The realm of the dream day and night, the level of power that has always been eager to reach, has at least several times more than his current strength.

This is a big class gap.

Enough precious.

Otherwise, you think that the Lord of Chaos heard Luo Feng as a black warrior, why are you so happy?

Because it is easier to exceed the limit of the **** body.

The average human venerable has ten times the gene of life, and the pinnacle-level divine power cannot exceed 100 million, and he is stuck at the peak of the universe venerable.

The overlord of the universe is the desire of countless venerable human beings, or the desire of countless universe life.

For ordinary life, it is extremely difficult to surpass the ten-fold limit, let alone the 100-fold limit of the universe.

Opportunity, luck!

Undoubtedly, the foundation of the realm has a lot of ingredients.

The so-called young people do not work hard, the boss is sad.

If the life limit of ten times cannot be surpassed before becoming the main level, and become an immortal god, there will be few opportunities.

"What anxiety, the armor won't run away by itself." Cheng Buyun understands Brother Jiu's mood, whoever is stuck at the peak of His Holiness for hundreds of millions of years, it is estimated to be the same attitude. He lay in his palm and smiled, "Look, isn't that right? Take it."

"Your tone, I hear you want to beat you." Venerable Golden Axe snorted, a typical type of standing without back pain, adults don't care about villains. Take the colorful ball, flip it over and watch it, said: "It doesn't make any difference? Brother Xiao, won't you pit me?"

This is what he said, but his movements are faster than anyone else, and he has begun to recognize the Lord.

Cheng Buyun explained, "The appearance is the same, but it depends on the effect."

When he spoke, Venerable Golden Axe had already completed the recognition of the Lord, and even put the crystal armor into his body, and quickly covered it with divine power.

"Ha, condense me."

Venerable Gold Axe screamed, and quickly assembled a piece of armor that refracted colored light. The appearance of the armor changed a little bit.

It depends on everyone's preference. Any treasure that has been upgraded has a function of simulating appearance.


The formation of the armor on the body immediately found a little wrong.

He felt that his **** body absorbed the power of the gods a little faster, a few points faster than when he did not wear this armor.

Detective quickly ignored the armor information. At first glance, the expression of the whole person changed.

This specially made crystal armor actually has the fourth effect.

In addition to the three major effects known in the past, there is also a fourth effect: the speed of divine recovery is increased by 20%.

Extremely powerful and precious attributes.


Accelerate the absorption speed of% 20 divine power, so horrible absorption speed.

He also has some treasures to speed up the recovery of divine power, but the recovery speed cannot be compared with this special crystal armor.

Most of them are within 5%, and the general one is almost 1 %% 2, but even so, these treasures that speed up the restoration of magical power are also very precious and expensive.

"Brother, you ..." Venerable Golden Axe was ignorant. He didn't expect such a surprise to happen, causing him to be a little bit lost.

How much is a piece of armor that speeds up the recovery of divine power by 20%?

How much wealth can users save?

In an outing adventure, there are too many times to burn the divine power in the battle. Many powerful people are extremely huge in the cost of materials to restore the divine power.

Sometimes going out for an adventure may not always be rewarding, and it is likely that you will lose money.

It is that the divine power burns too many times, and the treasures harvested are not enough to return to the original.

"How, surprise?" Cheng Buyun saw the expression of Venerable Golden Axe, and naturally knew that he had discovered that the crystal armor had a more powerful effect.

"Surprise, it's so pleasantly surprised." Venerable Jin Axe said with a smile, "Senior brother, forge treasure, you are this!"

He extended his thumbs fiercely, admiring his expression extremely.

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