Plane Universe

Chapter 1863: The ultimate guide

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The effect of this inheritance is in Cheng Buyun's heart, there is only one answer-unparalleled!

Whether it is the Chaos Monument that he has previously enlightened, or the operation of the universe law in the sky above the city of Chaos, or the most perfect operation law of the universe that I have just watched on the Bauhinia Island ...

It is impossible to compare with this one.

The effect was so amazing that Cheng Buyun didn't want to stop the mood and wanted to continue to accept it in this way.

Many places that I didn't understand in the past, after accepting the inheritance this time, I feel like I'm stuck.

It turned out that the enlightenment of the law cannot be considered if it is not integrated into Dacheng.

No wonder they used to wander outside the door and couldn't get in, because the reason is here.


I'm smart but I was mistaken!

Today, he knew why the strongest person in the universe is so difficult to break through. Your sister ’s ten laws are combined with each other into the Dacheng. How many people can you ask?

This road is too long, and it is so long that it numbs the scalp of all the strong men and has to go to the point of diameter.

"How, how do you feel." Venerable Doufeng came to Cheng Buyun's side and patted Cheng Buyun's shoulder with a smile.

"Very good." Cheng Buyun's color of surprise filled the whole face, and the wonder on his face seemed to see the most beautiful and most scenic scenery in time.

The star in the eye is flashing intensely.

"It's good to have gains." Venerable Doufeng even nodded and looked at Cheng Buyun's extremely excited expression, still reminding: "Legend, the beast **** inheritance is directed at the realm of the ancestor god. The cultivator's energy is limited and needs to be chosen. It is best to specialize. "

He said this, Cheng Buyun immediately understood that Venerable Doufeng was reminding himself not to be greedy too much, and all the first line of inheritance was learned and practiced. Don't get to the end and get nothing.

I also understand that I am not a special case, nor a pro-son of the universe. It is the result of everyone who came here to receive the beast **** heritage and failed to understand the first inheritance of the beast **** heritage.

After all, if the inheritors haven't practiced the beast god's artistic conception, the inheritance place naturally cannot be hard for the inheritors to practice the eight-way beast **** road.

Free choice is the truth.

"Of course, maybe you will have a miracle, it is not necessarily your own choice. Follow your own feelings." Venerable Doufeng smiled and explained softly: "I don't mean to underestimate you, after all, the eight-line beast **** inheritance We all understand that it has a very big impact on strength. Human energy is limited. Being dedicated means that progress is fast, and strength will naturally rise faster. "

"I understand." Cheng Buyun nodded, and Venerable Doufeng's reminder was in good faith.

Have thoughts for him.

The eight families learn and practice together, and the ultimate potential is naturally great, but the growth of strength is definitely extremely slow.

And in the laws of other departments, you may not be talented. Once you are stuck, the card is hundreds of millions of years, and the fun is big.

This kind of thing must have happened in history.

Greed and ambition are available to everyone, but do you have the talent to experiment? This is the ultimate question.

But Cheng Buyun believed himself.

Sometimes, time and space help, if even the first threshold of the law can not be crossed, it is better not to practice, go back and sell sweet potatoes.

Reassuring to be the strongest in the universe, in this side the universe will eventually get old.

After reminding a couple of words, Venerable Doufeng stopped talking and turned to Alice with her eyes closed and excited.

Cheng Buyun is a genius, a kind of super demon, and has his own ideas. It is enough for outsiders to remind.

It's not terrible to go the wrong way. What's scary is that people who know that they have gone the wrong way and continue to stubbornly go on.

Besides, they all said that Cheng Buyun is a super genius. He has enough knowledge to make mistakes. When a mistake is made, it is not too late for the chaotic city master to correct it!

Genius has this kind of capital.

Just like a rich man doing business, he can afford it. Unlike ordinary people, one bankruptcy is enough to never turn over.

"Alice, how, is there any gain?" Venerable Hato Feng asked with expectation on his face.

Love the house and Wu, Alice is a woman whom Cheng Buyun takes very seriously. Of course, he will not be arrogant, but instead looks close to enthusiasm and whispers softly.

"The harvest is very big." Alice opened her eyes and said excitedly: "Although I understand the conception of the first and second beast gods, but under this inheritance, it made me a lot less perfect. The place has also been perfected, as far as the secret method is concerned, it is now at least a few points stronger than before, and I am even confident that I will defeat the limit of the king. "


A bit ridiculous.

But Venerable Doufeng absolutely believes.

He still knows one or two of Alice's personality. Although his personality is indifferent and inaccessible, he never talks big words. One is one, two is two, and he will not boast.

Boundary master is so strong, and there is no one.

Cheng Buyun's face was arrogant, and he didn't stand silently.

Alice is one of the most powerful warriors he has cultivated, and consumes a lot of resources. If this resource is used to train geniuses, it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of immortal kings can be trained.

But what's the use of the larger number, Alice can sweep.

Venerable Doufeng calmed down and asked with a little anticipation: "How about the third weight, how effective?"

"It's also very good, the effect is great, and there are many places that are suddenly bright. I feel that if I retreat for some time, I should be able to understand the third level." Alice said quickly.

"Very good, but don't be proud. This is the result of your hard work in the past. Inheritance only points to a path. In the end, you have to rely on your own understanding and cultivation. The good effect of inheritance this time is your deep background. Even if I give you the opportunity to accept the inheritance now, it is actually not very effective. "Venerable Haofeng warned:" Only through self-study, accumulating the details, and then accepting the inheritance, that is the best result ... "

"Thank you Venerable for your guidance, Alice understands." Alice bowed deeply, this is a valuable cultivation experience, and it is the experience that Venerable Doufeng has tried to realize for hundreds of millions of years.

A rare opportunity to get a top-level cosmic overlord ’s practice experience. Alice listened with her eyes closed, not letting herself miss any words, and trying her best to be perfect.

Even Cheng Buyun, who was standing next to him, also had a lot of gains. He understood that Venerable Doufeng used his opportunity to point Alice to teach himself the experience of cultivation and insight.

Explaining in detail, the rules are combined with each other. Although Venerable Dove is the law of enlightenment, but the experience of the process of enlightenment and cultivation is very similar.

After a long time, Venerable Doufeng smiled and said: "Okay, come here today, there is something that I don't understand in the future, although come and ask me, as long as there is time, I will give you the answer as much as possible."

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