Plane Universe

Chapter 1864: Octagon Beast Monument

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Venerable Doufeng promised to give Alice's practice with all her heart, but also to deepen the connection with Cheng Buyun.

Cheng Buyun certainly understands.

But this is only good but not bad. First, Alice has benefited, and second, he has a friend.

Although Venerable Doufeng ’s potential is not high, his strength is also the level of top cosmic overlords, as long as he does not inherit the position of the nine gods of Fengkong, he is still expected to be the Lord of the universe.

"Alice will trouble you in the future." Cheng Buyun said with a smile, his face full of gratitude.

"Where." Venerable Doufeng said: "Alice is very talented, she will be strong in the future, and it will spread out, and I will have a light on my face! Haha, you don't need to say that I will pass."

"It's a blessing for Alice to give you the guidance of a top cosmic overlord. How can I object?" Cheng Buyun smiled. Immediately said: "Thank you, Doufeng for your help this time."

Doufeng also knew it was time to say goodbye.

Although he still wanted to tune into Cheng Buyun, there are opportunities in the future, not too late for a while, after all, Cheng Buyun and the two have just arrived here, there are still many things to do, he also said very cheerfully: "It's all small things , As human members, this is my duty. "

"Remember, taking advantage of the opportunity, think about preparing to pit those aliens, there are more glory points, and you can also have more chances of accepting inheritance." Venerable Jiufeng reminded him that he knew the realm of Alice easily. A group of aliens can be pitted.

"I will, the aliens can't run, as long as Alice shows up, it is estimated that the challenge will come." Cheng Buyun laughed.

Alice killed a lot of aliens in the battlefield outside the territory. If there is a chance, the aliens will definitely avenge themselves.

A realm.

Where can I be strong again?


"Haha, the space channel to leave is there." Venerable Dou Feng pointed behind Cheng Buyun and looked back. The original place happened to have a rippled area. That is the exit, the exit from the place of inheritance.

"Okay, we will meet again in time, Doufeng." Cheng Buyun just nodded to Alice, preparing to leave.

Venerable Doufeng said again: "Yes, if you want to get treasures in the treasure land, it is best to show some of your abilities. There are countless control systems in the colorful Aurora Hu range, which records everything about the inheritors, whether it is soul amplitude , Amplitude of divine power, strength of life genes, etc. are all special abilities. After being honored by the glory system, if it meets a certain treasure opening condition in the treasure land, it will automatically open when you arrive and get the treasure. "

"In the ancestral religion, the ancestor religion will not leak your information, be assured." Venerable Doufeng explained specifically, and continued: "Also, killing is prohibited in the multicolored aurora lake, do not happen with aliens. In the battle of life and death, the usual fighting is allowed, but once the life is threatened, the colorful aurora will be sensed, and those aurora will attack. It is fine to leave the range of the colorful aurora lake, so be careful. At the same time, you have your own residence on Bauhinia Island The palace is your own territory, and outsiders are prohibited from entering. For the same reason, you are also prohibited from entering the residences of other inheritors unless the master leads or agrees. "

"Okay, I've finished everything I can say, you go!" Venerable Doufeng shook his hand and said goodbye.

"Thank you for reminding." Cheng Buyun Zheng focused on his head, and then took Alice away from the place of inheritance.

Looking at the figure of Cheng Buyun's servant leaving, Venerable Haofeng finally showed his excitement on his face, "This time I can get in touch with Cheng Buyun, and I have heard more from the teacher, otherwise I will miss it."

As soon as Cheng Buyun entered the place of inheritance, he could immediately call out the other party's name, which was naturally not a reminder of the Supreme Council, but a notification from the teacher behind him.

After all, it is impossible for Chaos City Lord to reveal Cheng Buyun's identity.

Sometimes there is a strong teacher behind him, which is also very advantageous.

I have changed my personal situation. If Cheng Buyun cannot be detected, it will be treated like an ordinary human inheritor. Will you give me a warm explanation?

It's good not to be indifferent.

Leaving the place of inheritance, Cheng Buyun ignored the other two water curtain passages, and the beast **** quickly returned to the mansion he built.

The sentiments in his brain were very clear at this time, and countless thoughts were emerging in his mind. It is hard to practice and understand them. I am sorry for the inheritance this time.

It is shameful to waste.

When I came, I was very slow and depended on flying.

Going back a lot faster.

One teleport is enough.

In the multicolored aurora lake, all inheritors will be automatically identified, and any action is in accordance with the rules, whether it is teleport or teleportation, it is allowed.

As long as you are not afraid to expose the target!

Back at the entrance of the palace mansion, Cheng Buyun sensed that Alice didn't mean to go back to her palace. She also shook her head secretly and didn't say much, and walked in directly.

The palace mansion, which was only roughly constructed before, has not been polished, and the level of detail is unsatisfactory, but these are not things. Many of his soldiers are proficient in architecture and can be handed over to them.

One finger Alice sent her into the world of Yu Pei, and then quickly entered.

The fighters who had just hit the road immediately dried up.

Contributing to the master is the most anticipated thing for every fighter, and naturally he has to do his best.

Jade World.

When Cheng Buyun came in, Alice had entered the house of time and began to hurry up to practice.

In addition to his master, Alice has placed the second place to enhance her strength.

"Time and space." Cheng Buyun called softly, and after receiving a response, he looked solemnly and asked with great anxiety: "Can you copy the inheritance of the ancestral religion?"

The inheritance of the ancestral religion, the unparalleled effect of inheritance and perfusion, who of course wants to copy it, no matter how much the price is paid.

As for the issue of energy, he was not considered.

Unfortunately, the response of time and space disappointed him, "No, that is the manifestation of the essence of the universe. The only way to replicate this level of inheritance is to devour a complete universal rule of will, otherwise there will be no character methods."

Cheng Buyun smiled bitterly. In fact, when he asked, he already had such a guess.

"However, when you are successful in cultivation, you can directly copy your cultivation results. Like the rule of law, the effect is not too strong, which is probably similar to the chaotic monument in Chaos City." Space and Time gives its own results .

This result, Cheng Buyun inevitably shook his head.

It's almost superfluous, so it might as well copy the Chaos Monument.

After all, waiting for his cultivation to succeed, I don't know how long it will take.

Finally, time and space still came to a conclusion that satisfied Cheng Buyun, that is, the inheritance he accepted in the inheritance field can be copied out, but the effect will not be too strong, it can only be regarded as a cultivation direction, even the guidelines Not counted.

600,000 yuan energy is enough.

It is equivalent to 600,000 trillion yuan.

Not too expensive, only 8 treasure points can not be reached.

Ps: Last time there was a unit of measurement that went wrong, and the energy of one crystal was equal to 100 billion yuan. Here, we made an error. When calculating Chongbao points before, we converted the Hundred Yuan into 10,000 units in the middle of the Chongbao point, which was 2 billion. Change a treasure.

So recalculating, one trillion yuan is equal to one yuan of energy, one trillion yuan is equal to one crystal, and one trillion crystal is equal to one source energy.

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