Plane Universe

Chapter 1879: Ancestral focus

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To win the entire primitive universe, what is that?

In other words, he ranked second in cultivation, and dare to be number one if he had no life.

What a lying trough!

Thunder beast **** doubt is also reasonable.


During his long years, the geniuses he had seen all had a large basket that could run three circles around Bauhinia.

"Thunder Beast God, Cheng Buyun's genius is recognized by the universe, no one refutes the level of genius." Blood and Fire God will smile bitterly again and again: "Some of our gods will talk about this character, they also can't believe it, and are convinced. "

"What, even you gods can't think of yourself?" Thunder Beast God's expression was finally serious.

Ancestral gods teach the seventy-two **** generals, who is not a proud generation, who will serve who? A genius who can convince them all, what a lying trough!

"Yes, because he did what we thought we couldn't do." Blood Vulcan will smile bitterly: "At the level of the realm, he can fight a special life that has more than three thousand times immortality, and even fight That special life escaped, and finally enslaved the other's soul. "


Great as Thunder Beast God, this meeting also exclaimed, shocked inexplicably.

A realm of masters fights against an immortal special life, and finally enslaves the other's soul?

Are you kidding me?

This is a violation of the laws of the universe.

How much patience is there for the main level, and the strong one is not clear?

The special immortal life, and it is more than three thousand times, is already comparable to the king of insects they cultivated.

Such a powerful special life, you even told me that you were run away by a real master, and finally couldn't run away, and was enslaved by your soul!

In the long life of Thunder Beast God, I have never heard such exaggerated fighting results.

Thunder Beast God's skeptical look, Blood and Fire God will continue to explain Zi Zi: "That battle was carried out under the eyes of the lives of all races."

The Blood Vulcan will explain Cheng Buyun and gluttonous battle in the extraterritorial battlefield in detail.

Thunder Beast God's eyes were dazzling.

He immediately made a judgment, Cheng Buyun is definitely a special life, not what human beings say, just ordinary human members.

Even if it is a special life, it can't wear the crystal emperor armor of the Yan clan.

That's a gadget that requires ten million times more power to condense.

How could it be?

"At this moment, can he teach in our ancestors?" Thunder Beast moved, quickly asked.

The special life, and the special life of the genius, is the most needed member of the ancestral religion, and it is worth the ancestral religion to spend huge resources to cultivate.

The ancestral religion does not control the origin of the other party. They are detached forces, but they will not consider the great harm to the universe by training a strong person.

These are not considered.

Typical just kill, no matter buried!

"According to the inference, it may be within our ancestral **** Bauhinia Island." The blood-fire **** will say: "Because our ancestral **** Bauhinia Island, two new human beast **** inheritors have arrived, I deduced to live with Alice That person is estimated to be Cheng Buyun. Of course, this is all speculation, and the result is not sure. The Thunder Beast God needs to ask the Bauhinia Island owner, or check it yourself. "

Thunder Beast God nodded, his eyelids closed slightly, a force of power rose on his body, but he was controlling the colorful Aurora Lake.

The three treasure ancestors and the Eight Beast Gods have the authority to control the most colorful Aurora Lake given by the rules of the universe.

"No, don't you say that Cheng Buyun is just a landlord?" Thunder Beast God frowned and said: "The young human male who can live with human Alice is a venerable universe."

But waiting for the blood-fire **** to answer, Thunder Beast God laughed loudly again: "Good boy, he was almost deceived by him. It turned out to be a treasure with a hidden atmosphere, and he wore a changed shape of the Yan Shen clan crystal emperor, almost connecting me. I fooled it. I also controlled the colorful Aurora Lake, otherwise I really have to roll over today. "

Under the investigation of the Thunder Beast God controlling the colorful Aurora Lake, Cheng Buyun's bottom revealed a seven seven eight eight.

"Good guy, the gene of life is really terrible." Thunder Beast God's voice was full of surprise, and even said in shock: "In my feeling, it is higher than me, and the Alice you reported The life intensity is also hundreds of times, very close to five hundred times. "


Blood Vulcan will feel his teeth hurt.

His head was stunned.

Human life genes are higher than Thunder Beast God?

How can this be!

It ’s just the Lord.

Sure, Cheng Buyun will never be a human being. It must be the special life of "Altman".

Unique special life in the universe!

While Thunder Beast God controls the exploration of the multicolored Aurora Lake, Cheng Buyun certainly cannot sense it.

But time and space were immediately aware, but did not fight.

Let the other party investigate.

After all, here is the Bauhinia Island, and there are only a few strong players who can detect Cheng Buyun's thin bottom.

Ancestral religion can't deal with Cheng Buyun, because the information that time and space simply hears understands what kind of power ancestral religion is.

And this kind of investigation is only good but not harmful.

Why fight?

Of course, when the details were detected, he must explain to Cheng Buyun, so he quickly said: "Only the strong will detect you."

"A strong man is investigating me? On this Bauhinia Island?" Cheng Buyun suddenly seemed surprised when he heard the prompt of time and space.

Where is Bauhinia Island?

In the mansion, no inheritor is allowed to detect. Once someone uses his consciousness to detect, the colorful Aurora Lake will move, and the spies will be annihilated instantly.

Therefore, Cheng Buyun thought of investigating himself at this moment, it must be the great existence of ancestral religion, which may be ancestral gods, beast gods and the like.

As for why he should be probed, he still has to think about it?

It ’s strange that the ancestral gods did n’t do anything when it happened.

It is a good thing to be paid attention to by the ancestral religion. Although it will cost a little in the end, it is compared with the harvest.

Undoubtedly, Cheng Buyun is beneficial.

In fact, even if the ancestors did not come to investigate him, he would find time to show his differences.

The good thing, of course, does not need to be hidden.

Ancestral religion is fair and just, knowing his details, he will not talk nonsense everywhere.

Those who can control power in ancestral religion have little relationship with the universe and all races, and almost all of them are special lives.

Just like the guardian beast gods have no right to control the colorful Aurora Lake.

It is enough to do your own things normally without having to bother about things detected by the strong ancestors.

Touching the chin.

Cheng Buyun was also thinking about whether Alice should go out to show her face and pit aliens.

In the multicolored aurora lake, once you do it, you will definitely die.

Where to find such a good thing!

You don't have to do it yourself, the credit will come, and Cheng Buyun laughs.

After thinking for a while, Cheng Buyun felt proper, and when Alice finished another day of fighting, he said: "Alice, take a rest, wait for you like this, go out and lie down!"

"Yes, master." Alice nodded, her cold store with an incomparable expression, killing aliens, which was nothing in her eyes.

No more interracial deaths, she will not have compassion.

The competition of ethnic groups is extremely cruel.

Think about the tragic situation of ordinary humans, one by one the star field is annihilated, you will find that the hatred of the aliens is fierce.

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