Plane Universe

Chapter 1880: Treasure land

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Alice has a simple mind, and the aversion to aliens is not pretending, but real aversion and hatred!

And letting herself be a bait, Alice smiled, even if there was no protection to be a bait, she was willing, not to mention, the owner gave her an invincible big card.

In this way, Alice rested a little and immediately left the back garden of the mansion, walked through the hall, and walked outside the mansion.

Such a move shocked a group of immortal warriors to stand up one after another, watching Alice leave.

Alice's status is very good, this group of immortal warriors dare not stop it, the deacon who manages the palace quickly reported to Bu Yun, Alice went out.

Walking out of the mansion, Alice walked leisurely on the road, watching the various sceneries in Bauhinia Island.

"Look, who is that?"

Some of the aliens who saw Alice appearing outside the mansion were also very surprised, holding friends and pointing at Alice.

"Isn't that human Alice?"

"Goddess of War?"

"It's the goddess of war, her breath is the same, her face is the same, it's impossible to be wrong, it's her!"

The title of female **** of war, also recognized by the aliens.

Among the third heirs, hundreds of thousands of invincible fights, who dare to deny this title?

Although Alice has pitted many of them, there is no limit, and the means is extremely shameful. In terms of strength, the other party is extremely powerful and worthy of respect.

Alice's appearance suddenly caused a riot.

Many of the alien inheritors who received the news came out of the mansion and wanted to see what kind of person the real female **** of war was outside.

The blonde hair, the icy face, and the slim figure, covered by the golden armor, seemed so unattainable.

Many aliens showed respectful eyes.

Even some relatively normal aliens showed admiration.

After all, there are few strong women, especially women such as Alice, even fewer.

Who doesn't want a partner around him to be an equal genius.

Envy or respect, Alice did not care at all, and walked slowly on her own.

A leisurely look!

Her appearance directly aroused the supreme attention.

The assassination personnel belonging to the mechanical, demon, and zerg groups were even more stared when they saw the appearance of Alice.

"No, the God of War dared to show up in these situations? Isn't she afraid of being assassinated?"

"I really don't know what to say."

"It's so unexpected."

"Or rely on it!"

"After all, humans are also the pinnacle group, and there are many strong people in Bauhinia Island."

"Wow, how do you know that there is no cosmic overlord hidden in the God of War?"

"This is the truth!"

For this statement, some aliens are more certain.

Human beings are not a trivial group, and want to assassinate such a genius, can there be no shelter? No one can be assassinated!

The female **** of war came out so leisurely, maybe it was a big pit.

Countless aliens watched the show one after another, and looked around in amusement.

The monitors belonging to the three pinnacle groups also seem extremely doubtful whether this will be a pit!

Such an attitude makes the assassination staff feel a bit stabbing.

Suddenly he stood up.

After walking a certain distance, Alice turned in the direction, but was heading towards the palace of the guardian beast god.

"She is this?"

"Are you going to accept the inheritance?"

Countless people are full of doubts.

Watching Alice walk up the mountain, into the square, and deep into the water curtain on the left.

"Goed to the treasure."

Everyone immediately exclaimed.

Alice left and entered the treasure, and the assassins of the three pinnacle groups were in a hurry.

I do n’t care much about it now, let alone traps, so I ’ll pretend to be a gesture.

In any case, since accepting this assassination mission, there is no reason to look forward.

And there is no way to explain.

The good chances of attack just now have been missed. They can imagine that they cannot explain in the ethnic alliance.

In other words, the communication system of the three pinnacles is different, otherwise the Lord of the Universe is angry, and no one can bear it.

Although the technology of the mechanical family is very high, it cannot cover the entire primitive universe, and instant communication is also greatly restricted.

Ancestral religion and many areas are their communication blind spots.

Unlike human races, the virtual universe covers the entire primitive universe area, and even parts of the universe sea have signal coverage.

It has to be said that when the original ancestor was suppressed, the secret method finally displayed through the attached intelligence was really terrible.

Treasure land.

Alice appeared on a icy mountain cliff, looking around.

Qifeng Dieling, all kinds of strange peaks everywhere, high mountains, like a sword-shaped peak, giving people an invisible momentum, like a peerless swordsman, the sword rising from the sky is extremely magnificent.

Under the peaks that can't be seen at the end, they are surrounded by countless rivers and lakes, forming a variety of precipitous mountains and streams. Aurora flashing over the sky in the mist and clouds, under the green color of rivers and lakes.

Formed a unique beauty.

The land of treasure is incomparably wide, and the continuous mountain ranges do not know how many trillions of miles are vertical and horizontal, and the emerald green lake that surrounds it is like a dragon circling.

Under the ice and snow mountain cliff where Alice stood, there was a huge lake of ice and snow over 10 million kilometers. A burst of cold air rose from the lake and formed a gorgeous rainbow in the sky.

Obviously, the treasure land is also covered by the colorful Aurora Lake.

Where there are many treasures, safety is especially important.

The ancestral **** also feared that some super existences would come directly, and all the treasures buried underground would be swept away.

Alice watched for a long time, and finally flew into the air, flying towards the mountain next to it.

There are countless treasures in the land of treasures. If you encounter the right destiny inheritors, a strange call will be made to attract the inheritors.

Of course, this kind of attractive breath also has a distance.

Generally speaking, however, after the arrival of the inheritors, the treasures are opened more directly.

At this time, in the vast treasure land, there are countless heirs exploring and trying their luck, one by one strange life, all in the various mountain terrain shuttle.

I hope that my luck will come, encounter a treasure call, and get the treasure inheritance.

It is a pity that countless aliens are disappointed, and there are certain conditions for the opening of the treasure.

If you want to get the treasure or inheritance of the treasure, it is at least possible to receive the attention of the ancestral religion.

Without potential, how can ancestral gods give away treasures in vain?

There is no free lunch!

The ancestral religion publicly stated that everyone in the treasure can go, but it is possible to go. The inheritors who want to get the treasure are destined to be only a small number of people.

Most inheritors are nothing but foils.

Shuttle between the cliffs everywhere, Alice will stop for a while every time a peak is reached. I look forward to whether this treasure will open. After a few seconds, she will shake her head and leave to continue to the other peaks.

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