Plane Universe

Chapter 1936: The master gene of Nine Nethers is in hand

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Chapter 83—Nine Nether Life Genes Available

Hearing the tone of Jiu Youzhi's voice softened a little, Cheng Buyun was also secretly happy.

Being able to talk about conditions with such powerful figures as the Lord of Nine Peaces, he also knows that he has nothing to do with his identity as a disciple of Chaos teacher.

In addition, it is also because he is talented enough to make the Nine Nine Lords endure strong.

"Since the Divine Lord agreed, then I will mention it." Cheng Buyun smiled respectfully.

This name of God Lord secretly delighted the Lord of the Nine Nether, and his face was gentle for a point, saying, "Don't put forward excessive conditions, otherwise ... hum!"


The point is that the seawater lake in the Huanghai Sea should not be excessive?

After all, he also took the blood of the blood sea before.

"I think ..." Cheng Buyun carefully cautiously bent over and said, "I want to ask the Lord Lord to give me another piece of sea water of each size."


The Lord of Nine Nethers was stunned, looking down on Cheng Buyun's figure, and said with an expression of annoyance: "Shocked and dare to let me give you the sea water of the Emperor Sea? You are challenging my patience, are you really not afraid of death? "

"Death, of course I am afraid."

Cheng Buyun seemed to let go, and said with a light expression: "But compared to joining me to join the Lord, I want a little seawater, even if it is the Huanghai seawater, it is not too much."

"It's not always possible for my teacher to ask, what benefits have you gained by joining the Lord of Nine Nether, I can't say that I didn't get it?"

"I can't let my teacher say that God is stingy!"

"At the same time, I am also afraid of being scolded by the teacher, there is no benefit, you even joined?"

"I'm embarrassed, but ..."

"When it's time to pass outside, I'm afraid ..."

The master of Nine Nether cramped his mouth for a while, so he wanted to shoot Cheng Buyun to death on the spot.

Too shameless.

Also said that there is no benefit, is this related to the benefit?

Let you join because you violated my taboo.

Now, it seems as if I am forcing you to join me.

Not to mention, the Lord of Nine Nether is really a little afraid of Cheng Buyun, there is no one in this mouth.

I'm really afraid that this kid is shameless, talking nonsense in front of his teacher. When that time comes, he, the Lord of Nine Nether, really has no face to see the Lord of Chaos.

"Well, I want the seawater, I'll give it to you, and I will give it to you." The Lord of Nine Nethers moved the two groups of seawater in front of Cheng Buyun with a strong feeling of disgust.

"Thank you Divine Lord." Cheng Buyun quickly put away, and bowed to salute, "Worship Divine Lord."

Especially, it is really not easy to put this kid under his command.

However, Cheng Buyun can join him, and the Lord of Nine Nethers is undoubtedly very happy.

In the future, there will be a super power assisted by him, he can also relax more easily.


The Lord of Nine Nether pressed his inner happy mood, but did not see any action. In front of him, a black token appeared out of thin air. The token landed directly in front of Cheng Buyun, and then said, "This is the ancestral order."

Cheng Buyun took the ancestral **** order curiously, heavy, and there was a feeling of coldness. After looking at it, there were only two words on the ancestral **** order-ancestor god!

The word "Ancestral God" on this token seems to be composed of countless secret patterns, and Cheng Buyun doesn't know it. At first glance, he knows that these two words mean "Ancestral God".

Obviously, it is a mysterious texture carving constructed by the rules of the universe, and anyone can know the meaning of the mysterious texture after getting it.

"Imprinted into your mark of life, the ancestral **** order can only be used by you." Jiuyou only overlooked Cheng Buyun, except for the explanation: "Through the ancestral **** order, you can contact the ancestral gods, and the ancestral gods issue tasks It is also issued through the Ancestral Order. As long as it is within the scope of the universe, you can contact through the Ancestral Order. "

"Thank God Lord." Cheng Buyun expressed his knowledge.

The Lord of the Nine Nether also nodded. The human race also has many peripheral members in the ancestral religion, such as those who prepare for the gods, etc., which are generally peripheral members of the ancestral religion.

"The ancestral **** order is very special, don't lose it." The Lord of Nine Nether said lightly: "Although you are the Supreme Master of Protection in my veins of Nine Nether, for the time being, you don't need to do tasks and other actions. But, there is a place for you to contribute in the future. "


Ancestral God made the manufacturing special, and it was more difficult to manufacture. Cheng Buyun said that he knew that, at the same time, the Lord of Nine Peaces let him practice with peace of mind, also for his safety considerations. The three pinnacle groups also stared at him and asked him to do the task. Is irresponsible for his life.

"If someone in the ancestral religion seeks you, you will take out the ancestral decree, and they will understand." The Lord of Nine Nine reminded again.

Someone came to him and took out the ancestral decree, indicating that he was already an ancestral god. As for who he joined, God knows!

"Okay, take your palace treasure, go."

The Lord of Nine Nether said lightly.

Cheng Buyun bowed again, beckoning, and the little palace after Xiaohong's incarnation adhered to the surface of his body.

The next moment, an invisible force wrapped him.

Xiao Hong, who knew what was going on, did not resist this force.


Cheng Buyun suddenly disappeared, and the huge face of the Nine Nether Lord revealed that he laughed loudly, "Haha, a little bit of sea water, this Cheng Buyun joined me, let those few guys know, it was estimated that they were mad Not on the ground. "

"Haha, but late, Cheng Buyun is already mine, haha!"

"It's useless if you fight in the future."

"This price is the same as Bai Zhan's. Compared with Cheng Buyun, the chasing bug king is nothing, haha!"

"This time, I have to do a good job of rummaging in front of this guy" Fengtian ", hey, chase the insect king!"

In the crazy laughter, the Lord of the Nine Serenities also dissipated a huge face, and there was nothing strange happening in the huge imperial sea.

Those Jiuyou tribes who worship are as if they don't even know that this is the case.

Climbing the atmosphere is really unbelievable, to see what kind of madness this will be like the Lord of Nine Serenities.

It's like the first one in the world, laughing dead!


Time and space change, and a figure suddenly appears in the void beyond the Nine Nine Time and Space.

Cheng Buyun glanced around, and saw the distant Nine Nine Time and Space in the distance, and suddenly grinned: "It's so powerful, I don't feel anything at all."

"The power of the Lord of the Universe is indeed magical, especially in the time and space controlled by the other party." Xiao Honghou also interjected, praising the Lord of Nine Nine's methods.

After being as strong as Xiaohong, wrapped in invisible power just now, it was also twisted and teleported.

Later, Cheng Buyun's heart was ecstasy, and he finally got the life gene of the Nine Nether Lord, to be correct, his heir's life gene.

However, although there are huge ones, in terms of talent, the effect is the same.

"Huh, good talent." The life genes of the Nine Nine Lords have been available for a while. Time and space have already been scanned and analyzed. This will also tell Cheng Buyun a good news.

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