Plane Universe

Chapter 1937: Venerable Thunder Meteor

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Chapter 84 Venerable Thunder Meteor

After a simple scan, analysis, and simulation, the life genes of the Lord of Nine Nethers are determined in time and space.

Creating talents can evolve and perfect the secrets of gestation learned before Bu Yun.

How much can be improved depends on the detailed study that follows.

But this is already worth Cheng Buyun happy.

The enhancement of the avatar is directly related to his future combat strength. The life gene is increased by more than 10%, and the distance is different.

The chaotic devouring secret code of his cultivation is now only the most basic stage. The upper limit must be 100,000 times in the future, and the result created by a little difference is great.

"Doesn't the life gene of the Nine Nether Lords be needed?" Cheng Buyun asked.

"It's better to get it."

Time and space said: "After all, the descendants of the Lord of Nine Peaces still have a big gap with his own genes."

"it is good."

Cheng Buyun nodded, looking at Jiu You space-time and said with a smile: "Then I will shameless again, shameless in front of the great existence, and pass on, right?"



A teleportation, when Cheng Buyun entered the Nine Nether again, this action immediately attracted the attention of the Nine Nether Lord, and then his face changed slightly as if he remembered something.

"This **** may not be greedy, but is it still coming?"

Cheng Buyun entered the Nine Nine Time and Space again, and the Lord of Nine Nine can guess what the former is doing, and it must be the divine power of his ocean.

Of course, now Cheng Buyun didn't start, he just pretended not to see.

Cheng Buyun entered the Nine Nine Time and Space again, not just digging the sea water in the Nine Nine Lord's Divine Power Ocean, but moving towards the other side.

Destination, Thunder Mountain!

Looking for Venerable Lei Yue?

The Lord of Nine Nether saw the direction of Cheng Buyun's teleportation flight, and suddenly had a toothache.

This kid is too obsessed with higher life genes.

It is not good to practice at this stage, but it is to work hard for a long time in the future. It is a bit high.

After all, the improvement of genes is difficult.

Especially high-level life is even harder!

In fact, it is not for the genes of life, but for the cultivation of talents by the laws of the thunder system.

Venerable Lei Meteor, a strong man at the top level of the universe, the most unique rock life form in the universe, is located at the level of strength. I heard that it is very close to the world tree.

According to the information circulated, many powerful universe masters have no way to take him.

The most recent record was tens of millions of years ago, fighting with a strong cosmic master of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance in a high-secret realm, and finally divided equally.

No one can help each other.

That time almost shocked the entire primitive universe.


Teleported to a desolate-looking island, Cheng Buyun's eyes fell through one of the majestic mountains through the space.

Obsidian crystal bright mountain, but it does not transmit light at all, nor reflects any light.

At a glance, most people who don't know the details of it will only think that this is a magnificent mountain range of hundreds of millions of miles, and will not think that this mountain is a life, and a soul is hidden inside.

A highest living body in the universe.

Yes, you are right, this huge mountain is actually a great life.

According to the basic information, the life gene of Venerable Lei Yue is more than 7000 times, and the height is about 120 million kilometers. The body is 15 million kilometers in diameter, which is a bit thicker than the branches of the world tree.

The image looks chubby and cute.

This is the case on the illustrated book.

In reality, once this mountain wakes up, it is not cute, but fierce.

I heard that Lei Yanzun had a bad temper.

Gently landed on the mountain of Venerable Lei Yan, Cheng Buyun turned to look far below, and said, "Thunder Stones are all over the floor."

"A few more people dare to come here to get these babies." Xiao Honghou also teased.

Thundering stone is a material that is barely cherished. However, although the grade is ordinary, it is also in large demand, and the price is not low. The width of **** is nearly ten million yuan.

A two-finger wide and long thunder stone weighs about one ton.

A large number of scattered thunderstones, even the air wandering in the surrounding void seemed to hide a thunder force.

Cultivating in these places is probably the gospel of the thunder-cultivators, the holy place to dream of.

Looking at the thundering stones covered with inconsistent weight and size, Cheng Buyun moved. A force of the world suddenly rolled. Countless thundering stones seemed to be dragged by an invisible force.

The invisible thunderstone resembles a moth spitting fire, and like a silver horse training, thrown into the palm of Cheng Buyun's unfolding, hiding the trace.

However, this move seems to be a horse honeycomb, the next moment, rumbling ~~~

The whole mountain moved, and fierce shaking came, and Cheng Buyun also had to fly.

The huge mountain at the foot has slowly stood up, and the thunderous rage sound also roared, "Human beings are small, you are too greedy, stealing my baby?"

The standing mountain quickly squirmed to form a huge figure, with a height of more than 100 million kilometers, which is extremely huge.

"Stealing my treasure can only be forgiven by death." Venerable Lei Yue, who did not see his movements, directly condensed a large amount of horror blue thunder, one of which was more than 100 meters thick Thunder was blasting into Cheng Buyun's head.

The power of this thunder is extremely powerful, and the ordinary sages of the universe are estimated to be unbearable.

Once hit, even if it does not die, it will be seriously injured.

Obviously, Lei Yuezun rushed to kill Cheng Buyun.


His breath was shocked, and Cheng Buyun immediately hit the sky with a punch, the secret of the wave effect attack, and the thunder threw away at once.


When Lord Lei Yue saw that Xiaodoudian humans had easily broken his own attack, his sneered face showed a little color, and said with a sneer: "It's interesting, then play with you."

He took it a little bit more seriously. In his mind, a series of pale blue thunder jumped together to form a thicker thunder.

Under visual inspection, each pale blue thunder was hundreds of times thicker than before and hundreds of kilometers in diameter, making Cheng Buyun's face a cramp.

He didn't have the hobby of being bombarded, but the thunder that was nearly a thousand kilometers thick, the range of the envelope was incredible, and the speed of shooting down was ridiculously fast.



A blue thunder fell, and the rocky ground that had long been energized by the energy of Venerable Lei Meteor was also hit by a huge hole with a depth of several kilometers, as wide as a small lake.

This kind of great power, not to mention the ordinary universe venerable, even the senior venerable, is enough to drink a boss.

"Haha, see how much you can flash, come again." The voice was rumbling, Venerable Lei Yue looked a little excited, as if in a boring life, suddenly there was a little accident coming, remotely controlling countless blue thunder, chasing Cheng Buyun bombarded.

Cheng Buyun once fell into a beating situation.

Facing the existence of Lei Yunzun at this level, he has no power to fight back.

The opponent's body is too large, and the rock body also provides sufficient protection, and the defense power is estimated to be no less than an ordinary treasure.

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