Plane Universe

Chapter 1938: Brutal battle of two giants

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Chapter 85 The Brutal Battle of the Two Giants

Thousands of thunders chased and bombarded, and the rock layers on the ground were constantly being bombarded with big holes, as if playing with noisy, Venerable Lei Yun laughed, very happy, as if Cheng Buyun was a toy.

Each time a remote thunder attack is controlled, giving Cheng Buyun the room to dodge.

Otherwise, thanks to the ability of Lei Yun Venerable, under the blockade of countless thunder, even if it is an ant, under the power of countless thunder, it is impossible to avoid the past again and again.

Become a fan directly!

"Haha, run quickly, Thunder is here again." Venerable Lei Yue laughed, and the huge blue eyes squinted into a gap.

Very happy!

Rarely bored, someone came, and Venerable Lei Yan was killed without thinking.

Being used by the other party as a toy for entertainment, Cheng Buyun was not annoyed, with a faint smile on his face, but instead cooperated with Venerable Lei Yue.

Stealing someone else's baby, naturally need to pay something.

At the level of Venerable Lei Yue, there is no shortage of general treasures.

boom! boom! boom!

The roar of thunder continued to ring through the sky.

Dodge and move, a shadow jumps between the blue thunder.

Most of the time later, Venerable Lei Yan stopped laughing, without embarrassment. Bu Yun said: "For his part, he has to cooperate with you. Forgive you once. Take out Lei Mingshi and you can go."

Hovering over Thousands of Thousands of kilometers above Thundering Island, the sight of Leiyu Venerable was in line, Cheng Buyun smiled and said without fear, "There is no merit but hard work. Don't be too stingy. Moreover, here you are, the thundering stones spread on the ground are too much to eat. "

"Then are you ready to resist me?" Venerable Lei Yan showed a bit of cruelty.

The thunder floating in the void is likely to explode.

"Then look at Venerable Leiyu, what do you think!" Cheng Buyun's original purpose was not to be Lei Mingshi, but to find an excuse to have a chance to fight with Venerable Leiyu to see if he could use the battle to stretch Fly the rocks on the surface of his body.

Of course, Cheng Buyun itself does not have such capabilities.

"Very good." Venerable Lei Yan grinned and gazed at the little girl in front of him: "For many years, no one has spoken to me like this for a long time. You have to say, you have enough courage. But generally, courageous people, People who cannot see their identity generally die terribly. "

"But I will not be those lives in the mouth of Lei Yanzun." Cheng Buyun smiled lightly.

"So ... look at the trick, see what you have the ability to say this to me." Venerable Lei Yan angered, raised his right hand, overwhelmingly photographed the little humans floating in the void in front of his eyes.

The huge palms directly covered millions of square meters, and the space was trembling tremblingly. A burst of squealing sounds seemed to be rubbing, and finally a ‘click’ was made. The space was like a broken mirror.

Venerable Lei Yue in the rage didn't keep his hands at all, and the huge palms flashed blue light.


Suddenly, there was a terrifying shock of Lei Yanzun in the void. The original target, Cheng Buyun, disappeared.

Under his eyelids, there was no trace of it.

"Hee hee, I'm out again!"

Very abruptly, a crisp laughter spread out, and a mechanical life appeared in the sight of Lei Yanzun.

"What are you doing?" Venerable Lei met with a little caution, because in his soul induction, the mechanical life in front of him was a bit terrible.

The other party grew up quickly and turned into an object comparable to him. Well, it was a half-head thing higher than him.

"Higher than you, haha." Xiaohonghou did not answer the question from Venerable Lei Yan, but laughed and shouted: "Afraid!"

"I'm afraid of you? What a joke, get out!" Venerable Lei Yan was furious, and he didn't care what you did.

Want him to be fearless in the universe and be afraid of a mechanical puppet?

Although this mechanical puppet doesn't look so annoying, will he be afraid?

Powerful as Venerable Lei Yue, the soul consciousness and insight are extremely powerful. At a glance, he can see that the material refined by Xiaohong is very advanced, revealing a unique charm.

You can see it if you are not blind!


Venerable Lei met with a punch, until Huang Long pulled out towards Xiaohong's heart.

"Good job."

Xiao Honghou was also happy to see the hunt, squeezing the huge little fist, and immediately with a wink, he punched out.

Since having this huge body, she hasn't encountered any decent opponents. This time, it really made her happy to meet Lei Yuzun.

The two sides are less than hundreds of kilometers apart, and they can almost touch each other with their hands raised.

The two fists banged together in the blink of an eye, and the space was violently roaring.

The two powerful men with huge and majestic bodies turned out to be melodramatic as if they were barbarians.

You punched me and I kicked together.

Almost pure force bombardment contest.

But then you think the technology is wrong.

Pure power competition is sometimes terrible.

The fists and feet that the two blasted each other attacked the power to hold no secret method exhibited by the master of the universe.

Almost every blow can detonate the void, the land where both of them stand, the entire huge Thunder Island is even more ruinous.

Especially when two huge objects wrestled and fell together, the ground made of rocks was cracking, and those big mouths seemed to be cracks in the abyss.

The master of the Nine Serenities who has been monitoring Cheng Buyun, Xiaohong's mighty power once again refreshed his cognition.

He couldn't even imagine that Xiao Hong's body was so huge that he was even a little taller than Venerable Lei Yue.

But this is not the limit of Xiaohong, he is not sure.

The previous time, Xiaohong was only one million kilometers tall.

And this time?

Increased hundreds of times.

The battle between the two giants is not only seen by the Nine Serenities, the fierce fighting power, the fluctuation range is too wide, which has attracted the attention of many powerful people.

At a height of nearly 100 million kilometers, it looks like a huge mountain range from a distance.

In this way, the nearby one or two light years can be observed by the naked eye alone.

The heads of countless alien inheritors are roaring.

Countless people know the location of the war, Thunder Island, a very dangerous place.

Most of the time, no inheritors dare to go up, even if there are countless thunderstones in Thunder Island, but no inheritors use their own lives to change a wealth.

Today, someone even broke into Leiming Island and had a war with Venerable Lei Yan.

This is not the place where the alien inheritors were surprised. What surprised them was that the body that fought against Lord Lei met a huge sense of familiarity.

With blue and white as the background, flaming red armor and a slender body with a phoenix crown ...

Wasn't that the treasure-like mechanical puppet bodyguard that humans have stepped into?

Why is it so huge?

PS: I came back late today. The second one is estimated to be very late.

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