Plane Universe

Chapter 1955: Share joy

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Rarely met a friend, Cheng Buyun also smiled.

He hadn't really expected that they were here before.

After all, in the Chaos teacher's palace, on such an important occasion, his soul consciousness did not dare to scan randomly.

Disturb everyone!

A great existence such as this important city chaos master lectures face to face, every time is precious enough, who wants to be disturbed!

"I'm a busy person at that door, just eating and drinking." Cheng Buyun said with a chuckle that smirked, and directly caused the two friends to laugh.

Lord Gan Wu and Venerable Lan Yu still remember where it is. Gossip is OK, and use this as a chat place. That person will be very unhappy, so Venerable Lan Yu laughed quickly: "We also have thousands of years I have n’t gotten together. I have time to send a message. Let ’s get together and listen to you talk about the brilliant things. "

"It is very necessary, especially in the battle of the ancestral religion, it has played our human prestige." Lord Gan Wu laughed repeatedly, and finally said: "We will not disturb you to see the Lord of Chaos, see you later."

"it is good."

Cheng Buyun nodded and watched the two leave the hall. Then he looked at the chaotic city lord and even apologized and said, "When I met two better friends, I also asked the teacher to forgive the disciple's sins."

"Forget it, as you have no sincere apology, you think I will believe it." Chaos Lord said deliberately with a sneer: "But just want me not to blame the witch and Lan Yu for the arrogance."

"It's still a great teacher. I even guessed what I thought." Cheng Buyun smiled, and he didn't have any restrained expression in front of Chaotic City Lord, just like returning home.

Facing an old father.

But it ’s also true that there is no difference between a pro-child and a heir.

It was among this group of proselytized disciples that Cheng Buyun was more favored and more favored by the chaotic city lord.

The Lord of Chaos did not want to act too majestic, and lost the joy of being like an ordinary father and son.

After all, this is an emotion that the Lord of Chaos has never felt in his life.

He enjoys getting along with Cheng Buyun.

"What's the matter, come and sit down and talk." Chaotic City Lord and Yan Yuese smiled, but he didn't see any action. Cheng Buyun's entire person teleported the same, suddenly appeared on the side below his throne, a stone chair from the steps Bulge.

In front of the chaotic city master, Cheng Buyun was not hypocritical. He sat down generously, leaning against the back of the chair, his expression and behavior were extremely relaxed.

He acted in such a way that the Lord of Chaos did n’t blame him at all, but instead showed a smile, and looked at him with a few nodded smiles: "You have strengthened again, and there is a strong vitality hidden behind him, very close to the immortal level."

With the eyesight of Chaos City Lord, it is natural to see Cheng Buyun as a whole through one click.

Perhaps the law cannot be seen in combination with the realm, but these most basic things are undoubtedly difficult to hide from the great existence.

The realm of law is like a superficial power. Does a king want to hide himself as a venerable universe in front of a great existence?

Divine body multiples are not allowed.

The fluctuations of the space law after it is completed.

Just like the immortal strongman, once the law breaks through, the body has transformed into divine power, and the fluctuations of the law distributed on the surface are hard to hide.

Cheng Buyun is also the same, some of his traits can not be hidden, especially the chaotic city master who knows him quite well.

Even if he is equipped like a dream suit, the power of the realm is 100 million times, and the laws emanating from the surface fluctuate, which naturally cannot be hidden.

Some weaker universe masters may not see Cheng Buyun as a boundary master, but they do not envelop the chaos city masters of this level.

"Is the teacher seeing it?" Cheng Buyun looked with emotion on his face, looking at the Master of Chaos with a loud voice, "The teacher is so powerful."

"Get out!"

As soon as the Lord of Chaos shook his robe, he looked at him and said with curse: "What grade is the teacher, and what grade are you? Some basic things can be easily seen."

Getting along with Cheng Buyun, the language of the chaotic city master will not be too conservative.

"That's why you have guarded like a dream, otherwise the group of little guys just now can see that your strength has increased." Chaos City Lord even shook his head and smiled.

Cheng Buyun is also very aware of this situation.

Some superficial things, without specific methods, are usually difficult to hide.

After a pause, the chaotic city lord said with emotion: "Looking at the law of your wood is almost completed, plus the previous movements, it seems that your world tree avatar has been cultivated."

Before the World Tree broke through several times in a row, there was a lot of noise, and before and after the contact of the chaotic city master, it was not difficult to determine that the Chengbuyun World Tree was successfully cultivated.

Of course Cheng Buyun will not hide it. This time he came to tell Mr. Chaos about this matter. He nodded and said, "I can't hide the teacher. The World Tree avatar has been successfully cultivated. For thousands of years, the strength has reached the ninth level.

"good, very good!"

The Lord of Chaos raised his hand excitedly and patted the seat with an excited expression. He stood up and held Cheng Buyun's shoulders at the same time, and said happily, "I'm afraid this world tree will be a avatar by the noise you made before. The size is not so small. "

"Back to the teacher, it's not small, tens of millions of kilometers." Cheng Buyun concealed a little here, ready to let the Chaos teacher see for himself.

"Okay, quickly, quickly release the world tree avatar for the teacher to see." Chaos City Master immediately took Cheng Buyun to teleport.

At the next moment, two figures appeared on the platform on the top side of the Chaos Palace.

It is Chaos City Lord and Cheng Buyun.

Cheng Buyun felt the excitement of Chaos Teacher naturally.

Isn't Cheng Buyun himself excited? Almost one hundred million kilometers later, he can continue to grow a plant life avatar.

He naturally wanted to find someone to share.

The Lord of Chaos is undoubtedly the best person.

Waiting for the chaos master to speak, Cheng Buyun said: "Teacher, the world tree avatar is here."

A huge wave came, and the city chaos stared at the void in front of him without blinking, where a huge figure had appeared.

Emerald-like peculiar colors, green and powerful vitality surrounded by the void, huge trunk, huge tree crown.

Countless branches and leaves dancing.

The Lord of Chaos also sighed with emotion, "It's a really huge species, and there is the same kind of match-up, which is just a joke."

World Tree rarely leaves the tree island of Nine Nine Time and Space, and the Lord of Chaos has never seen it with his own eyes.

In the past, they all relied on some image data, as well as a long-term investigation of the strong human beings.

The ancestral mystery of the ancestral gods does not welcome any strong men above the great existence, and the Chaos City Master is also included.

"It is as high as 99.99 million kilometers, which is not a small tens of millions of kilometers. You kid has some reservations." After the sorrowful chaos master, I can see the actual height of the world tree avatar at a glance.

"Isn't it to be humble, and I want the teacher to see for myself." Cheng Buyun laughed.

The appearance of the world tree avatar was very calm, and nothing strange happened at all.

Nothing is falling apart, the space is collapsing, the colossal coercion, and so on.

The time and space controlled by the Lord of Chaos, plus the place covered by the treasure of the peak area of ​​Qianbao River, I want to think about what is falling apart.

That is impossible.

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