Plane Universe

Chapter 1956: tolerant

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A world tree is the avatar.

Such an encounter can be said to be the best.

none of them.

The Lord of Chaos was also emotional, his own disciple's blessing was profound.

Even such a baby can get it.

He was really curious, and wanted to ask Cheng Buyun what the **** he paid, and let the strongest world tree give him a seed of the world tree ... to condense his avatars.

However, he didn't want to embarrass Cheng Buyun.

Once opened, if it is Cheng Buyun's secret, will it be said or not?

Therefore, Cheng Buyun recently revealed more and more skills, and the chaotic city lord chose to ask.

He only needs to make sure that Cheng Buyun is his disciple and a member of the human race.

Other things are just minor details, not important.

Who can have no secrets!

If you want to say it, you will.

Forced not to come.

He suppressed the curiosity in his heart and turned to another question. He pointed to the world tree in the distance and quietly smiled, saying: "Your world tree is a little taller than the tree-level world tree It's nearly 40 million kilometers higher. "

According to the information obtained by human beings, the descendants of the strongest world tree, but it took a huge price to make the descendants of the eight world trees so powerful.

The chaotic city master is really puzzled about this. No matter how good the friendship is, the strongest world tree can not consume such a huge price, giving Cheng Buyun such an important bargaining chip.

Many things cannot be exchanged for wealth.

Moreover, the world tree is a bit uncontested, entrenched in the tree island all year round, as if nurtured every day.

Many times, the ancestral **** teaches some tasks, and the Lord of Nine Nethers is not assigned to the World Tree.

"Could you talk to the teacher about the details of the World Tree, other things, just don't say it." The Lord of Chaos turned his head and quietly looked at Cheng Buyun with a smile: "I'm a little curious about World Tree Intelligence."

"This is nothing to say." Cheng Buyun sincerely smiled: "The teacher wants to listen, I will talk about it."

The Lord of Chaos nodded slightly.

"The world tree, the life gene is 9999 times, it should be the top one in the universe." Cheng Buyun explained softly that the chaotic city master had no socket, but just listened quietly.

"Having the ability to split seeds, gestate some world tree seeds with a life gene multiple of no more than 100."

"At the same time, I have the talent to control space and time, but according to my understanding of this time, although I can control space and time, I cannot reverse it."

"Having a strong talent for practicing wood rules."

Cheng Buyun finally came to a summary and said: "In general, the world tree is very strong and should be the most special life in the universe."

"Or it can be said that at the same level, the world tree is the most invincible."

The Lord of Chaos could not help nodding. The natural beast **** has a life gene of less than 10,000 times. At the same time, his strength is also a fixed special life.

Since its birth, it has been the pinnacle of the universe, weaker than his current strength.

At that time, the eight natural beast gods were besieged, but countless powerful people were dispatched.

A feast!

"As for why the disciples could conceive this world tree into such details, please forgive the disciples for the time being." Cheng Buyun looked at the chaotic city lord, with a heavy apology on his face.

For the time being, time and space are his greatest secrets.

It is impossible to disclose.

In other words, it can never be revealed.

Other secrets, feel free.

"No need, the teacher didn't ask you to say anything about this." The owner of Chaos City patted him on the shoulder, and in turn comforted him: "Who can have no secrets, the teacher will not blame you for this, remember You can be a member of the human race, and the rest ... are all inconsequential, not important. "

In fact, this time, Chaos City Master also thought a lot. Cheng Buyun was able to independently breed a world tree at the same level as the strongest world tree, not letting him associate it.

After all, Cheng Buyun explained before, the seeds of the world tree split, the life genes are not more than one hundred.

Such a world tree grows up, it is estimated that the effect is not as good as a branch of the strongest world tree.

In this way, Cheng Buyun can succeed, then ...

The key point is ...

The law of the universe?

This is only possible.

The life of the entire primitive universe is conceived by the laws of the universe. With its help, any life can be easily conceived.

Before and after the contact, there must be something important to be done in the law of the universe.

The Lord of Chaos is not worried about any intrigues and tricks in the law of cosmic operation, because countless times of reincarnation have passed and I have never heard that the law of cosmic operation needs to control life.

The above-mentioned laws of the universe running disdain to do such a thing.

After all, there are some laws of cosmic operation that are means for any life to listen to it.

It is likely that his own child has already entered into a contract with the laws of the universe.

As for what is going on, leave it to time.

Everything will be clear in the future.

"Yes, teacher, thank you for your understanding." Cheng Buyun was grateful.

"You are so moved, you are crying." Lang Shuang, the Lord of Chaos, smiled and said, "You are my disciple, so naturally you need to think about you."

"That teacher said so ugly." Cheng Buyun also smiled. He knew the chaotic city lord, otherwise he would not have to worship under his door.

After laughing for a while, the Lord of Chaos sighed and said: "Just now you said that the secret of the world tree's talent can only control time and space but not reverse it."

"Yes." Cheng Buyun said with emphasis, "I have also used this world tree to perform this ability countless times, but I can't reverse time and space. The rules of the universe refused me to do this."

"It turns out that." The Lord of Chaos nodded. "It's no wonder that after so many years, the strongest world tree can't reach the Lord of the universe. This is the reason."

With the talent to control time and space, by sensing time and space, you can easily make the two laws come true.

But ... ca n’t reverse time and space, then the law of time is a weakness,

"Plant life, the perception is not too strong, but it is a pity." Chaotic City Lord looked a pity, and then smiled: "Fortunately, you are not the world tree, there will be no such concerns in the future."


Cheng Buyun's expression smiled proudly, "Small things, little things."

"Little thing? Genius?"

The Lord of Chaos turned his head to look at him and said: "Then you are a genius, let me see it!"

This is a bit embarrassing.

The breakthrough was mentioned by Chaos teacher long ago, but he has been perfunctory.

Verbally agreed that Chaos Teacher would consider a breakthrough, but in private, he did not take it seriously.

It is true to say that he has disobeyed his orders!

That is to say, the chaotic city master treated him for tolerance and changed his brothers. If he said this to the former, he didn't do it seriously in the end.

The punishment must be unavoidable.

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