Plane Universe

Chapter 1965: Learning of mysterious patterns

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Due to the choice of breakthrough, the soul has been restricted, and has been trapped by the laws of the universe's operation. The enlightenment of the laws can no longer proceed.

All that can be done is the development of laws, that is, the combination!

What Cheng Buyun said, the chaos city master naturally knows.

Cheng Buyun's so-called ability to break through is just relying on long-term accumulation, understanding the laws, and combining with entry, and then breaking through the cage.

This disciple is indeed evil.

The luck is great.

Can be described as suffering enough.

Sometimes too many encounters may not be a good thing.

Changed individuals, it is estimated that there will not even be a solution.

Breakthrough ... just a joke.

Changed the position of Chaos City Lord standing in Cheng Buyun, he did not dare to pat his chest and said that he will be able to break through in the future.

That time is too long.

It is so long that there is no one day to be sure, and your lifespan can certainly be supported to the point of breakthrough.

The life span of the owner is only ten million years.

A short time unit.

Even if the life genes are more than ten thousand, it is only one hundred billion years.

One hundred billion years thought the time span was long?

No, it's actually very short.

For the universe, it is really short.

The Lord of Chaos smiled faintly and said, "That's not the case. I have a way to enable you to quickly create the secret law of the Lord of the Universe, but you have to work hard."

Cheng Buyun looked doubtful.

"Did you forget the secret pattern?" Chaotic City Lord smiled: "I didn't guide you to learn the higher secret pattern before, because you haven't integrated the basics, but now you have created the ultimate secret method of the universe overlord Now, the basic secret pattern is more handy and easy to use, so ... I ’m here. "

"Yes, yes, I forgot that there is still a solution." Cheng Buyun was overjoyed, suddenly bursting with joy, and quickly bowed and thanked: "Thank you for the teacher's concern, for worrying about me."


The Lord of Chaos laughed and said: "You are my disciple. Of course, when you are in difficulty, the teacher can't sit and watch the excitement."

In fact, he did not say that if Cheng Buyun had been trapped in the world for millions of years, he could not bear such responsibility.

One of the strongest geniuses has been cultivated by you so that even immortal gods can't break through, trapped in the remnant breath of the main level.

At that time, he didn't even see anyone.


After unraveling Cheng Buyun's sentence, the chaotic city lord immediately entered the teaching mode.

"The study of the secret pattern, although you have learned it before, is not very systematic. Today I will explain it to you from the beginning." The look of the chaotic city master became serious.

Cheng Buyun also had a solemn face, listening to Teacher Chao's words, and not letting out a trace of a hero.

"There are many schools of mysterious patterns in the universe, which can be divided into two categories according to your understanding, the beast flow and the mood flow."

"And what I am studying is the artistic conception universe flow."

"And the mystery theory I taught you today is also a school of artistic conception."

"Of course, under the two major schools, there are also many small schools, such as the scenic stream, the mountain stream, the land stream, and even the weapon stream in the artistic conception stream, but they are just small trails, not to mention, it does not matter."

"Just like the Beast God universe genre, the other powerful beasts, the effect power is not as strong as the Beast God."

"The same is true for the school of artistic conception. The strongest artistic conception is the universe artistic conception."

"As long as you know one, any school is to create secret services."

"However, it is difficult for most people to learn the strongest secret pattern genre together."

"And you are genius enough, so learn directly from the universe school."

The Lord of Chaos first explained the difference between the mystery maps. The purpose is to point to a way. "Learning the mystery maps is all to form an independent micro universe and enhance its own secret power."

"If you want to form a perfect microcosm, you must have a deep understanding of the mysterious pattern."

"The main thing is to match the mysterious patterns together to form a more powerful microcosm."

"However, it is not always easy to form a microcosm simply."

"Pictures of mysterious patterns one after another are connected in series with each other. If it is impossible to do so, not only can it not form a micro universe, but it will probably collapse first during the series."

Cheng Buyun, who listened attentively, had no thought of other things at this time.

In the mysterious pattern school, Chaos City Master can only be regarded as proficient, but not as profound.

After all, the enlightenment of the secret pattern is a way to peep into the mystery of the universe's origin.

The primitive universe has no such capable person.

Two prerequisites, the gene of life is 10081 times, and it is bestowed by the law of the universe to attack the strongest secret talent. Secondly, there are occasions to watch the incarnation of the eight beast gods.

Enlighten from the secret pattern of the beast god.

Each of the two conditions is very difficult.

The threshold of 10081 times the life gene alone rejected all life.

Even the chaotic city lord, who is the next strongest in the universe, has less than 10,000 times the life gene today.

As for the level of the strongest in the universe, that is even more impossible, because the genes of life have been increased beyond the original universe, and the laws of the universe ’s operation will not be given.

The secret pattern is like a big new door opening, and Cheng Buyun learns so fascinatingly, forgetting why.

Even though the Chaos City Lord ’s enlightenment on this road is not strong, it is enough to teach Cheng Buyun.

Every hour, every moment, every day, Cheng Buyun's secret pattern knowledge is growing.

In particular, the high-level study of the secret pattern has opened his eyes.

More than a hundred years have passed.

Learning is coming to an end.

Secret pattern is a very magical thing.

As long as any secret tricks are correctly connected to the secret pattern, the power will rise.

The basic secret maps previously studied by Cheng Buyun are only for high-level secret map services.

The combination of 108 basic secret patterns can form a high-level secret pattern.

As long as it continues to be deduced, there are billions of combinations, which are endless.

very funny.

Especially in combination with the law, the prospects are extremely broad.

After studying the secret pattern, Cheng Buyun is almost a waste of sleep and sleep, leaving everything aside and studying intently.

As if enchanted.

One hundred years, two hundred years, three hundred years ...

A thousand years have passed, and finally, Cheng Buyun exhaled that day and said with satisfaction: "It's really wonderful and interesting. I can't think of the secret pattern as such an interesting thing."

His fingers are drawn in front of him, a cosmic pattern is formed, and countless basic secret patterns are arranged in a row. A silk thread is connected to each other at a key point in a secret pattern, forming a higher level secret pattern.

As if building a lifting machine, there is always a place where every component needs to come to it.


When Cheng Buyun's finger finally twitched, a microcosm appeared.

"Haha, that's good." Cheng Buyun looked at the micro universe formed in front of him and smiled arrogantly. "You can create a secret method comparable to the immortal level of the ultimate level. It's not in vain. "

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