Plane Universe

Chapter 1966: Back to earth

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Of course, being able to form a microcosm does not mean that Cheng Buyun is leaving the school.

He is just getting started.

Able to sketch a small part of the mysterious pattern.

It is far from mastery level.

There is no end to the path of enlightenment in the mysterious pattern.

Just the strongest in the universe, still working **** the road of the mysterious pattern.

If you want to understand the source and become the universe, what level is that?

Cheng Buyun finally succeeded in sketching out the microcosm, and the chaotic city master who paid attention to him was also pleased with a smile. He is worthy of being his most optimistic disciple. He has made such achievements on the road of the mysterious pattern for three thousand years.

Perception is not weak.


Luo Feng.

Thinking of another disciple, Chaotic City Lord's face also had some gloom.

I have been trapped in the depths of the Star Tower for more than 6000 years, but I haven't found a way out of it. It seems that this is a bit difficult.

In the depths of the Star Tower, he is as strong as he can't reach.

When Cheng Buyun was preparing to make persistent efforts to further study and understand the whole secret pattern knowledge, Xiaohong seized the opportunity and informed him of one thing, "Brother, Luo Feng is approaching the time of customs clearance. At the same time, my human territory is Over the past two thousand years, there have also been a lot of rumors. Words say that Luo Feng has fallen. Xu Xin has asked me about this matter countless times. "


Cheng Buyun suddenly realized that time had come to this point.

Then in his induction, the mail system also flashed red to remind that someone important sent mail.

The mail opened, it was Luo Feng.

In the content, Luo Feng recalled the brotherhood of the two, and finally explained the cause and effect of the matter, that is, he encountered a disaster and was likely to fall.

I hope to take care of his wife and children on his behalf, and wait to return to Xie Yunyun.

If it wasn't Cheng Buyun who knew the result, it would be shocking to see this email suddenly.

However, the content sent by Luo Feng really made him sigh.

Along the way, Luo Feng was really not easy.

But at this point in time, Luo Feng should not fall.

After considering for a while, Cheng Buyun did not reply to Luo Feng's e-mail, but whispered: "Let's go to see the teacher and confirm Luo Feng's life and death."

Thinking of this, he immediately teleported away and went to the top of Thunder Island.


After Cheng Buyun bowed in salute, he couldn't care about the others and quickly asked, "Does the teacher know the situation of Luo Feng?"

"I know that he is still alive, but he is trapped." Chaos City Lord heard Cheng Buyun coming for this, and sighed, "Luo Feng, he was trapped in a deep position in the Star Tower, I ca n’t get there, I have to wait. "

Hearing that Luo Feng was still alive, Cheng Buyun was naturally relieved.

With a sigh of relief, the Lord of Chaos also seemed a little skeptical, did the disciple know anything.

But he did not ask.

Some things can't be asked directly.

The two masters and disciples are very tacit!


Inside the Palace of Time and Space.

Catherine looked directly at the void, and the kingdom of God sent a beam of light to illuminate it. She carried Xiaohong and stepped into it.


The two have disappeared in front of their eyes.

Without much assurance, Cheng Buyun would not even send it back to Earth even if he was just a doppelganger.

Sometimes arrogance is also limited.

The earth is the most important place, he will not take risks.

Initiating the teleportation of the Kingdom of God in the Qianbao River territory, it does not pry into the location of the Kingdom of God.

All fluctuations were covered by the supreme power of the chaotic city lord.


After Xiaohong came back again, Xu Xin, who was notified, was excited and looking forward, and also had intense fear.

Very afraid to tell bad news from Cheng Buyun's mouth.

The family gathered, and after greetings.

Luo Feng's mother couldn't bear it first, pulling the wrist formed by Cheng Buyun's energy, the sound was trembling, and his face was pale as snow, and trembling said: "Little ... Xiaoyun, you said ... Xiaofeng ... … "

Later, she dared not look straight at her and could not speak any more.

"Uncle Yun."

The brothers Luo Hai and Luo Ping even had tears in their eyes, and one face was full of sorrow.

Although King Zhenyan had asked the city chaos before and brought back a positive answer, their father Luo Feng was still alive.


No one lives, no dead, no dead!

They are worried and scared.



"Brother Yun, I'm so worried, Feng, what's wrong with him now? Although the Lord of Chaos said he is still alive, it's just ..." Xu Xin was also worried, and his face was very haggard. The whole person seemed to be gone. A little glory.

Cheng Buyun quickly said: "Temporary difficulties, don't worry too much. I believe that Yifeng's talents can definitely overcome that little difficulty. You have to support him, rest assured!"

"But ..." Xu Xin was still not at ease, always felt a voice in her heart telling her that Luo Feng was really in trouble, otherwise the email would not be so decisive.

"He is still alive, and I am very sure of this." Cheng Buyun said eloquently: "Ah Feng took the teacher's token, through which the teacher can determine his life and death. If Ah Feng fell, that token It will become a state of no recognition, and the teacher will immediately sense it. "

"So rest assured, it's just temporary difficulty, it's not big!" Cheng Buyunlang said with a smile: "I guess Luo Feng is understanding the secret method or something. The secret method needs to be quiet, and my heart is not distracted, just like my time, if It ’s not that Xiaohong notified me during my break today, I still do n’t know about it. "

After Cheng Buyun's comforting explanation, everyone barely let go of that worry.

The Luo Feng accident had a great influence on the Luo family.

But they are all internal problems.

After all, Luo Feng is the pillar of the Luo family.

External problems are not big.

Cheng Buyun is still here.

Who dares to bully the Luo family?

Do not die.

And the vanguard is not vegetarian.

No matter the foreigners on earth or the entire witch universe, no one dared to bully the Luo family.

To bully the Luo family is to beat Bu Yun's face and offend Cheng Buyun. That is to joke about his own future.

Cheng Buyun, this man is cruel, extremely cruel.

So what intercepts the king and sings the tears of the iron window in the ninth star field prison!


Rarely taking the time to come back to the earth, Cheng Buyun will inevitably accompany the four wives for some time.

Even if it is just an energy avatar formed by the power of the world.

Even if just face to face, or snuggle with each other, say a few words, the result is good.

After staying on Earth for a while, Xiaohong left.

Relying on the teleportation of Catherine's Divine Realm, in a remote place outside the solar system, she swam back to the original secret realm.

Very convenient!

As for the message outside, Cheng Buyun has no good way to deal with it.

If you open your mouth on others, you can't always forcibly prohibit others from talking about it, let alone this can't be done by Bu Yun, even if the chaotic city lord can't do it.

It's not a taboo.

If you want to break up such remarks, it is also simple, Luo Feng can appear.

The rumors will dissipate in no time, and no one will talk about it.

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